Thursday, September 26, 2019

Portion control/ Finding balance-Slimming Journal day 22
This post I dedicate to anyone who is not quite sure how balanced meal in optimal eating can look.(Special request from someone who is overwhelmed with counting calories or carbs😉) We’re all individuals with different needs but for healthy adults the range of different foods we need is pretty much the same for all of us. However, the amount of food we need, varies from person to person. Quantity of the foods you can eat really depend on your daily activities, current weight, age and height.


Photo from: Calculating your daily calorie needs based on your personal data will give you a better picture of how much food you should be eating. Reading food labels also increases awareness of proper portions. Allow more time for shopping though 😉 Knowing recommended serving sizes for commonly eaten foods can help you moderate your intake. For everyone who doesn’t want to count calories straight away it will be good start using your own hand for estimating your portions. For optimal health every meal need to have: 👉Starchy carbs: Beans, lentils, pasta,rice, potatoes 👉 Protein: meat, fish, tofu 👉 Non starchy vegetables 👉 Fats: From meat and other ingredients like sauces, cheese or tiny amounts for frying or dressing Usually we need to start with recommended portions like on this👇👇picture and than adjust it ,according to your needs.


Image from: Male version of that breakdown should show doubled amount of each food group.


Photo from: Hungry after meal? Add more veg ,protein and tiny bit of fat next time? To full? Cook less of each food group next time. I am showing my portions right under each picture👇


Here are my egg noodles ( don’t copy me and use brown- whole grains 😉)You can tell my portion is slightly larger. I am on my feet all day and exercise regularly.


Now adding protein. I need more than recommended because again, I am exercising and need more for better recovery,muscle protection and to feel satisfied after meal.


150g is the maximum amount of protein per meal for me and it doesn’t happen very often. Starting point for everyone is around 100g or 3oz.


When I need to cook chicken, that’s how I measure about 150g.


To compare, How 20g less looks like. This is normally what I need for each meal. Now let’s move to veg.


This is full American cup of vegetables-2 out of 5 minimum recommended portions for the day.


If you don’t have American measuring cups. Use about 3/4 of normal size mug.


All happy together😁


Chicken version with cooked Penang curry sauce. Where are my fats? They are “hidden” in my reduced fat coconut milk and 2 tsp of peanut butter added to my sauce at the end of cooking ( sorry, I forgot to take picture 😬)+ tiny bit from Penang curry paste bought from supermarket. If I would fry chicken in oil, I would be well above my recommended intake which would stop me from reaching my goal!


Ready to eat or freeze for another day. I eat 2 or 3 of similar meals a day ( depends how hungry I am) + breakfast and snacks. If I don’t cook with fats I will fill this gap with healthy fats from olives , avocados or nuts. I Hope it helps someone to start❤️
Originally posted here:

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