Thursday, September 26, 2019

What you need to have good hair and nails

The first victims of a diet for weight loss are always hair and nails. Many people have literally whole collections of lotions, creams to keep their hair and nails healthy. Most of them, of course, are completely unnecessary, since almost everything necessary for healthy nails and hair can be achieved using a well-balanced diet. Like all other parts of our body, hair and nails become beautiful when we eat healthy foods. If there are malnutrition or lack of certain proteins, minerals and vitamins, no cosmetics will give them a healthy look. Nail & Hair Health Products Hair and nails are considered “dead” tissues, and therefore they receive nutrients last. This is very bad for beauty - the nails become not only brittle and thin, but also curved. Hair begins to lose its shine and often begins to fall out when iron deficiency. Sources of this substance are such products: red meat, fish (preferably red), spinach, peas, cereals and beans, dried fruits and eggs. You should know that iron from red meat and fish is absorbed by the body more easily than from plant foods. Consumption of vitamin C speeds up the absorption of iron from plant foods, so if you do not eat meat, it is important to look for foods with vitamin C - citrus fruits and juices, blueberries, lettuce, tomatoes. A common mistake is that white spots on the nails are caused by calcium deficiency, but this is rarely the cause. In the most common case, they are caused by mechanical damage, but a lack of zinc can also be the cause of this effect. Zinc is an immunostimulating mineral found in chicken, seafood, eggs, cheese, nuts and seeds. Its low level is also noticeable on hair that becomes brittle, dry, falls out in huge quantities, especially when not trimmed. This is often associated with other factors that cause dandruff. Biotin, a compound of the Vitamin B group, can be found in nuts, fish, and beef liver. Besides the fact that a sufficient amount of biotin in the body will make the nails healthy, the substance prevents the appearance of gray hair, even in old age. Sulfur is known in the cosmetic environment as a “mineral of beauty." It is found in foods such as eggs, meat, fish and nuts, and helps balance the body's acids. Lack of sulfur leads to nail problems and a tendency to nail infections. However, the most important element of beauty is water - if the body is dehydrated, then a small amount of water is redirected to important organs. Especially on hot days, you should drink at least 3 liters of water per day and eat fresh, juicy fruits and vegetables. Proper, balanced nutrition with sufficient inclusion in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and nuts will keep your hair and nails in good condition.
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