Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lifestyle : How to keep our teeth clean
Everyone likes a clean face and the main attraction of humans are clean and healthy, teeth. The beauty is not only the eyes and your lips but also pearl teeth and smile. In order to keep the face and smile fresh, everyone needs to know about that.



There are problems in how they can be solved, as well as their solution, all of them and other than this, there should be many more health. ##### Why do teeth get bad If there is an attack of acid on the teeth, then the upper that is the enamel together with it starts to be removed. After this, the second full that is the dentin also starts to be removed. The vein means pulp can come in contact with acid. Treatment of root canal is required. ##### What are the signs of disease While consuming hot things sometimes we feel pain or sensitivity in our teeth it is one of the main sign of disease. ##### What causes damage Chewing teeth are worn out. Due to the fact that teeth can break. Wrong habits, such as not cleaning properly after eating sugary causes damage to teeth. Not doing or adopting the right way of brushing is also a loss of teeth. Diseases related to health, such as diabetes, dry mouth, taking many medicines, etc. also cause damage to teeth. ##### How to prevent or stop these disease Every 6 teeth should be examined by a BDS or MDS doctor. Should be brushed after having dinner. The way of doing should be right, for this information can be taken from the doctor. If they are spoiled, then they should get them filled soon. Intake of excess acid, cola and sweet food should be reduced in the substance. Etc. should be used inter dental in the event of dropping out or after surgery etc. ##### Treatment of root canal In the treatment of canal, the veins are removed and the canal is removed, then the canal is inactivated and it is left. It is like being satisfied that the tooth has been completely devoid of teeth and is around it, it is the cap of the tooth. Antibiotics and analgesics may be needed.



Treatment of canal is completed in about 1 to 5 sittings. By looking at the position of the teeth, only the dentist can tell the doctor. ##### How long will the teeth treated by root canal last? Teeth treated by root canal on teeth can last up to 8-10 years. If there is any problem in the teeth, then you can cap the root canal after capping and apply the cap. It does not harm the teeth. ##### What is teeth bleaching Clear teeth are a way to make them clean, white and shiny. People's teeth are yellow or those like yellow brown, for them this method is quite beneficial. Are those who have come from drinking soft drinks or tobacco or are they from drugs? ##### How is bleaching done There are 3 methods of K - In office bleaching, home bleaching and whitening toothpaste. ###### In office Bleaching : This is a one-hour process. In this, the bleaching material is applied to the front of the teeth. To deepen and hasten the effect of bleaching laser bleaching is used. The process takes 20 minutes. After doing this, the effect is visible. It may be itchy gums for some time. ###### Home Bleaching: In this, the dentist gives a tray in which 10 - 12 percent carbamide peroxide is used. It is used for 7 to 14 days. It costs less. Due to not being under the supervision of a doctor, this can cause problems. ###### Toothpaste whitening : These have a slight effect for some time. Have used these toothpaste after bleach, so that the teeth can be kept white and shiny. ##### Color can be spoiled in 2 ways- In general, such as the consumption of saffron in coffee, tea, wine or food. In general, such as excess fluoride in water, more antibiotics such as tracycline, injury to teeth (if there is damage to the vein), heredity that affects the enamel. Change of color can also be related to age. ##### What to do for treatment It is possible that the teeth can be cleaned. Get the treatment of bad teeth done by a dentist. If required, then the tooth is 0.5-1.5 of tooth enamel the layer can be removed and porcelain vinyl or veneer is applied. ##### Which is better Porcelain or Composite Veneer In the veneer, the teeth have less wear, The color of the Veneer does not change quickly and it lasts longer. It is expensive and the teeth have to be more rubbed. But I think it is better than porcelain. However, it is important to keep a person of old age with teeth which he should clean morning and night. If you want, then you should adopt this habit from childhood. ***
*Thanks for being with me, Have a nice day.*

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