Thursday, September 19, 2019

I Think I Finally Solved My Mold Problem...

For those that are not aware, ever since I moved into my new apartment in Taipei, I have been having some kind of allergic reaction. After cleaning the apartment of dust I concluded that the only thing left is mold. This is inside the A/C unit. Absolutely disgusting. Filled with dust and mold. Previously, I posted about the mold in my shower room that I cleaned.

But I was still feeling allergic to something. A few days after I cleaned my shower room, my A/C unit started leaking water.

I told my landlord about it and she made an appointment for the A/C repairman to come. Once he took the cover off, we found all this dust and mold inside. So basically the toxins may be coming from here and dispersed around my apartment.

The repairman should be coming within the next few days to clean this mofo out. And if that isnt the solution to the problem, the only suspect left is this water damaged floor in front of the shower room.

The floor got water damaged and collapsed. Apprently it was left like this for a while. So I am guessing that mold has also grown on the wood here and is another source of toxicity. A wooden platform was placed over the hole to prevent stepping on it/falling in. The worker came in on the same day as the A/C guy but he has to figure out how to repair this properly. This shit is horrible but at least we are finding potential causes. I really hope I can stay healthy and not suffer any long term health effects. How the previous tenant lived with all this is beyond me. Posted using [Partiko Android](
Originally posted here:

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