Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to avoid junk foods and improve your digestion
Hello friends, Today most people are suffering from stress. Especially this disease is seen among the working people living in the urban area. For this,not only the fast pace lifestyle of the people is responsible, but the food consumed is also a major reason. [Source](
Now a days the tendency of people to eat junk food is more. In urban areas, people do not have the regularity to eat food, due to which they have to move towards junk food even if they do not want to. In a recent study, it was revealed that one of the main reasons for stress is due to excessive intake of junk food. Apart from this, it was also revealed in the study that the consumption of sugar in high amounts increases the risk of people having bipolar disorder. The experts involved in the study say that people should take care what effect the diet is having on mental health. To be mentally healthy, it is necessary to have a healthy diet. Experts believe that more research is yet to be done in this area, but if the results of earlier research are considered, then junk food increases the risk of depression. Today's deformed lifestyle, pollution, adulterated food has reduced the digestive power of human beings. (
As a result, flatulence, vomiting or nausea, sour belching, burning sensation in the throat, constipation are symptoms of weak digestion power. ## Causes of disturbed digestive system - * Eating without feeling hungry. * Eating incorrectly. * Strong chili - use of spices. * Use of narcotics. * Irregular eating. * Consuming less water. * Sleep immediately after meals. * Stomach worms. * Consuming drinks like tea, coffee, cold drinks etc., fine flour foods Digestion difficulties - stomach pain, gas, chronic constipation or indigestion - very often occur in those of us who work hard. Dry food right in the office, stress seizing, skipped breakfast, and midnight meals are common workaholic companions. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to constant tension, stress, irregular nutrition. With the slightest disturbance in intestinal motility, we usually reach for drugs, but this is only a temporary solution to the problem. Frequent intake of drugs is addictive and forces you to increase the dose each time to achieve a result. ## How to Improve
1. Every morning (on an empty stomach) drink a glass of warm water - it will wake the body and "start" the digestion process. Drink as much water as possible during the day. Water can be replaced with fruit and berry fees, mint tea. But black and green tea, like coffee, should not be drunk in case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. They dehydrate the body and therefore complicate the situation. [Source](
2. Apricots, strawberries, eggplant, spinach, lettuce, corn, beets and pumpkin, cereals are rich in fiber.Fiber stimulates the intestines, helping digestion, and is involved in the process of cleansing the body. It is important to keep this in mind when choosing dishes for lunch and dinner. And be prepared for the fact that you will have to refuse spicy, salty and fast food, as well as too hot and too cold food - such food complicates the digestion. Try to choose a diet and eat in small portions several times a day. If you have abdominal pains or are concerned about frequent digestive disorders, temporarily discard raw fruits and vegetables, replace them with heat-treated ones. But do not get carried away with boiled foods and steamed - the body runs the risk of relaxing, and after the first fresh green apple everything will return to normal again. [Source](
3. For many of us, even at lunch time, it’s hard to forget about business and set aside a smartphone. In a hurry, absorbing lunch and looking at the Facebook feed, we simply do not notice what, how much and how we eat. This leads to serious digestive problems - it is difficult for the body to digest semi-chewed food. Therefore, it is so important to learn while eating to focus only on food. Feel her taste and have fun. Eat slowly, and chew each piece of food about thirty times - this may seem strange, but this way the body feels full faster, and food is better digested and absorbed. 4. You can stimulate digestion with an exercise that is easy to perform while lying in bed. In the morning, immediately after waking up, lie down on your back and bend your knees. Take a deep breath through your stomach and then exhale as slowly as you can. On inspiration, the diaphragm shifts, causing pressure on the internal organs, especially on the intestines, thereby stimulating their activity. Do not forget about yoga - stretch marks and asanas that you will do in the classroom will relax you and normalize the digestive tract. ***
## @orion7
Originally posted here:

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