Saturday, September 7, 2019

Home cooking methods # 4: Cooking.


Cooking is one of the most traditional ways of cooking. In this way, soups, compotes, vegetables, fruits, fish, meat are boiled. This method is an intermediary in the preservation of fruits, vegetables and canned meat. Today, there are several varieties of this method: the traditional method, quick cooking, cold cooking, languor and steaming. The traditional way. It is used in everyday life for the preparation of the first and many second courses. For cooking, it is necessary to immerse previously prepared foods (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or meat) in cold or hot water. The remaining components of the selected dish are added during cooking, depending on the time required for its preparation. It is believed that in the case of cooking the first dishes and the stewed fruit, it is better to submerge the necessary food in cold water (all the vitamins will remain in the broth), to boil the second dishes of vegetables and cereals, the water that boils is best. It is believed that in this case a greater amount of vitamins will remain in the products themselves. It is usually cooked by cooking over medium heat. It is important that the boiled product be covered with a small volume of water to maintain the maximum amount of nutrients. So, to boil poultry, it is necessary to pour cold water, which will cover the bird only in 0.5 centimeters, 1 centimeter is needed for the meat. In this case, do not forget to remove the foam when it boils. Quick cooking The method of cooking with the help of pressure cookers became widespread. This method is often used to cook meat, vegetables and also fish and homemade canned meat. Thanks to the autoclave effect, the cooking time of several dishes in pressure cookers is significantly reduced, and the bones found in meat and fish become edible. Cold cooking Cold water is used as a conductor for such cooking. Because of this, the maximum amount of vitamins is stored in food. Steam cooking. It is considered the most useful way of cooking. In this way, vegetables, dough and cottage cheese, meat dishes are prepared. For example, we all know steak chops and meatballs. Steaming is also good because products prepared in this way have a mild effect on the stomach. **Useful properties of boiled food.** These methods are very useful for almost everyone. Those who wish to gain the ideal weight are recommended to eat vegetarian soup for dinner, and it is better if it is their famous onion soup. The liquid creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach without overloading the digestive tract at night. In addition, especially if the first course is vegetarian and not fatty, the metabolism is stimulated. The first dishes are shown to all for the prevention of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, and are also necessary to maintain an optimal water balance in the body. Boiled dishes are indicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, allergies, dysbiosis, are prescribed for weakened people after the disease and are included in the daily diet of healthy lifestyle adherents. In addition, soups, cereals and boiled lean meat form the basis of dietary foods, which are absolutely necessary for everyone who values health. This is due to the fact that when we eat with a dry mouth, our stomach is exposed to a high concentration of gastric juice, and the consumption of various soups and broths significantly reduces the risk of stomach ulcers.

Originally posted here:

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