Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A healthy Lifestyle begins with moving around your Body! Have an active 2020!



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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/appics/@peter2017/appics-v1-appics-im-70403

Shape of Your Heart and Life

https://i.ibb.co/f96s7bf/heart-leaf.jpg Science brings us closer to understanding the environment and ourselves. Breaking down biology has been a long time focus that has served many fields of human related sciences. The fitness industry has boomed over the last few decades and has become an integral part of culture across the world. We have been aware of how unhealthy a society that locks people into a sedentary lifestyle can be and emerging research reaffirms this with various studies. No matter the state of the body, a healthy circulatory system is essential for all activities in life. Genetics, lifestyle and other factors will influence performance but how much thought do we really put into our choice of daily activities? Aesthetic appearances are not an indication of overall health and focus of what is happening internally is of utmost importance. https://i.ibb.co/5FpgjWF/evolution.jpg // Hearts of Man and Ape // Cardiovascular health has great reliance on its driving engine, the heart. Training the heart will see great benefit in performance but type of training and general lifestyle will dictate the forms of optimisations the body will realise over time. Researchers dived into the matter of whether activity type would impact the development of the heart with the intent to understand features that come about to accommodate certain activity types. As an extension of this venture, adult chimps were also used in the study to explore the possibility of commonality between humans and inked activity profiles. Chimps are regarded as generally inactive but expel bursts of energy when engaging in daily activities. General foraging, fighting and climbing activities were deemed as a typical activity profile for the animal. // Thick and Thin // When movement requires surge like movement of blood in the body, the heart needs to be adjusted for such functions to supply enough blood in a limited time frame. Ultrasound technology allows non-intrusive imagery of internal organs and allows for a swift exploration of heart development. Hearts of adult chimps were generally observed to feature smaller chambers with thick walls so cope with rapid supply of blood around the body. Visual representation on the following graphics reveals the shapes of various case studies. Those requiring bursts of blood due to activity requirement possessed rounded shapes and thickened walls. Sedentary lifestyles resulted in a similar thickening as did the hearts of those who required explosive movements such as line-backers. This doesn’t mean that those living a sedentary lifestyle would perform well at explosive movements, the stress profile on general activities would be similar. https://i.ibb.co/Gnb1yyQ/results-1.jpg https://i.ibb.co/0rxCh5J/results-2.jpg // Hearts Moulded by Society // Modern society has thus shaped our hearts to some extent with literal meaning as some lines of professions and lifestyles are built around sedentary activities. Hours in the office at a computer, driving around or similar without sustained cardiovascular training potentially leads to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. For those excelling in strength training, regular supplementary endurance training would be beneficial long-term health, perhaps even as a transitional focus of training. Technology and scientific understanding allows us to see what we look like inside and the steps to maintaining a healthy ‘looking heart’ lie in the way of routine moderately intense exercise. Reshaping a heart is very possible and a healthy makeover inside might be one for life. So look and live healthy Steemians, we are beautiful both inside and out! Sources https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2019/09/10/1906902116 https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/09/running-or-sitting-can-change-shape-your-heart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circulatory_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitness_culture
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/science/@higgs/shape-of-your-heart-and-life

The First Natural Wisdom Challenge of 2020: Win 100 Steem & LOTUS Tokens!

**It's a new decade, dear natural medicine folk! Time to set goals for the year and put them in writing - it's well known that writing your resolutions down makes you more likely to commit. This week we're asking what your health goals might be. Is it to finally give up smoking? To learn a new skill such as explore the meridians in TCM? To do a no sugar challenge? To finally make a tincture?** As usual, the sky's the limit - we simply want you to explore a goal and tell us why you're keen to do it.


Get Paid for your Writing

When you post on www.naturalmedicine.io, you earn instant LOTUS rewards for doing so. We'll also upvote relevant entries and resteem them to our two main accounts - @naturalmedicine, which upvotes mainly in steem, our whale account @uplotus, and our new dolphin account @lotusup, which will also upvote good content with LOTUS. ### Challenge Rules - Burn 100 LOTUS to @null. This helps support the ecosystem. If you can't afford 100 LOTUS, get in touch - someone will burn it for you. - Only entries posted from www.naturalmedicine.io will be accepted - Only original content accepted - Posts must be over 500 words & be English only - Resteem this post. We will also *ONLY* be offering the 100 Steem IF we get over 10 entries. We can only offer such winnings *if* people join in, so if you're thinking of sitting out this time, consider the great whole to which YOU contribute! We're all in this together. ### Tips We suggest giving a little background about *why* you're setting these goals, and some solid research into the benefits of the practice or habit that led you to make this goal. We'll preference entries that are well formatted with original photos. ### Some Extra Incentives We'll be rewarding EVERY entry with a small amount of LOTUS as a token of love. We'll also share the best ones on TWITTER & FACEBOOK, getting you seen even more! https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/naturalmedicine/EQPayw0L-divider20bw.fw.png

Earn Instantly For Writing Good Natural Health Content

**If you would like to earn LOTUS and STEEM rewards for sharing your natural health content on www.naturalmedicine.io, you can sign up for an free `FREE` account by emailing welcome@naturalmedicine.io. Read more about us on our [Welcome Page](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/welcome). We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.**




[Twitter](https://twitter.com/Lotus_Medicine) ##### We need YOU! Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. The minimum entry for membership is 20SP (free for members under 150SP), and helps give YOU upvotes, contests, meditation sessions, an awesome [discord support group](https://discord.gg/XfNWZXe), and so much more! [50SP](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&delegatee=@naturalmedicine&vesting_shares=50%20SP)II[100SP](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&delegatee=@naturalmedicine&vesting_shares=100%20SP)II[200](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&delegatee=@naturalmedicine&vesting_shares=200%20SP)II[300SP](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&delegatee=@naturalmedicine&vesting_shares=300%20SP)II[500SP](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&delegatee=@naturalmedicine&vesting_shares=500%20SP)II[1000SP](https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=&delegatee=@naturalmedicine&vesting_shares=1000%20SP)


Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/the-first-natural-wisdom-challenge-of-2020-win-100-steem-and-lotus-tokens

Countless memories 🙏 it's 2020 be happy and healthy 💞💗



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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/appics/@kristiiana/appics-v1-appics-im-70156

Current Mission Of The Best Doctor In The World.

I have heard about healthy and active young people, 18 to 30 years old, suddenly passing away by 'unknown causes' or heart attacks. Some healthy athletes and even professionals in the health care industry are also dying way to early. https://youtu.be/X347SbfMuHw Dr Joel D Wallach (BS, DVM, ND) relates nutritional deficiency's with virtually every disease in our modern day. Similar to Scurvy and vitamin C deficiency. Most of these young healthy people who are dying are lacking nutrients not readily available in our foods; You've probably heard about our farming soils and plants becoming more and more nutritionally deficient? Because we do not put what is needed back into the soil. They have known about this issue since 1936, see U.S Senate Document #264. In the old days, they would put the wood ash, compost and other things on they're garden, completing the sweet circle of life. Today we add primarily 'NPK' to stimulate grow and size. After 50 years of Dr Wallach studying the relationship between deficiency's and disease he founded a company in 1997 to share what he found. https://youtu.be/rGqlRJpl4Ng He has surprising (extremely surprising) results with Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer, Cancer, Crones, Asthma and much more. Many are saying, 'Give the body what it needs and it heals itself' and having really good results, but other ND's like Dr Peter Glidden are having drastically improved results with Dr Wallach's methods of applying nutrition. Looking into the career and biography we can begin to see Dr Wallach almost as a superstar. His 90 essential nutrients, the '90 for life', 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and a blend of essential fatty acids has what our soils, plants and everyone is lacking. Its unique primarily due to the minerals being plant derived, water soluble, extremely bio available. Plus, it actually works for people. More and more professionals are seeing the absolute necessity to supplement. This is not some type of gimmick but a practical solution until we replenish our soils and foods. Kobyn Schlichter, Independent Youngevity Distributor, I.D: 102325208 masshealsofficial@gmail.com https://www.final90.weebly.com Try it risk free - return your empty container within 30 days for a refund, or within 90 days for in-store credit. Once you experience the benefits and become familiar with the mission, contact me to learn about becoming a distributor. https://d.tube/v/paywithlawv/s0y37mivpld
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/liberty/@paywithlawv/current-mission-of-the-best-doctor-in-the-world

Buffalo shrimp lettuce wraps

Image result for buffalo shrimp lettuce wraps
*[Source](https://www.delish.com/cooking/a26331032/buffalo-shrimp-lettuce-wraps-recipe/)* Going to head to one of the local breweries later today with a friend. They're known for their beer but I'm not in the mood so I'll be focusing on the menu. I already pulled the website up on my phone and took a glance. I have been doing that more these days rather than walking in and winging it. What caught my attention as the buffalo shrimp lettuce wraps. I love buffalo chicken and the sauce that's always served with it so when I saw a healthy version on the menu I immediately took notice. I imagine the lettuce wraps offset the spice a bit. The crumbled feta cheese looks awesome as well, the perfect combination of crunch and softness. The perfect texture. Maybe a side of avocado or tomato, maybe even a dash of lemon, salt and pepper. Can't wait.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/food/@treyball/buffalo-shrimp-lettuce-wraps

My 2019: Achievements and Failures - The Best and The Worst of 2019

Hey there... Saw there was a Blocktrades contest about this topic like two weeks ago but I didn't check the deadline to submit. Boom! Of course by the time I was about to write again, I checked and saw the submission time was over. Haha. Heck I was going to write one anyway. Planned to write this next month too but since I've started the draft, might as well finish it. After all I only have 150 posts on here this year as opposed to 400+ last year. Whoa. I was very active here before because the Steem value was higher and I was also on a sort of hiatus from working. (I will never do the same [double job](https://steemit.com/writing/@artgirl/my-first-time-working-two-jobs-ever-and-more-my-niche-contest-entry) I did in 2017 ever again. It's just not worth it to be that tired and caused me to rest almost an entire year. Whew.) Anyway I love the topic of achievements and failures. Without failures we can never learn from our mistakes and become successful at doing anything. That's the hardest way to learn anything, doing something by experience. Without the hardships and the negative things we go through, we can never fully appreciate the good. So here I am sharing the best and worst moments of my 2019. But wait, you can read what happened in my life last year too, [read it here](https://steemit.com/my2018/@artgirl/my-2018-achievements-and-failures-all-the-best-new-things-i-experienced-this-year). Now without further ado, let me share with you my best and worst moments in 2019. 😄

# January 2019 ### * I Sobbed From Working Too Hard Ouch. Not a good way to start the year and this post eh? 😅 Well I never thought I'd cry over how difficult a real estate career is. Man I did cry once in my BPO work days out of frustration and anger towards a customer but this was on a different level. In January, I felt like I was working too hard and not getting anywhere. I was doing everything, more than I ever did before, and still people didn't think I was enough. Wtf kind of life was I living? Bla bla bla. 😂 Of course it's all because I wasn't getting any sale and my manager was suddenly [being negative at the time](https://steemit.com/life/@artgirl/when-someone-keeps-focusing-on-the-wrong-things-you-ve-done-or-how-to-deal-with-negative-people-4484d7527aa56). The change in management brought about more stress and was too negative. It started to not be a good place to work in anymore especially when I don't thrive in negativity. [#Ktnxbye](https://steemit.com/life/@artgirl/lies-and-deceit-when-everyone-is-dishonest-you-re-fcked)
### * Finally Able to Bring In Guests to Open Houses 🎉 When I was starting out in real estate, I was never able to bring more than 1 guest to any open house. Suddenly, during this month I had three guests for one open house and 1 more for the next one! Whoa! God is so good!


How and why? Because I was able to get myself squeezed in to an event and talk in front of a lot of people. It was my first time to speak to a large crowd of professionals, and damn my nerves made me forget some of the details. Huhu. How embarrassing/humiliating. I failed to make an impression to qualified people but still I was able to invite some of them to the open house. I haven't written about it but I did write about how [hard it is to be successful](https://steemit.com/life/@artgirl/becoming-successful-is-not-easy). 😅 This career really is a tough and character building job. Whew.

# February 2019 ### * I Got Harassed by a Dirty Old Grandpa Well it's the first time it ever happened to me, at the moment I least expected it to happen. There I was in the middle of the street, looking for people to give my property flyers to. We were doing a street by street thing at the time, dropping flyers in mailboxes and talking to people we meet. When it was time to go back and meet with the whole group, I saw this kindly looking old man walking by. I imagine he might be a nice grandpa to his grandkids and so I walked over and said hello, gave him my flyer and chatted with him a bit. Then he started baiting me, then slowly he indirectly asked the indecent questions and built on from there. Imagine it's your grandpa or maybe his friend telling you, you should be this and do that and if you do, you'll be this or that. Oh my god. Here you are, respectful of old people and this old and kind looking man is just going on and on decimating you verbally. Fck, I stood there in shock, arguing w/ myself if I should be rude to an old person and stop being a nice person. But no, I was rooted in place and listened to his verbal abuse like I was a little kid. Damn. Good thing my guy colleague was there and kinda saw what was happening. Probably was wondering why I was still talking to the guy. 😣


Yeah I have a pic of the sick geezer. He'll get his karma soon enough.

I have never encountered any rude and dirty old man like him until that day. Nobody does that to me, I never allow guys to disrespect me but that old man whom I thought should be respected just gave me sht. Wow. That encounter really hit me hard. I'm never ever going to exchange my body for money, not even my soul, so help me God. My body and soul is not for sale. I was pissed for hours even until a few days after whenever they tried to tease me about what happened. My manager and other male teammates thought I was being naive and all virgin-like in my behavior. Oh really!?! I wanted to tell them they were all pigs and all that sht but they didn't dare tell me anything that would make me do so. I was seething everytime they told me to call the old man or do my job. No way I was gonna subject myself to that again and not hit back. You think he did it to me and wouldn't do it to others?! Hah! Sorry but he did it to another female team member too. Well guess what, not even my already married female colleague could handle the old man. She also found him offensive and disgusting. I've never felt happy to be vindicated. Pffft. The guys in our team already offered a prostitute for the old man but he said, "Don't get me wrong," bla bla bla. Bah, I figured we were just getting insulted/ridiculed for doing our job. If he didn't want to buy anything it's easy to just shoo us away, but no, seemed like he toyed with us instead. 🤢 🤮 So hey, that shocking moment won't happen again. I'm still not going to expect the worst out of anyone I meet. Getting shocked by bad behavior happens once in a blue moon anyway. Perhaps that's my troll of the year, [unlike the online one from last year](https://steemit.com/zappl/@artgirl/i-suspect-the-plagiarizer-is-the-one-harassing-me-on-the-other-site). 🤷

# March 2019 ### * Went to La Mesa Ecopark!


Well what do you expect, I was cracking under pressure from working too hard so I went traveling to a place I had always thought of visiting. I read La Mesa Ecopark had a salt water pool. Closest thing to the beach so off I went. Didn't make it in time though so I just walked around. Haha. [Read all about it here.](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/take-a-break-and-enjoy-nature-at-la-mesa-ecopark-a3071b90a2e97)

# April 2019 ### * I received 1,000 Steem Delegation Well now, it's not everyday I win a delegation. Definitely one of the highlights of being here on Steemit. All I did was upvote quality posts under the Philippines tag. Boy there weren't a lot of quality posts though. [Read about my curating experience here.](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/ulog-artgirl-04-18-19-on-curating-philippines-tag-and-other-stuff)
### * I got BALD Yes, you read that right! Went bald on a Good Friday! As far as I know, my head has never been shaved. 🤔 I had thin hair as a kid so they would rub aloe vera on my scalp. Guess what, now my hair is thick. Eh.


Anyway, I did not get to experience being skinhead bald though. So sad. I wanted to but didn't want to impose on the hairdresser. Uhmmm. [Read all about it here.](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/ulog-artgirl-04-18-19-on-curating-philippines-tag-and-other-stuff)

# May 2019 ### * Hello Jason Mraz!!! Ah this is one of those posts that are still in draft limbo. It was okay though. I met an online friend and her mom and we went to the concert together. 😊


### * Went to a Clear and Shallow Batangas Beach! Well what do you know, there's what they call a newly opened to the public Little Boracay in Calatagan, Batangas. Looks like I didn't write about this on here either huh? Didn't want to waste the summer without going to the beach. So I went and joined a tour group to this place on my own. Haha. First time to even be at a beach like this, it has off white and fine sand and hey look, a starfish!!!


There are several starfish there that people were holding and taking pictures of. I knew they shouldn't be touched but they seemed already dead to me. None of them was moving at all! Recently I was told during a marine life camp that these kinds of sea stars are still alive even if they are hard as rock. I thought because the creatures are all stiff they are already dead? Now I do not know who to believe. I checked on the underside of each starfish and there wasn't anything moving at all so... I don't know. To be safe just don't touch them like I did. We're not supposed to touch them because they can die. May look nice but they're all dead if you touch them. (Marine scientists, do correct me if I'm wrong. 🤷 )

# June 2019 ### * Rode Point to Point (P2P) Buses for the First time! Oh yes. Thanks to a client who signed a contract with us to sell his property I finally got a reason to ride this kind of bus. Hehe. We took a P2P bus from Makati to Alabang and vice versa. I and the broker was able to see and take pictures of his [condo unit in Alabang](https://ncrpropertyconsultant.blogspot.com/2019/06/for-sale-for-rent-relax-in-your-future.html). Look at that view! Love it.


Btw, it got rented out this December and it's still for sale as of now. 😊 Also got to ride another P2P bus to a different route, from Ortigas to SM North EDSA. Since then I have been able to ride these buses a few more times. Why not when I can sleep without any disturbance of people going up or down the bus. Also it does not get crowded at all unlike normal buses. No standing riders in this kind of bus. Hehe.
### * I Found the best Superfoods mix! Whoa, who would have thought I would find an amazing health product it in a new and upcoming networking company. 😂 I finally joined an MLM group I can trust because the company's main product is the best health drink I ever found out there.


I wrote about the reasons [why I joined the company here](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/it-s-the-start-of-something-neeeew-superfoods-ftw-8ff37e1e4e3ff) and how I found it too. If you're curious about the product and how to order from me, you can [find out more here.](http://bit.ly/OrderOneOptiJuice)
### * Won Consolation Prize Money in a national Art Essay Writing Contest Well now, I still got it. Haha. I used to join essay contests as a student and mostly win, from top prize to consolacion prize. And guess what yeah I did win something. I should really write that book now. 😂 Anyway you can [read all about the contest and my essay here.](https://steemit.com/art/@artgirl/guess-who-won-the-consolation-prize-for-an-art-critique-essay-56596b3c11f1f)

# July 2019 ### * Sold my first Resale Westin condo unit! Hurray! I was able to sell my client's [Westin Manila residential condo unit](https://ncrpropertyconsultant.blogspot.com/2019/04/live-life-of-wellness-and-luxury-in.html)!


At first I actually gave up on ever being able to sell it. But then I got inspired to sell it and voila! Kaching kaching! 🤑 [You can read about how I did it here.](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/of-newspaper-line-ads-luck-and-hard-work)
### * Bought a Wooden Human Model Well hey now, anatomy is still not my strongest suit when drawing. 😁 Finally I now have something to use when drawing the human body. Now the only question is, when will I go back to drawing again? 😂


[Shared what happened here.](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/work-and-traveling-highlights-hello-steempunk)

# August 2019 ### * Played a mobile Monopoly app Heck this year I'm all about the money it seems. I only look at ways on how to learn how to earn more and make more money. Sucks to be poor eh? 😂


Haven't written about this game yet. Well I could do a game review but nah. At that time I was too busy working on finalizing the condo sale. I did realize, after playing this a lot of times that it's exactly what China has been doing. They're acquiring real estate, foreign companies and whatever they can get their hands on. Omg. 😱 They're doing a pretty darn good job at it too! Ugh. What can I say, I've never played the board game ever so it's good to play something similar online. At least I learned a thing or two about doing business. 😅

# September 2019 ### * Finally Got my Six Digit Commission! Ahaha a momentous moment for me! Yes! Last year I received a lower amount so this time it was my first time to reach the highest amount I have ever gotten. 😱 🙋 🎉 💃 Wow. Wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't make myself work on getting it. Ugh. So now I know how to get six digits commission. I only have to WORK WORK WORK! That's all there is to it. Dreaming about earning up to a million pesos is no longer impossible. Huhu. Now I can make it happen if only I can work better and more efficiently. Hmmm. I'll get there soon mark my words. [Read about my process on finalizing the sale here.](https://steemit.com/life/@artgirl/so-whats-up-steemit-world-ive-been-busy-finalizing-a-condo-sale-5so3qi9a)
### * Did My First Newspaper Classifieds Line Ads Lol. Such a momentous moment for me even if it's such a small thing for others. I have never thought I'd ever have to do anything with classifieds ads on newspapers. Well yeah I used to check them as a kid and when I grew up but never in a million years did I ever think I would one day put an ad there myself! Congratulations to me! 😂


Nobody to congratulate me on this milestone but myself so don't take it against me. 😁 People see me post it on my Facebook and Instagram and nothing, they just like it and don't comment on it. 🤷 I do congratulate others on their milestones but it seems not everyone does it. Meh. Not that I am looking for peer or family recognition but sometimes it's nice to hear it from other people too. Okay, don't be sad. I got more things to be happy about. Thank you. ♥️

# October 2019 ### * Removal of Amalgam Teeth Fillings, Finally! One of my primary goals in life after college was to have these toxic metal tooth fillings removed. It took me years and years before I was able to finally have them taken out one by one. Huhu. Oh Lord, thank you so much for your grace. I am realizing my dreams one by one. All because I am finally taking action to change my life. 🙏


I wrote about it here, [find out what happened on my first dentist appointment](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/hurray-it-s-the-start-of-saying-goodbye-to-all-my-mercury-amalgam-teeth-fillings). Haven't been able to write more about the entire experience yet. I had 6 fillings and they're all gone since 1st week of December. Hehehe. I'm so happy all of the amalgams are gone now.
### * Made a Donation to an Organization to Help Clean the Ocean Was planning on writing about this too but maybe in the future. Don't feel like writing about it now. I mean as I mentioned in my [previous post](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/my-2019-the-last-2019-showcase-weekend-suicide-environmental-conservation-an-art-challenge-a-nightmare-and-more)... Who daydreams about cleaning rivers and oceans right? Is it just me? Do you do it too? Lol. For now since I can't join physical cleanups yet, I've decided to donate the small amount I earned from writing on the other site. No I don't write on there anymore because they stopped paying. (I've yet to write about that too. Man I'm so behind on the things to write. 😂 That's what happens when you're busy working on other things.)

# November 2019 ### * Joined a Survival Swimming Class & a Marine Life Camp Yeah I used to not know how to tread. Haha! I'm proud to say I finally got over the fear of drowning. Not easy man. Not easy at all but I did it.


After I learned how to tread, I moved on to learn freediving. 😅 I've yet to master both though. Haven't been able to take more lessons or practice so next year I should have more time to do it. [Find out more about my swimming adventures here.](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/when-vacation-almost-drowning-and-having-an-ocean-adventure) I was planning on doing volunteer work that involved freediving and such but it seems I won't make it in time. Wouldn't want to just get into it without being a good underwater swimmer first. Oh well.

# December 2019 ### * I Experienced a REAL Team Building Activity Haha, this is another one of those things that I haven't been able to write here about. What makes this activity real is it's not a gathering where people just drink, gossip and sing videoke. Nope, it helps builds character instead. So I mentioned I joined a [new MLM health company](http://bit.ly/OrderOneOptiJuice) right? It's a good company because the culture is very different than others. We are more into camaraderie and helping one another aside from helping other people become healthy. Unlike those who invite people by duping them, as far as I know only the uninitiated and uninformed new member here does such and those who have not graduated from this group activity. The transparency, friendliness and openness of One Opti Marketing, Inc. is something to be commended. In my entire work life, in the BPO industry and other companies, I have never experienced any team building activity like the one I experienced here. Surprisingly, they facilitated a real team building event where the team spirit is really inculcated. Wow. I'm proud to be a member of such a company. ♥️


There were about 77 of us who all learned a lot that day. It's a memorable personality development activity that everyone should experience even at least once in our lifetime. 😉
### * Worked on 1,500 pcs of temporary tattoos Okay, so it's the first time I worked on a lot of pieces that needed to be die cut. Man, it wasn't easy but I did it! 🎉 What happened? [It's all here](https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/the-challenging-production-of-1-500-pcs-custom-temporary-tattoos).
### * First time I got an Apostille so I can sell a Prime Lot! Last but not the least, I was able to receive and see an important document for the first time! I'm used to selling condos and townhouses, now I'm even selling lots! Sometimes I want to pinch myself 'cause I can't believe I'm doing the things I'm doing. Haha. 😁 The document is from my Filipino American client in the US who requested I sell off their local property in Tandang Sora, Quezon City. Whoa. I love their complete trust and confidence in me. ♥️ So of course I checked out the community where the lot (w/ old house) is located and it's really in a prime spot. Lots of people actually inquire about it from me since I put up the FOR SALE sign. IMHO, only the bravest and the best of the people interested in this lot will be able to own it. 😉 The value of living on this property is way more than any price anyone will pay for. 👍 [You can find out more here.](https://ncrpropertyconsultant.blogspot.com/2019/11/apostille.html)

# My 2019 in a Nutshell 2019 didn't start off too great for me but it's okay. The rest of the year is good enough for me. This is the year I learned more on actually having a better work-life balance. I worked hard without burning out like last quarter of 2017. Dude those were the hardest days of my life. 😂 Physically. Yeah I can probably do harder stuff but come on, we got to take care our body. If we take care of where we (spirit) live (body) then we can live longer and do more things to help other people and improve ourselves too. That's why I'm happy I found the superfoods juice. My good health is set for life. Haha. Emotionally, well it wasn't so bad. Sure it has it's up and downs but nothing as extreme as love related shizz. 😂 I'll get to that again soon maybe but as of now I'm happy to not have any of that. Financially, well all I can say is I earned more this year than any other year in my entire life. 😂 I haven't calculated and compared last year's gross income to this years but I'm sure this year is more fruitful than 2018. [I did hope to get P30 Million in commissions](https://steemit.com/life/@artgirl/happy-new-year-to-all-what-s-your-2019-agenda) this year but sadly I believe I didn't do enough work to reach that amount. I mean, who does that? I'm super not at that level yet. 😂 Spiritually and mentally, I believe I'm in a much better place now as compared to last year and beyond. 🤔 It's a slow process, this fixing your life thing. If I could do it real quick, I would. 🤧 But it takes time, time I don't feel like I have enough of. Ah well. Such is life.
* * * And that's it! The new year is almost upon us! Just a few more hours! Hehe. I should write a New Year's resolution I will really stick to... Hmmm. Let's see what happens in 2020. Anyway what about you? Do you feel like your 2019 is one of the best years of your life or no? Share your thoughts in the comments. 😄


XOXO, @artgirl
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Written by [@artgirl](https://steemit.com/@artgirl) for Steemit. © Art x Stephanie Rue @artgirl is a freelance writer/artist, online seller and real estate agent. My Steemit posts may contain referral/affiliate/merchandise links. Contact me for your [art](https://www.facebook.com/art.stephanie.rue), [Writing/Research](https://www.facebook.com/lucystephanieseller) & [Metro Manila (NCR) property](https://Ncrpropertyconsultant.blogspot.com) needs. ###### For business inquiries, you can chat me up on Steem.chat, [Telegram](https://t.me/LucyStephanieSeller) or send me a Facebook message. Link in my [bio](https://steemit.com/@artgirl). [DeviantArt prints here.](https://www.deviantart.com/owstalaga/prints/)
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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/philippines/@artgirl/my-2019-achievements-and-failures-the-best-and-the-worst-of-2019

Bamboo: Enabling everyone to have an insurance through the revolutionary power of blockchain reaching globally in an exponential manner.


Good morning everyone! I am glad to see you guys again here in cryptospace. It has been a real quite amazing ride for us here in cryptocurrency world this 2019 and I wish everyone of us to have a prosperous year this coming decade 2020. Now, I would like to introduce not only a promising project but a revolutionary one and they do really prepared themselves for making this technology. This is Bamboo insurance. As I have checked their website, read their whitepaper and their two-pager as well, I have seen their eagerness to make the lives of each and every person from Asia all the way to the whole world is real and genuine. As the name implies, Bamboo wants to have the insurance for everyone. Their mission and mission is to provide unbordered insurance. Let me talk and tackle to each of these parts as I go along.

Above in the picture are our founders and management team. Let me show you their video here: The video above is when they were invited and has given a talk in the United Nations (UN) conference. Wherein they made the blockchain have even more exposure and can be used to insurance industry. Let me tell you guys that Bamboo is not only about all insurance. In fact, they do have different branches. From food that we eat, health care providers, food traceability, health monitoring to health insurance and medical insurance. Amazing! isn't it?


WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS DOES BAMBOO INSURANCE SOLVE AND WHAT ARE ITS FEATURES? 1. Food traceability and providing information on where to buy healthy foods, organically-grown foods- wherein there are no what we call as adulteration on foods or basically modified foods. When we say adulteration, it is like making the shelf life of food longer but not in a natural way. Therefore, chemicals are being poured into food making it prone to preservatives that has a long term effect on humans. That is why Bamboo got your back when it comes to this!

With their patented technology, they will be having an app wherein it will be integrated with bar codes that scans the food labels as to where it came from and traceable within the app its origin and other related news when it comes to these kind of food products. Therefore, it lessens the health threat to you as one of Bamboo's users. Ensuring the food we eat is safe is vital to our survival and well being. 2. Healthcare insurance--> With Bamboo, their main or core component is insurance. Health is wealth always. And with Bamboo, they are making their word true by having almost free and low health insurance premiums by having daily tasks on their dApps in the coming days and months as can be seen on their roadmap. The Bamboo team is the one to make the healthcare be affordable for everyone. They will spread awareness and lessen the protection gap so that these people insured will always be have funds in times of need. 3. Incentivisation of healthy living through valued token rewards to improve the healthy living of a person--> With the power of blockchain technology and integrating apps and APIs, Bamboo app users can upload videos and photos to the daily tasks or weeks and months set by the Bamboo app and development team about their health. 4. Healthcare providers, pharmacies and doctor networks--> Bamboo also will have networks of doctors and it is also integrated with AI to make the patient get matched with a doctor nearby them that was accredited with bamboo platform. Discounts and other perks and bamboo token incentive will surely be a main medium of transaction.


I am also amazed and happy because BAMBOO will be opening their office here in the Philippines! As a Filipino citizen, this is an enormous step again to make the blockchain tehcnology awareness known across the globe. There are prototypes and finished products that Bamboo has already.

Here is another explainer video from Bamboo guys! With the network of Bamboo, we can be assured that there will be more and more data management software that they will create to make a streamlined integrated data software that only those who have accounts under the Bamboo blockchain will benefit.

Now let me show you their dashboard for Bamboo ecosystem users.

This will be for mobile app platform.

I also read their management team's profiles on Linkedin and I was amazed with our CEO and founder Ian Lim Teck Soon. Here are the complete pictures of their team:

Thank you very much guys for reading my blog post for today! I therefore conclude as a summary that this Bamboo team is really walking the talk when it comes to insurance. Not only that they would want a global awareness of insurance but they also wanted to have the Bamboo insurance be the forefront of the upcoming insurance revolution through smart contracts and blockchain technology. I really loved their passion for it! For more details or inquiries, you may go to their website, white paper, and social media profies here: Website: https://tokensale.thebamboo.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/_thebamboo_io Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5171420.msg52032907#msg52032907 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebamboo.io/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebamboo.io/ Telegram: https://t.me/thebambooio Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwiPq3T0ekHQ-8LlsR0kWg?view_as=subscriber Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thebamboo/ My bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1165929 ***


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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/insurancee/@frankydoodle/bamboo-enabling-everyone-to-have-an-insurance-through-the-revolutionary-power-of-blockchain-reaching-globally-in-an-exponential