Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Kangkung Plants For Health, How Can ...?


Kangkung Plants For Health, How Can ...?

Saleum Aneuk Nanggroe.
Eating this one vegetable tastes really good, especially if it is processed with the addition of stir-fried kangkung shrimp paste, it feels more delicious, but after eating kale, the body feels sore and weak and even sleepy.

This is often complained of by people around the world, after consuming kale such as having an impact on health, the kale plant or Ipomea aquatica forsk is a vegetable plant that is quite popular with the community, a plant that grows a lot in this Asian country is easy to find.

This plant is also a good source of nutrients for the body, there are two types of water spinach that many people encounter, namely water spinach which grows a lot in swamps with slightly wider leaf shapes and land kale which is widely cultivated in gardens with narrower and elongated leaves. . However, in terms of taste and benefits both remain the same.


The kale plant is actually very good for the health of the body if it is consumed regularly in daily life, then what are the benefits of the kale plant for the health of the body.

Kale vegetables turned out to be able to make you sleepy, this is certainly very good for those of you who experience insomnia or difficulty sleeping in everyday life. The body's natural signal to rest, which usually occurs if a person experiences fatigue, then what if drowsiness occurs after consuming kale.

There is a study that says that water spinach contains ethanol which is said to make people sleepy or calmer in people who consume kale in excess, the research is only on animals which says that kale extract can make ant animals calmer, but if consumed in humans with large amounts reasonable and not excessive, no effect that makes drowsiness.


The kale vegetable plant was able to lower high cholesterol, this is because the plant contains a fairly high fiber in the plant. Fiber is one of the important ingredients that is needed by the body, its function is to reduce bad cholesterol levels that cause cardiovascular disease, besides being able to lower cholesterol levels and also reduce the risk of diabetes.

In addition, kale is also said to be able to lose weight, kale is said to be able to deal with body substances when consumed regularly, such as breakfast, lunch or dinner. Why because increasing high fiber intake can reduce or maintain a longer feeling of fullness in the stomach so that people who lose weight feel hungry longer.

Kale plants contain high levels of purines compared to other types of vegetables, but don't be afraid to get gout if you consume them in reasonable amounts, but if you consume kale in excess, be prepared to feel sore and stiff because of increased uric acid.

The safest way to consume kale is before consuming kale, please wash it first, wash it with running water, especially on the inside of this kale, the content of parasites or worm eggs that can hide in the contents of the kale is washed and then cut into pieces with running water.


The kale vegetable plant has a fairly high potassium content, therefore patients with kidney failure must be careful if consuming too much, before consuming the kale, it is expected to cut it first, wash and then soak it, then replace the soaking water every hour. The goal is to reduce the potassium levels contained in the kale.

Then the next tip is how to consume kale that is good and healthy ..?

Consumption of kale in one bunch can be consumed in two or three meals, so that the consumption is not excessive, in cooking kale it should not be too hot for the fire, why..? because the kale can wilt or turn black, so the fiber or vitamins contained in the kale can be reduced in number.

Next is never to heat water spinach that has not been eaten, this is because it can damage the condition of the vitamins contained in the kale.

To meet daily nutritional needs, the body needs to consume lots of vegetables and fruit, in vegetables there are vitamins, minerals and fiber that keep the body healthy, but what about kale?


Although many fans of kale are also dangerous, this is because they contain poison, the kale plant comes from plants that live in swamps, in the area there are many parasitic conditions or worm eggs and living animals, so many stick to the water spinach. If the kale is not cleaned then you Water spinach can contain toxins that can harm humans.

If you already know what are the benefits and dangers of consuming kale for the body, remember that delicious does not mean healthy, keep your diet in order to avoid the lurking of dangerous diseases. Saleum Aneuk Nanggroe.

Originally posted here:

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