Wednesday, July 21, 2021



Have you ever experienced fainting or maybe you have seen the person next to you suddenly faint.

This fainting is actually a loss of consciousness that occurs suddenly or suddenly, the cause is more or less the blood flow to the brain that should be supplying oxygen is suddenly interrupted or reduced, so that people who suddenly faint,
Well, the causes are various, there are serious diseases and there are also serious diseases
actually just because he might not eat enough, drink less, or maybe
he was already tired just tired when
they fainted, they were originally probably
nausea first or they may feel bad, dizzy or suddenly black vision Blackout,
and their type falls and they may
I don't remember what happened, whatever the cause of the fainting we have to know.

how to help when you first see a banana person How to do it, this is what we have to do when someone suddenly faints in front of you, what to do, panic is not the solution, one of the most important ways is how we seek help first, so because you can use a cellphone, when you call people please help no one see you, you can use a cellphone press the loudspeaker button so that you are helping, you can keep in touch with other people, so that if there is anything there is something of your prestige you can immediately ask for help, and that person immediately comes and here we make sure that this banana person does not have any injuries, or physical trauma, for example, something is bleeding, or maybe there is something else, for example, he fractures or breaks a bone, which is formed immediately. call the fainted person, sir..sir..a male patient, and thump..thump..for a female patient, can you hear me, OK, if she response, the person is in a good state of consciousness, we will see if there are injuries or if the software is broken, so we can be careful and not
carelessly move people who
When he is unconscious, the following is don't rush to wake up the fainted person, because just let him lie down, this is until he completely recovers on his own and can wake up on his own, if necessary we can help by lifting his legs so that later the blood flow from the legs immediately returns to the brain, and can provide good and sufficient oxygen, so that the backrest can quickly get back up, so we can help so that blood flow returns smoothly and circulation returns to the brain more easily, and finally this sufficient oxygen make people who faint quickly wake up, by lifting their legs about 30 cm When the person who fainted, was able to wake up on his own, he was fully conscious, now we can give him a drink, remember not to rush, so he chokes, we can just giving water is enough, no need for colored drinks like coffee, which makes
stimulation, if he admits he forgot
breakfast or indeed in a hungry state maybe low blood sugar, so we can also give water
sweet one,

Frequent fainting is a sign of heart disease,?
Is it true that it is a fact or a myth? The factor is because people with certain diseases, for example, people who have congenital heart rhythm disorders, can indeed cause sudden fainting, and when they faint, it happens suddenly or suddenly and returns to their senses without experiencing any disturbances, or scars -the scars when he fainted, except when hit so he the fact that people who experience fainting and it happens often need to feel
his heart, maybe his heart electricity and others. Another possibility is that there is a possibility of lack of oxygen, because there is a bleeding disorder, for example
freestyle lab, very useful to determine, Why, Why often fainting.

if you eat late can cause sudden fainting, it could be because the stomach relapses, so the effect of increasing stomach acid is fast, suddenly he faints, indeed two things sometimes can be caused by being too hot, as well as sudden fainting, but often because they forget breakfast or they are exercising suddenly they faint, because the blood sugar is too low, so they suddenly pass out, so don't forget to have breakfast before you exercise,

people who wake up from their stupor may be given coffee so they can return to their activities. Is that a fact or a myth?
just give them plain water, or if necessary give sweet water, to make them have energy again, to get up and walk as usual,

the most dangerous is if someone faints due to a heart rhythm disorder or short circuit, because the copy will make the heart rhythm short again, and he will faint again later, and remember when you give a drink to a person who has fainted, make sure first he is well aware or fully conscious and strong enough to
Drink alone, don't choke, water enters the lungs, the situation gets worse.

Eucalyptus oil is often used when people are unconscious, this is because the balm and eucalyptus oil Everyone believes can stimulate
fainted people to come to their senses immediately,
Is that a fact or a myth?
that's a fact, because eucalyptus oil and balm smell very sharp, so they can respond to the sense of smell for people who have a suffocation, so quickly realize, healthy greetings

Originally posted here:

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