Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Reason Behind My Absence: Brief Post about my sickness and lessons learnt

Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

I really don't know where to start from but I'll try as much as possible to keep this post very brief and comprehensive. There's actually no doubt that i haven't been writing articles on my blog for quite some time now and I'm quite sure you can also notice that too. I got different messages from some of my friends and followers due to the scarcity of contents on my blog. You can check some of our chat via the screenshot below.


Creating content and engagement has been one of my best hobbies just like the way you can't do without eating and drinking everyday. It's really sad I fell sick for quite some time now but I am also very happy that I'm now recovering very fast. I really appreciate everyone who took their time to check on me on my social media handle (WhatsApp and Discod).


This act of compassion really touched my heart so much seeing people checking up on me just because they noticed no latest post on my blog for the past 15 days which isn't supposed to be. As I'm writing right now, I feel like hugging everyone if it is really possible to do despite our long distances, I'll definitely want to do that.

How it Actually Started

I could remember waking up very early in the morning doing my daily routines as I used to. I then noticed I was a bit weak in the afternoon but I had to ignore the symptoms thinking it was just mere stress probably maybe I need to rest. I took a nap and when I woke up I noticed I felt a bit relieved unlike before. The tiredness became something that seems to keep occurring more frequently more than I can ever imagine with slight headaches. It seems like I was already getting those symptoms.

I rushed down to quickly get some malaria/typhoid drugs prescribed by the doctor as you can see in the images. I bought those drugs even though I couldn't afford to buy Vitamin C to treat my runny nose (cartah) but I bought the vital ones to treat my illness. It's really great to be very okay and healthy right now. As you are reading this, I am assuring you now that I feel more okay and I'm really recovering very fast.

Important Lessons

  • Health is Wealth

I do always hear people make this particular statement "health is wealth". I never actually had a deep understanding of what this statement meant not until when I fell sick! Health is indeed wealth as people used to say and you can only only know the value of good health when you meet other sick people or probably when you yourself fall sick. Never ever underestimate the blessings and delight of good health and always try as much as possible to appreciate good health no matter your condition.

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Another great lesson I learnt is to always check up on people regularly most especially the ones we've seen or heard from for a very long time. The fact is that some people are really going through a lot or probably fighting battles we have no knowledge of which sometimes make them feel scarce just like what happened to me. Some of my friends and followers noticed that they were unable to read any latest posts on my blog most especially the weekly motivation and this made them took their time to check up on me not knowing I was actually sick.

Checking up people is really one of the best gift you can offer to some people and I sincerely appreciate those who took their time to check up on me during those difficult moments. Thank you once again 💕❤️.


I could remember back then earlier in 2017/2018 when I started blogging on Steemit. It was really difficult earning or even gaining the attention of whales and people just to read your blog. This actually made me to question a friend of mine who was also an early adopter on the platform that Is there anyone really reading our posts or articles whenever we publish them on our blogs? He replied by telling me that there are actually people who read them and the fact that it seems people aren't reading our posts doesn't mean we should give up on our dream or passion, we really need to be consistent in everything and anything we do.

The truth is that I really love creating content and I actually publish my articles with the sole intention of sharing my knowledge and also learning from others by engaging with them. I became emotional when I started getting different messages from people telling me they really missed my posts or articles due to the fact that I wasn't online as a result of my sickness. This really brought more joy and motivation to me and this will definitely help me fuel my ability to put more effort in my blogging career.

The fact is that there are really some people watching what you do and this simply implies that you should always put in your best in anything you do even when you think no one is watching you and this is why you should always put in your best in anything you do.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


Originally posted here:

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