Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Life is Simpler Than We Tell Ourselves!



Hello, everybody! Javier here, back with today's Mindful Life editorial and curation. These past few weeks have been increasingly challenging for me and today I had a really tough time even pulling the Runes of the Day, so I couldn't write a post with my own account, but I did manage to publish them in my other platforms, and since their message is so profoundly tied with the theme that I want to work on in this edition, I added them at the end in case you want to take a look.


On Sunday I had a breakdown and only moved on from it when I realized that I'd been overloading my emotions with a clutter of thoughtforms, many of them not even my own, just stuff I picked out from others as I opened myself to the harshest kinds of empathetic connections I've ever experienced. This all has a purpose, of course, but it's a tricky thing to find the balance between allowing myself the experience of anger, sorrow and confusion, and understanding that they must pass soon if I'm to be able to get anything done. I've had to review the questions that I've made myself many times over the past few years as I walked my path of self-discovery, and it appears the same thing's happening to @thisismylife, who has been working on reconnecting with her mother and cleaning up her living space to both enhance the Love in her life and also experience more freedom, as she explains in her answer to @ecotrain's Question of the Week.

I've been going very deep into myself and inevitably, I've found some tremendous wounds from my past and legacies of my ancestry. The way we live is very much determined by the way we've been raised, the experiences we had when were kids, and I've been seeing many of those from a different perspective, sometimes softer and sometimes harder, but never like I used to. Mind you, although my family was never wealthy and I had to go through situations that might sound outlandish if I related them here, I was never unprotected or unloved, I always felt that I belonged with my family. Not everyone knows what that's like, as this post by @evernoticethat made me remember. This is the second part of a narration where he explains his origins and his relationship with his mother's family, which he eventually managed to let go, a decision that brought him great relief. I have no doubt that he'll indeed find his name etched on the Book of Life as he wishes to.


Situations like the one depicted in the entry above give us a much needed perspective into our own dilemmas and how we build them. The deeper I go, the greater the insight about these little mind-tricks that I play on myself from time to time. It happens a lot less than it used to, but when it does, it comes with a vengeance, and every time, I leave the tunnel enlightened, stronger. Just moments ago, as I perused the platform for suitable content for this column, I found another of @danielapevs' magnificent jewels, and it resonated with me all the more powerfully because it mirrored my current exploratory phase precisely, even down to the untangling of inner knots while cooking, washing and cleaning up. She's also found some persistent and very insidious narratives from her past that she's beginning to clear with an admirable sense of self-accountability, a true inspiration for anyone going through a similar process.



I was listening to my sisters watching the Olympics yesterday and one of them kept coming up with theories about why things happened as they did in one of the competitions. The question itself wasn't enough, she had to make up a story to fill the gap. Since I've been mostly apart from the happenings of the world and from other people's lives, I also fell into that habit of making up narratives to explain how things have been as the way they've been. My Purpose compels me to study these narratives so I often identify them at their onset, but I know now that I've let some of them slip through, or rather, that I've been reaching subtler stories deep within me. There's no doubt for me now that I need to take some time for myself, to truly clear the dead weight and put my feet on the ground. And in this regard, there couldn't have been a better moment for me to read this amazing, detailed post by @karmadorje, the second of a series of posts about the Chakras, and specifically dedicated to Muladhara, the Root Chakra, which I obviously must strengthen. He even adds a meditation to help readers balance this energy center, much appreciated.


I must thank @naturalmedicine for offering me this channel of expression. My senses gained more balance and my heart achieved more calm just by letting these words flow here. Just like the Rune says below, we all can and should simplify our lives, quieting down the narratives of our egos so that we can hear our truest voices. We're creatures of Love like stars and planets, like plants and animals. We have our refuge within, and a place only we can fill in the majesty of Creation. Our inner children know this, so it's all play at that level, of as @paradigmprospect says in this amazing contribution, our smiling monks, who see the world exactly as it is and understand, beyond the shadow of any doubt, that everything is just as it must be. This is his response to @abundance.tribe's Biweekly Question and it's pure gold. I owed him a 5% beneficiary from before, a debt I'm clearing today!



Night Rune: Uruz

Through windows, I see spaces in half-light where old game partners are gathered. I consider whether to join them but decide not to.

Daylight message: Thurisaz

That which you deserve you must provide and allow for yourself, not expect it from others. Your first and last duty is to yourself, no other engagement has more priority, reconsider the scale of importance of your relationships and activities. Your willpower resounds in all plains, do not restrict yourself to matter. Simplify, complexity is only useful if it offers new information. Stand up in all your stature, accept with honor the trials that have forged you. Substantiate your statements with actions, be the example of your vision. You have a Purpose, a place that only you can occupy, and every experience in your life says so. You can resist and suffer, or be thankful and laugh. The Truth cannot be thought but lived. Evolution cannot be bought but built. Each sacrifice opens for you a door to a deeper knowledge.


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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/life-is-simpler-than-we-tell-ourselves

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