Saturday, July 31, 2021

4 Top Tips for Eating in Moderation


What and how much we eat is a significant factor in our health and physical well-being.

There is no lack of advice from people promoting popular diet plans. But some of these can include
extreme practices.

Moderation in eating is less frequently emphasized. But there is value in avoiding extremes.

Here are 4 Top Tips to Eating in Moderation:

These tips can help you stay healthy and on track with good nutritional habits by learning to eat in moderation.

1. Understand the meaning of moderation. What does moderation mean for your body and diet?

  • Moderation can vary from person to person. But experts agree that it generally involves limiting unhealthy foods to small amounts and rare occasions. This means that you could eat cookies or doughnuts in small portions, but not every day!

  • You'll need to decide what moderation is for you. Are you able to avoid eating chips during the weekdays but find it hard to eliminate them on the weekends? Create your own set of guidelines to make moderation realistic for you.

And remember Oscar Wilde's famous quip: "Everything in moderation, including moderation." Don't go to the extreme in your attempt for moderation!

2. Keep a journal. It's difficult to remember everything you've consumed during the week. You can easily forget that you ate half a candy bar at your desk or finished a small bag of pretzels while watching television. A journal for your food intake can help you keep track of everything you eat.

  • The journal can help you discover when and how to cut out unhealthy food.

  • It also helps you notice patterns, so your goal to eat in moderation is easier to reach. For example, if you discover that you always reach for unhealthy snacks after work, then you can create a new after-work habit that supports your goal.

3. Control your triggers. Do you reach for the doughnuts because you're stressed or worried?

  • The most common triggers for overeating are stress and anxiety. Fatigue and boredom are also triggers that can encourage you to eat pizza instead of a healthy green salad.

  • Discover how to control these triggers: First, identify your triggers and pay attention to the events that cause them. For example, does talking to certain people make you feel anxious and grab some junk food? Once you've identified the triggers, you can work on coping strategies to get rid of them.

  • By trial and error, you can find various techniques that help you handle stress and anxiety, so you're not reaching for junk food to make up for the emotions. Breathing, meditation, and relaxation techniques are all effective methods.

4. Hide or get rid of the temptations. If you don't keep pastries in the house, you won't reach for them out of boredom during a TV show.

  • Temptations vary from person to person, but the most common items are sugary and salty snacks. This includes cake, cookies, chips, pretzels, and other common food products.

  • If you can't throw away all of the junk food, the next best step is to put it in a place that is difficult to reach. For example, you can store the food on a top shelf that requires you to get a chair or stool to reach. Another option is to put it in a storage area that isn't used often.

Moderation is the key to eating healthy without feeling deprived and hungry all the time. Use these tips as one of your tools in helping you reach and maintain your optimal physical health.


Originally posted here:

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