Monday, July 26, 2021

Yoga for Health - Yoga at Home - This is Natural and Effective

We went through the last year and a half really tough for most of us. During the lockdown, people were feeling as if they were living in a prison, even in their own homes. The situation has now improved a little, but we can’t rule out the chances of a third or even a fourth wave yet.

Most people felt as if their physical activities had almost stopped. In such a situation, those who used to go to the gym could not do so, or those who used to run or go for morning walks had to stay in their homes.

Under these circumstances, some even went through unusual mental conditions because of mental stress, anxiety, and fear of catching the virus in many parts of the world. Yoga has saved many lives.

During this time, they invented different alternatives to keep their body healthy while staying home. Some people adapted yoga practice, and they found it perfect for their body, mind, and soul. The purpose of yoga is to help people all over the world to keep fit while following the golden rule of social distancing because of epidemics and lockdown and leave their homes at least.

It’s not that yoga was popular but since the outbreak of coronavirus, the importance of yoga has increased manifold as people understood that first the virus weakens their lungs and reduces the oxygen level of the body. That’s why people worked on strengthening their lungs by practicing Pranayama, one of the main yoga practices for keeping their lungs healthy. Pranayama also helps increase the oxygen level of the body.

By staying at home, people also came to know that we have to maintain our immunity, so they also practiced various immunity-boosting tips for yoga.

Most people know coronavirus spreads through the nose, then it enters the throat, and finally in the lungs. People that understand the importance of yoga did their best to keep their noses and throat clean.

By staying at home, you can learn yoga easily by watching and reading yoga lessons available on various websites and YouTube, etc. But this is not true for doing gym or other exercises at home and more so as these exercises have not much effect.

Surya Namaskar

Today, yoga has a lot of importance in everyone’s life. At present, yoga is very important to deal with the increasing diseases. Even the doctors tell us that medicine is necessary for a diabetic patient, but it’s not a treatment but yoga works wonders for diabetic patients. In fact, practicing certain yoga postures is very useful for diabetes patients.

Yoga is such a useful way of permanent treatment, which can treat patients spending no money or going through rigorous physical workouts. Yoga keeps your body energetic, balanced, stress-free, and in shape, which is why yoga is being adopted by youth on a large scale, especially as the gyms are closed.

Mental Peace

Let’s accept that one can achieve physical and mental health through the regular practice of yoga. It keeps your mind calm by getting rid of stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc.

The importance of yoga has increased as it has proved a natural way of getting rid of diabetes permanently. Yoga can also cure high and low blood pressure and heart-related diseases. These patients need to be very careful during Covid.

While staying at home, many people were seriously worried about their belly fat and many people had problems with the way they were gaining weight, but by practicing yoga they kept themselves fit without going out of their homes.

The demand for yoga gurus has increased in lockdown. People are taking tips from yoga gurus on their phone, online and through WhatsApp to relieve stress, boost the immunity system, drive away body pain and lose weight at work from home.

Type of common yoga practices

People are reducing stress by meditating with Bhujangasana, Markatasana, Bhramari Pranayama, and deep breathing, while people are keeping themselves fit by learning some special yoga postures for Surya Namaskar.

In the lockdown, many people are keeping themselves mentally and physically healthy by practicing yoga every day at home and avoiding the coronavirus. The studies have proved that yoga is important for physical and mental health.

Body balancing
Yoga has become part of the daily routine of many people in lockdown and during this time the practice of yoga has increased. Yoga gained more popularity during the pandemic, as doctors also advised people to practice yoga.

Disclaimer- Normally Yoga is helpful for your overall health but one should practice complicated postures with expert help in certain health conditions.

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