Friday, July 2, 2021

How Fragile is Life

Suddenly it feels like you're falling off the earth, nothing feels right and next you know, everything is blank; this happened without any warning except for a weird kind of metallic smell beforehand.


This happened to me yesterday; fortunately my son was in the kitchen and could hold onto me. I'm told I kind of blanked out, legs wobbly but my eyes remained open, staring blankly, head bobbing to one side and then I tried to mumble something.

When I kind of 'woke' up, I was totally confused but was soon back to normal; except for the strange metallic smell that became worse as everything had this same overpowering disturbing metallic smell, from food to my hand cream; very weird!


First off the local doctor whose not my regular doctor, did an ECG, Cholesterol check, sent me for an Ultrasound which showed a bit of plaque buildup on one of the carotid arteries and not knowing me, came to the conclusion that it was stress!

Hubby called my brother and he arranged through his son who's in charge of an ER in a large hospital, to have an MRI done just to make sure.
Of course I had to have the Covid swabs done which made me gag, it's awful, but I'm negative which is great! Bloods were taken etc etc.
Next time I have any such incident, that's where I'll be heading, they were excellent and everything is done under one roof!


MRI showed a little white matter but nothing much else; the specialists concluded that I had a TIA - a Transient Ischaemic Attack; basically a mini stroke which can be a forerunner of a bigger one BUT they've put me on blood thinners and I have to be back in a month's time to see the neurologist.


Very scary when something like this happens and makes one realise just how precious life is and on what a thin thread we are hanging at times.

My son who lives in Joburg ordered two meals for us, mostly healthy options, so I will not have to cook tomorrow again!


My advice guys and dolls, do not ignore the little signs that all is not well, have it checked out before you have a major incident as I'm sure just like me, you still have a lot of living to do here!


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