Friday, July 2, 2021

Pharma Foods and Pill Shills, Response Blog to Russell Brand, Digital Art and Photography

Pharma Foods and Pill Shills

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"If you want to change the order, you have to allow chaos into the picture."

The above bon mots is courtesy of the wickedly funny and clever and sweater-aficionado par excellence Russell Brand. Obviously I am a bit of fan girl, but keep in mind I do not bestow my admiration all willy-nilly like. If you have my attention, trust me; you are worth it. Time is our most precious commodity. Black holes and those of us with the secret superpower of bending spacetime aside, we all have an equal amount of it to spend. Time is the fundamental Universal Basic Income.


the clock captures time

centuries turn
epochs shift

time eludes the clock

no two hands however long
can contain eternity

*From Tattoo, Calling All Soldiers Home


Some of us have more expenses with regards to our share of time. Me: single, homeschooling, working mom. I live an expensive lifestyle (rewarding too) and so I seek out the finest minds to spend my extra time on. I do believe Russell in one of them. Maybe it's because he always gets me thinking on how we can improve our world for the better. For everyone.

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Until I learn to bend that spacetime, please allow me to bend your metaphorical ear, while nature warps some photons to elucidate a wider perspective on our shared material existence.

My response (edited) to Mainstream Media Ignoring ....

If we want that change to be systemic and not just a change of the guards and sovereigns, there needs to be more than just chaos. Chaos on its own plays into the hands of those interested in authoritarian power. Look how they use these marches to their advantage. They made some very intelligent people look clownish. Marches are great if they are reported about truthfully and /or reported about at all.

Perhaps what we need is more people willing to march away from our daily propaganda media pills ... sugar-coated in mental opiates and stimulants.

Ultimately this is how the authoritarian bunch controls us. They control the flow of information and as such control how we feel and think. They tell us what to feel sad about, when to feel sad about it, and what to feel angry about, and who to be angry at. Then they throw in some pretty pictures and play to the ego (our virtue and sense of superiority) and keep us coming back for more.

My son and I are currently working through Star Trek the Next Generation together. In the episode Symbiosis a whole planet of people is convinced they are sick when in reality, they are addicted to a substance called Felicium.

Bad news for most of us, this is an example of science fiction turned real life. The Moon boots fit. The Ornanans confuse their narcotic with medicine, allowing another group of people, the Brekkians, to hold their health hostage and ride freely on the backs of their labour. Sound familiar?

Ads promote food that excites our taste buds, but does little to nourish the body, or generally incapacitate and destroy it over time. Pharma foods create the illnesses that shill the pills. We've become billions of unsuspecting addicts who don't even know they are addicted and who believe their pushers are their protectors and physicians.


I am rather fond of the accompanying photos to this blog. Nature when left as it is intended created some pretty life and mind enriching poppies. They are so beautiful. Works of art that me and my camera struggle to recreate for the pages of HIVE.

I wasn't sure what kind of poem I would write to accompany them but then the universe rather generously supplied the inspiration.

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Poppies abused and modified by science ... yep, science, my broad-shouldered an imaginary boyfriend, when obsessed with profit and escape from and simultaneously conquering of nature, perverts the medicine generously and freely given into narcotics, oppression, death, and decay.

A blind adherence to anything, even science as done by man, can put us to sleep, and if we are not careful; it can be a forever kind of rest.

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Fortunately nature when respected can also promote a forever kind of life. Evolution. This the time-tested science that biology does and is not done on it.

Our piece of evolution; our bodies and minds.

I wrote a few days ago on your soccer editorial and called it Joy Dose.


Chaos if it is going effect transformative change needs to married with joy and widespread empowerment of individuals, literally billions of them, and not the monetary enrichment of just a few individuals with billions. But this can't be enforced and it requires an everyday kind of commitment. The change most needed is the willingness and indeed eagerness on the part of us billions to change ourselves, to regain our personal freedoms and an active desire to care for and appreciate our environment and each other.

We need to be healthy and strong and less dependent on those 'opiates of the masses' ladled out by corporate and authoritarian interests.

I speak from experience ... healthy living becomes addictive in itself. A healthy body and mind is essential to liberation. It creates the kind of mind that can see through the sugar pills and shoddy injections offered in their place.

The modern freedom fighter, responsible citizen, and social warrior are all one in the same, the scholar who exercises and eats well and isn't afraid to talk about.

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Words and Images are my own.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








Originally posted here:

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