Monday, July 5, 2021

Before and After Weight Loss: Fourth of July Edition

Hello, everybody. I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July, Canada Day, and even Philippine Independence Day, even though this latter holiday was celebrated over three weeks ago. Regardless, I just want to celebrate these three holidays which have signified so much in my life and heritage the only way I know how; by showing my weight loss progress from January to today. This is specifically done by wearing my most favorite polo shirt that was given to me as a Christmas gift six-and-a-half years ago. On rudimentary terms, this shirt which used to be bulging on me is now a nice fit without problem spots whatsoever. I even have some room to spare just to add to my overall jubilation of how far I have come and how much I will continue to be in hot pursuit of being within my optimally healthy weight range of 11 stone 3 lbs (157 lbs or 71.4 kg) to 8 stone 13.8 lbs (125.8 lbs or 57.1 kg) as stated by the NHS and Get Healthy New South Wales.

January of this year was when I affirmed that this new year meant a whole new me. Compared to what I weighed back in December 2020, I went from 12 stone 11.02 lbs (179.02 lbs or 81.2 kg) to 12 stone 8.38 lbs (176.68 lbs or 80 kg). Throughout January, I maintained my weight at best yet gained a bit at worst. Nevertheless, within the months of February until April, I lost weight very slowly ranging between a 2 to 3 pound or 1 kilo weight loss, then weighing in at 12 stone 6.17 lbs (174.17 lbs or 79 kg).

May to June marked an acceleration of my weight loss. Within the entire month of May, I went from 12 stone 5.28 lbs (173.28 lbs or 78.6 kg) to 12 stone 1 lb (169 lbs or 76.5 kg). Subsequently, within the month of June, I went from 12 stone 1 lb (169 lbs or 76.5 kg) to 11 stone 7.6 lbs. I knew from there that this was direction I was so glad to have taken.

Now, as of this month, I am 11 stone 7.16 lbs (161.16 lbs or 73.1 kg). For the first time, in my adult life and probably after years of being on the chunky yet see-sawing side of my weight as a teenager, I am now in the 11-stone line. I still have about 4.16 lbs (1.8 kg) to 2 stone (28 lbs or 12.7 kg) to lose, but I am on my way to live and lead the slim life I want and need to live full of vivacity, confidence, and the self-assurance to know that I am in great professional, personal, career-driven, healthy stead of a new lease of life. I have come this far to conquer my lust for takeaway food, excessive snacking, comfort eating, emotional eating, and mindless eating and I am never going back to being obese ever again. The results of what I have had to endure these past six months scream the results.

These past six months have proven to me that I am way too gorgeous to be fat and there is no way that I am ever going back to being a massive fatty, a blobby and blubbery belly, an oversized wobbly bum, and/or lardy butter mountain of a chomper. I shall say this once and I will say this again. I am far too gorgeous, too independent, too confident, too outspoken, and too sociable to ever be a lardy, massive fatty!
Before and After Weight Loss Fourth of July Edition.jpg

Originally posted here:

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