Monday, July 5, 2021

EN/ ES 馃尡Pira: Excelente Oxigenante Cerebral 馃尡 Pyre: Excellent Cerebral Oxygenator 馃尡

Hi hivers - Hola hivers

Hello Hive community, today I am going to present a plant that has great properties and is very effective as a Natural Medicine, this is the case of Pyre. In my particular case, he took it as an oxygenator for the brain, which according to many friends and in particular a naturopathic doctor (Dr. Abreu), recommended it to me for its great benefit to improve brain activity and very good as an infusion. to fall asleep. Next, I will explain how important and beneficial it has been for me and for a brother.

Hola comunidad de Hive, el d铆a de hoy les voy a presentar una planta que tiene grandes propiedades y es muy efectiva como Medicina Natural, es el caso de la Pira. En mi caso particular, la tom贸 como oxigenante para el cerebro, el cual de acuerdo a muchas personas amigas y en particular un m茅dico naturista (Dr. Abreu) , me lo recomend贸 por su gran beneficio para mejorar la actividad cerebral y muy buena como infusi贸n para conciliar el sue帽o. A continuaci贸n, les expondr茅 lo importante y beneficioso que ha sido para m铆 y para un hermano.

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The pyre is a miraculous plant for the great properties it has, both medicinal and nutritional, particularly a neighboring gardener does me the favor of getting it for me. There are people he tells me, who tell him to cut them because they see it as a weed or bush, it occurs in any green area and he tells me that these people ignore the great benefits that she has, there are people who even make salads with its leaves.

La pira, es una planta milagrosa por las grandes propiedades que tiene, tanto medicinales, como nutricionales, particularmente un jardinero vecino me hace el favor de consegu铆rmela. Hay personas me dice 茅l , que le dicen que las corte porque la ven como maleza o monte, la misma se d谩 en cualquier 谩rea verde y 茅l me dice, que estas personas ignoran los grandes beneficios que ella tiene, hay personas que realizan hasta ensaladas con sus hojas.


In my particular case, he prepared it as an infusion with the leaves, to be used from a medicinal point of view, due to its excellent property as a cerebral oxygenator and also as an infusion to fall asleep. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. According to many friends, they recommend that I include the leaves in my diet (some say it can be a substitute for spinach).

En mi caso particular, la prepar贸 como una infusi贸n con las hojas, para utilizarla desde el punto de vista medicinal, por su excelente propiedad como oxigenante cerebral e igualmente como infusi贸n para conciliar el sue帽o. Es rica en vitaminas, antioxidantes y minerales. Seg煤n muchas amigas me recomiendan incluir las hojas en la alimentaci贸n (algunos dicen que puede ser un sustituto de la espinaca).


My brother, who is 76 years old and disabled, because he had a stroke, which even amputated his leg as a result of a thrombosis and the doctors recommended that he take oxygenating pills for the brain and he refused to take them, the man who takes care of him She gets him the Pyre and boils several leaves for him and has a jar full of this tea in the fridge and he drinks a cup a day. My brother tells me that he was finding out and even athletes consume it in teas and food, because it provides them with sodium and potassium that helps keep their kidneys, muscles and heart healthy. Actually my brother, despite having gone through a stroke and his disability problem, is a healthy man, despite the fact that due to his condition of not being able to mobilize himself, he suffers from depression and he tells me that when he enters that crisis He has a glass of Pira and it gives him a feeling of relaxation and he manages to fall asleep.

Mi hermano que tiene 76 a帽os y es discapacitado, porque le di贸 un ACV, que hasta le amputaron la pierna como consecuencia de una trombosis y los m茅dicos le recomendaron tomar pastillas oxigenantes para el cerebro y 茅l se neg贸 a tomarlas, el se帽or que lo cuida le consigue la Pira y le hierve varias hojas y le tiene en la nevera un frasco lleno de este t茅 y 茅l se bebe una taza al d铆a. Mi hermano me dice que estuvo averiguando y hasta los deportistas, lo consumen en infusiones y alimentos, porque les aporta sodio y potasio que les ayuda a mantener saludables sus ri帽ones, m煤sculos y coraz贸n. Realmente mi hermano, a pesar de haber pasado por un ACV y su problema de discapacidad, es un hombre sano, a pesar que por su condici贸n de no poderse movilizar por s铆 mismo, sufre de depresi贸n y 茅l me dice que cuando entra en esa crisis se toma un vaso de Pira y le d谩 una sensaci贸n de relajamiento y logra conciliar el sue帽o.

Due to the aforementioned, I was motivated to investigate online (at Fuente de la Pira ), what other properties Pyre has and I found that they are multiple "with the roots and leaves, you can make infusions for diarrhea, anxiety, hypertension , arthritis, diabetes, asthma, fever, cough, rheumatism, internal bleeding and excessive menstruation ”.

Por lo anteriormente dicho, me motiv茅 a investigar por internet (en Fuente de la Pira ) , que otras propiedades tiene la Pira y encontr茅 que son m煤ltiples “ con las ra铆ces y las hojas, se pueden hacer infusiones para la diarrea, ansiedad, hipertensi贸n, artritis, diabetes, asma, fiebre, tos, reumatismo, hemorragias internas y menstruaci贸n excesiva”.


However, I told my brother that in the research I did online, there are contraindications, due to the excessive consumption of Pyre, that is, it can cause side effects in people who suffer from irritable bowel disease, such as diarrhea and abdominal cramps. So it should not be abused, in the daily amount to be consumed; I particularly have half a cup in the morning.

Sin embargo, le dije a mi hermano, que en la investigaci贸n que hice por internet, existen contraindicaciones, por el consumo excesivo de la Pira, es decir puede ocasionar efectos secundarios, en personas que padecen de colon irritable, como diarrea y c贸licos abdominales. Por lo que no se debe abusar, en la cantidad diaria a consumir; yo particularmente tomo media taza en la ma帽ana.

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Hoping that this post is of your benefit, we seniors, take it as a natural medicine, to oxygenate our brain and as a good tranquilizer for depression and to be able to fall asleep. Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

Esperando, que este post, sea de su beneficio, nosotros los de la tercera edad, lo tomemos como una medicina natural, para oxigenar nuestro cerebro y como un buen tranquilizante para la depresi贸n y poder conciliar el sue帽o. Gracias por tomar de su tiempo para leer mi art铆culo.

Hasta La Pr贸xima 馃尡 Until next time


All photos are my property taken with my Redmi Go smartphone
All designs were made in Canva

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Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular inteligente Redmi Go

Todos los dise帽os fueron realizados en Canva

Originally posted here:

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