Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Yoga for Ovulatory Phase: Women's menstrual cycle

# The egg has been released. Embrace wildness. The most refreshing and powerful phase of the cycle. We are magnetic, we are glowing and we have energy. This is the time to socialize, be productive in all areas of our lifes, every extroverted task will be easily done during this time. We are fertile. If trying to get pregnant this is the time. Energetically we are more attractive and also more confidant, optimistic and creative. Ovulation takes place at the end of the follicular phase. With the egg matured, estrogen is at its peak and LHS hormone is released which means that the egg is released from the follicle. During the next 24 to 48hours is when pregnancy can occur. There is a lightness and fun vibe going on in general during ovulation, the subtle energies are very much like summer and the full moon. Knowing exactly when you ovulate is very useful for those of you who want to conceive and to spot any possible issues that prevents you from getting pregnant like estrogen dominance, or a luteal phase defect. Knowing your cycle is not only getting your power back but also a method to prevent disease and to get to know your body and your own rhythm. # My tips for this phase: - Keep up with a healthy diet - Connect with nature, walks, barefoot, moon bathing, star gazing, bird watching, day dreaming in nature, etc - Journal - Track your feelings, moods, sensations, hopes and wishes - Book your social time, meetings, photoshoots, podcast, lectures, etc for this time, whatever is under your control that requires public exposure - Connect with your loved ones, let them know how much they are loved. - Write down a big list of everything you are grateful for and a few good memories you have been experiencing, I find this useful to read during the luteal phase if you experience PMS as it is hard to remember during tough times the good feelings and moments experienced a few days before. - This is the time of the month that you can push yourself further physically with yoga or any other physical practice, unless you’ve conceived or are trying to, then slow down for implementation to take place. Down below there is a practice of yoga that works very well during ovulation. Do not practice it if you are in the implementation period after trying to conceive. *Please consult your physician before engaging with any yoga practice with Moon Yoga and Jaya. By participating in any yoga practice and information provided by us, you assume all risk of injury to yourself and release and discharge Moon Yoga and/or Jaya from all claims or causes of action known or unknown, arising from use of this video or information therein.* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_qgQ-i1gUI Sending you all much Love Thank you for support xxx


Posted on [NaturalMedicine.io](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/@moonyoga/yoga-for-ovulatory-phase-women-s-menstrual-cycle)

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@moonyoga/yoga-for-ovulatory-phase-women-s-menstrual-cycle

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