Friday, March 12, 2021

What does folk medicine mean?


**Traditional medicine** *Traditional medicine has a long history. It is the sum total of the knowledge, skill, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.* **Complementary medicine** *The terms “complementary medicine” or “alternative medicine” refer to a broad set of health care practices that are not part of that country’s own tradition or conventional medicine and are not fully integrated into the dominant health-care system. They are used interchangeably with traditional medicine in some countries.* **Herbal medicines** *Herbal medicines include herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations and finished herbal products, that contain as active ingredients parts of plants, or other plant materials, or combinations.* [search](


> Vanga: "The world began with herbs and will end with herbs. But herbs, on the one hand, only cure the people who live in it. That's the way it is. Everyone should be treated with their herbs. ” >"It is written in Nature who can be treated and how. Read the language of Nature - through it God speaks. " >"Medicines close the door through which nature can enter through herbs and heal the sick body. There is an herb for every pain. ”


**I personally think that modern medicine has definitely taken us away from the use of natural products as medicines. Although everyone has felt how a hot tea works on the body.** **I have always admired the abilities of some plants. Definitely new properties of certain species can be found in nature** ... **The applications are endless! For many thousands of years, our ancestors have tried on a trial-and-error basis.** Herbal medicine is an ancient tradition in the Bulgarian lands and it is no coincidence that it is often a substitute for conventional medicine. Its roots can be found in the esoteric schools that "removed" this knowledge from the higher worlds and passed it on to the peoples thousands of years ago. And since then, the tradition has been passed down through the generations to this day, when it is already largely lost. The most basic evidence of this is that at one time herbs were picked from the cleanest places on specific days of the year. This was done as a sacrament and a tribute and gratitude to God, manifested in Nature. Today, however, materialist culture teaches us that it does not matter whether herbs are grown with chemicals, when they are harvested, and how they are treated - they work the same way. This is a complete lie and to some extent it is the basis of the common belief that herbs do not work. But if we follow the laws of Nature and live wisely, herbs can be a wonderfully balancing and healthy part of our daily rhythm. The good thing is that it still happens a simple walk in the woods, to become a joyful, useful and enjoyable collection of herbs. Simply because, people have "in the blood" knowledge of the most important herbs: yarrow, St. John's wort, thyme, dandelion, chamomile, nettle, oregano, etc. For the successful continuation of the tradition and for the spread of herbal medicine in the Bulgarian lands great credit can be given to the folk healer Peter Dimkov, who has done a colossal job of studying and describing the old traditions about the effects of individual herbs on various diseases. His work has been collected and published in books that are a real treasure for herbal medicine in Bulgaria. Still, in the book "Recipes of Peter Dimkov" by Nikolai Antonov we read a very important clarification about them: >"Herbs and medicinal plants are just an extra point in the treatment of the disease. Ninety-five percent of the treatment is the desire, faith, the urge to heal, 5% are herbs. By comparison, internal and external treatment factors show that the external ones that are sometimes relied on are insignificant. This is paradoxical, because a folk medicine like Bulgarian, so rich in opportunities, herbs, medicinal plants and substances - "takes" only 5% of the treatment of the disease. But they are often of great importance, as they impulse the will to fight the disease, "inspire" and inspire the victim, and he "injects" his 95% internal resistance into the fight. " In my opinion, they are much more than 5%, but definitely the treatment largely depends entirely on our feelings, thoughts and actions. It is best to pick fresh herbs yourself. This happens mainly in the summer, and it is good to be at the moment when they are strongest and healing. For the leaves, these are the days just before or at the beginning of flowering, for the flowers - when they are in full bloom, the fruits - after they are fully ripe, and the roots - from late autumn to early spring. The best time is at full moon, because then the juices of the plants are mostly in the aboveground parts. In view of this, the most useful are the herbs harvested around the full moon in June, and in the higher regions - in July. It is important to collect on sunny days and in a dry state - in the morning, after the dew has passed. The following must be kept in mind: Only healthy, clean plants without parasites are harvested! Do not press the flowers and leaves during collection and do not use plastic bags, as there is a danger that the herbs will mold or turn black during drying. The most healing are the plants grown in high and clean places, and those that grow along highways or urban areas are even harmful. The preparation of tea is approached according to the characteristics of the selected herb, but as a general rule for flowers and leaves it can be said: to pour boiling water and stay in it for a few minutes without boiling. The infusion is drunk hot, and after it cools down, most of its useful properties fly away forever. This rule also applies to any dish that loses its life-giving power soon after it has been prepared. As a last resort, it can be eaten later in the day, but it is highly undesirable to leave it for the next day, as it absorbs a lot of negative forces at night and becomes harmful. This applies to almost all packaged foods and cans that are sold and in which there is nothing valuable left but physical substances. Interestingly, even in India, where the standard of living is significantly lower, many people give leftovers to their pets but do not leave them for the next day. [search](
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