Saturday, March 13, 2021

It's never too late to lose weight. Believe me, I've been there.


I used to weigh almost 240 lbs at 5’9” when I was young. I was a fat kid in high school and can remember breathing heavy while only sitting down. I wasn’t given proper health and diet guidance and it messed me up bad. TBF this was before the internet and all the facts that we can easily find on it today (despite all the fake diet news). I was so lost and thought I was just supposed to be that way forever. I saw some people diet and exercise and lose weight but always thought it wasn’t possible for me for some reason, like they got lucky or they had the kind of genes that enabled it easier for them. I didn’t understand whole micronutrient foods and didn’t understand calories and was never taught the most efficient ways to exercise (compound exercises, hiit workouts for cardio health, etc...). The food showed up in front of my face for dinner and I ate until I felt full, because that’s what you were supposed to do in my head. I cried many nights just wishing I had “the right genes” and being upset that I was fat. Mind you I was in high school and things remained that way until I was in my mid-20s. I finally got fed up and started every diet you can imagine. The internet was starting to boom and I watched videos of people losing weight and finally had a chance to research the actual facts! I started eating less crap and started to eat more micronutrient whole foods and counted my calories for the first time ever. I also signed up for a gym and started doing some basic compound movements and focused on my form. I would also run 3 times a week. It started working! For the first time in my life I wasn’t helpless. For the first time I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Thing was, I thought you were supposed to just lose weight and then you’re could go back to a somewhat shitty diet again. Well I ballooned back up in college, but it didn’t last that long. By the end of my 20s I had gotten back into better habits. I am here today, a normal weight range and feeling great. I never thought I’d be able to sit without breathing heavy. I never thought I would lose nearly 90 pounds and see my abs again. My life is way better and joyful today with the right healthy habits. I never want my kids to go through what I went through. My kids are given healthy foods (usually, gotta have treats, they’re kids for goodness sakes!) and they see me exercise every day and tell me I am strong and handsome and look up to me every day. I want them to have this pride for their whole lives. I want them to know the correct habits early and to get them set young. I never want them to cry to bed because they don’t know why they are obese like I did decades ago as a kid. I will make sure I am the role model.
Originally posted here:

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