Friday, January 1, 2021

What I learned from my cold.
This is what happened when I got a rare, but full-blown, yet short-termed cold. It was a surprising time of reflection and self-honesty for me that had some surprising results, also it is a sort of document of how I took care of myself well enough to keep that cold "short and sweet". **The real cure for the common cold**. Well, I hate to tell you this against what every legitimate doctor, including my own doctors and internists have said about the common cold being incurable and something you have to ride out and die with. But, I look at it with a different thought: If you want to cure your cold, you must genuinely want to cure it first in your mind and spirit, and also it is your mind and spirit trying to tell you to slow down and look at reality a little deeper instead of acting on it blindly and habitually. With that said, I would like to say this also: Every problem has a solution even if we cannot immediately find it. This is sort of what I mean when I say things like "there are not any pedagogical or teaching infinities in existence." or to put it another metaphorical way: If there is a puzzle piece, there is a corresponding puzzle piece that fits it. There are not any genuine vacuum questions in existence that have no solution ultimately. [source]( So, I know this is a post about a cure for the common cold, but I was going a little bit deeper and saying that the common cold like all "unsolvable" problems, can ultimately be solved by genuinely divergent and different approaches to the problems. What I really want to say is every solution has a problem and every problem has a solution. Even the benzine ring problem in chemistry went unsolved for a hundred years and had the most basic solution of all that a famous chemist found. That is how some of the worst problems go: The solution is basic after the problem has been unsolved a long time. When you think about it, it is the same for AIDS and the common cold really. I am not trivializing anything, I am being eminently logical here about all "unsolvable situations". So, I submit to you, the common cold is just another one of those "unsolvable situations" that needs to be approached differently to solve it, like so many other seemingly unsolvable situations have been solved as evidenced by the next section of this article. **We can wallow in defeat, or get creative.** Creativity, in my educated opinion and reality is the opposite of defeat for this reason, especially when it comes to "unsolvable things" such as the common cold. When defeat sets in, the thing we must do is get creative, not defeated really. Because every problem has a solution somewhere and somehow. All it has to be is found. The real loss is to say at a very deep level: "The world is flat and that is that." The real gain is to get creative and solve the problem without quitting. The achievement of life is creativity and never quitting when really thought about. Especially when it comes to the major stuff, like curing diseases, inventing solutions for problems and the like. Creativity is power. Admitting defeat genuinely is the only real ultimate weakness. Personally, real defeat is between the ears and in the mind and creativity starts in the same place, but it goes further and better because of its nature. Back to what I was saying about the common cold. For every problem, including that one, there is an ultimate solution like a puzzle piece that cannot be found for awhile until it is close to being solved. That simple. Never quit, get creative, do not be defeated. **A winning way not to get sick.** Now, I would like to make a note before I really start this post that I am not advocating pure autosuggestion and positive thinking when dealing with any disease or denying any reality. But, I will say that the mind must be considered first in any cure or remission of anything. With that, I begin this section of this article. When you think about it, most basic sickness is a symptom, not a cause. "Symptoms" are a more fancy way of saying the word "effect". It is said that for every cause there is an effect. Well, it can also be surmised that every cause runs deeper than any effect. When you get to the cause of anything, any effect, even the worst one can be nullified really. What is the worst effect of any disease. Well, I have to be brutally honest here: Death. In every autopsy report, you have the words "cause of death", not "effects of death." Think about it. Consider it. The effects of death are really an energy change, not real death when you get to the cause. I mean, what causes consciousness? I know for a fact that energy causes consciousness. Indeed, energy change is only an effect of death when you think about it. From heavy to light: Back to the common cold, it is an effect, yet it is approached as a cause. It is a symptom, yet there is seemingly not a cure because it is approached as a cause and not what it is. So the winning way not to get sick is to keep each cause positive and keep your energy high in ways that work for you. That could be as basic as healthy thoughts, or more complex and seemingly hard to do. But, what works, does work and you should do it. When I say "you should", I am not giving any orders or anything: I am saying, do the right thing when you know and feel it is possible and necessary. That is all.
Originally posted here:

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