Friday, January 22, 2021

Day2, The gift of life!

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Hey guys, this is my second day for the #IAmAliveChallenge. That is me during my 9th blood donations. I am donating blood because I do believe in helping the one in need and take care of each other. Donating blood comes with a lot of benefits. One of the benefits is reducing the risk of hart attacks and liver disorders. The risk of heart and liver related problem is caused by the iron overload in the body. Donating blood helps in maintaining the iron level in the body and thus reduce those risk. Another benefit is that you get a free medical check up! Stay safe and healthy "We don’t have to be a superhero to save someone, a simple act of donating blood can also save lives" This challenge is inspired by @flaxz. Thank you to the HIVE community. Four points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge : - Tell the world that you are alive in a video, photo, and publish on Hive. - Use tags #iamalivechallenge and #hiveisalive - Share your post on Twitter and other social media. - Celebrate your victory every day.
Originally posted here:

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