Friday, January 22, 2021

I am grateful to my creator || On 22nd January 2021 || Actifit report || A win proof|| On 21st January 2021 || IAAC #29 || Actifit report || A win proof||
Being a believer Muslim, I am always grateful to my creator who brought me into my existence, from nothing. However, every day, in my chamber and outside, I meet people with various sufferings and trials which constantly remind me how lucky I am. Via social media or news media, I come to know about different incidents, happening around me/us. Stories of those people tell me that I should not stop expressing my gratitude to my Lord. I am going to share short stories of some people I came to know recently. Telling a story is not the primary goal here, rather highlighting what blessings I am enjoying now. A 51-year old Omani patient came to my chamber with his elder brother. He came with an illness (cold and cough). However, the thing that struck me was that in his 51 years of life, he couldn’t speak. He was a mute person. I can express anything verbally. How can I not be grateful for this precious gift my creator gave me? --- One senior brother (from my village) had sent some investigation reports via Facebook messenger. He was having a mass/swelling under his right lower jaw (submandibular area). When I saw the reports, I found that it was a case of malignancy. He is suffering from cancer! He may be in his mid-40s. Cancer is a terrifying disease. A middle-aged is having it. I am, Alhamdulillah, so far, free from such a terrifying disease. Shouldn’t I be grateful!! --- I have only mentioned 2 examples but these types of examples are numerous. Now, Look around you. If you search, you will find a lot of examples as well. Now, compared with yourself, maybe it will increase your gratefulness as well. --- Lastly, I saw one Facebook status last night, published by one renowned orthopaedic professor from Bangladesh. I attended a few lectures of him when I was in medical college. In his status, he mentioned that one of his grandsons had died the previous afternoon due to a massive MI (heart attack). His age was 23 years!! He added his grandson’s photo as well. Such a young, healthy-looking, smart young man!! What made me special?? I am still alive. I am alive and enjoying the beauty of this world. Because my creator has bestowed upon me every blessing I have. Alhamdulillah. All praises to be for God. --- Proof of a win.

_This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


Aerobics, Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Play with kids/grand kids, Treadmill
165 cm
68.8 kg
Body Fat

Originally posted here:

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