Friday, January 1, 2021

Avocados Contain Surprising Number of Nutrients
The avocado, sometimes referred to as an alligator pear, is a tasty, green fruit that grows in warm climates throughout the world, including Florida, California, and Central America. Many people are surprised to discover the vast array of nutrients that are packed into avocado calories. [image source]( ### Avocado Varieties Avocados are climacteric fruits. This means they mature while still on the tree, but ripen only after they fall. Cultivated for over 10,000 years, there are currently more than 500 avocado varieties in existence, and one tree can yield as many as 450 avocados per year. When reviewing avocado nutrition information, one will quickly discover that there are few fruits which can boast as many health benefits as avocados. ### Nutrition Facts There are approximately 290 calories in a medium avocado, 75 percent of which come from fat. The fruit is also high in potassium and vitamins such as B, E, C, D and K. Avocados contain lutein as well, which is a nutrient essential to eye health. Additionally, avocado calories are packed with fiber, both soluble and insoluble, and generous amounts of essential fatty acids, which play a vital role in heart, brain and skin health. Furthermore, avocado calories contain high levels of minerals such as magnesium, copper, potassium and calcium, all of which play a crucial role in human nutrition. ### Avocado Calories and Concerns About Fat For years, the fat content associated with avocados has caused some individuals to shun the fruit in lieu of other options. However, over the past decade, additional information has been discovered by scientists and dietitians regarding healthy and unhealthy fats. Saturated fats are harmful and can cause one's blood cholesterol to rise to a dangerous level. This can result in a host of health problems such as heart disease and stroke. However, avocado calories primarily come from heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which are not harmful and do not cause one's cholesterol levels to rise. ### The Role of Fat in the Absorption of Carotenoids There are additional avocado benefits of which the general population may be unaware. One such benefit is the fruit's role in optimizing vitamin and nutrient absorption. Carotenoids are plant pigments found in certain fruits, and they are turned into powerful antioxidants when metabolized. These nutrients enhance the human immune system's ability to fight conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Research conducted, indicated that carotenoid absorption was increased by 100 percent when avocados were added to the daily diet of 200 clinical trial participants. This study was significant, as it proved that although carotenoids are found in many fruits and vegetables, they cannot be absorbed unless consumed with fats. ### Potassium and Avocados Avocados also contain high amounts of potassium, a mineral that is vital to one's nervous system health and his or her fluid balance. A small avocado contains 60 percent more potassium than a medium banana, and while the latter is also a healthy fruit, the nutritional content of a banana cannot begin to compete with the nutritional value of an avocado. In addition, research has suggested that diets high in potassium can help to prevent high blood pressure, even in those with a genetic predisposition for the disease. Some doctors and scientists are of the opinion that this is due to the fact that potassium helps to balance sodium, which is a culprit in some cases of high blood pressure. ### Heart Health and Avocado Calories In a recent clinical trial, high avocado intake was shown to significantly lower blood cholesterol levels in participants who followed a seven-day avocado rich diet. Those following the diet evidenced an 18 percent decrease in total blood cholesterol and a 20 percent decrease in both triglycerides and LDL–harmful cholesterol. When the study commenced, participants were also found to have experienced an 11 percent increase in HDL–helpful cholesterol. ### Bone Health Benefits Avocado calories are also beneficial regarding the formation of strong bones in children and the prevention of osteoporosis in the aging population. This is due to the presence of a specific combination of vitamins and minerals which are found in avocado calories. These nutrients include vitamins K, D, C, and a trace mineral called boron. The bone health benefits found in avocado calories are the result of the way the aforementioned substances work together to prevent bone loss and assist healthy bone development. Vitamins K and D work together to regulate the production of osteoclasts, the cells responsible for creating new bone growth. Boron is a trace mineral necessary for bone metabolism and works with vitamin D to reduce the amount of calcium excreted in one's urine. This helps to prevent bone loss and promotes healthy joint cartilage. While all of the aforementioned nutrients can be found in a variety of other fruits, there are few foods that contain all four, as does the avocado. It is for this reason avocado calories are especially beneficial to those who wish to optimize their bone health. ### Additional Considerations As previously mentioned, avocado calories contain lutein, which plays a vital role in the prevention of cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma. In addition, an 18 month study conducted at the University of Southern California, stated that a link may exist between arterial plaque–the cause of most heart attacks–and a lutein deficiency. Interestingly, although lutein supplements are widely available, some evidence suggests that for a person to receive optimum benefits from lutein, the source of the nutrient should come from food. This is another reason a diet containing lutein-rich avocados is a healthy choice. New nutritional facts are being discovered each day about avocados and many of the other fruits and vegetables that people consume on a daily basis. The results of a recent study conducted in Japan stated that the avocado is rich in natural antibacterial properties and those who consume the fruit daily may find they are ill less often than those who shun avocado calories. When one considers various avocado nutrition facts, he or she would most likely agree that avocado calories are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients. **References** - - - - Posted with [STEMGeeks](
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