Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Have you ever counted how many hours a day we are sitting? We just sit and never pay attention at it. We eat sitting, we study sitting, we work sitting, we watch TV sitting, play PC sitting, chat with friends sitting etc... And our kids too! Of course, we all wanna be healthy and try to take care about our kids, but we never think that sitting is a dangerous enemy.


I saw a revolutionary standing desk some months ago, and it caught my attention at once. When I started to read about it, it was something that I had to know but I didn't, I just never thought about it. History tells us that sitting became a part of people's life just in the end of 19 century. Before it, people did most everything standing, including studying for kids. The offer to work standing seems absurd: it is inconvenient, takes a lot of energy, does not allow them to concentrate on work. However, there are more and more adherents of this way of working, and they can be found in the offices of such well-known companies as Google or Facebook.


The human body is not adapted to be in this position for most of the day. All this cannot but affect health: many people who prefer this lifestyle are overweight; the risk of heart disease increases by 54% problems with posture, back or neck pain, osteochondrosis


Schoolchildren spend too much time sitting as well. And it causes great harm for their health. Moreover, kids are active and full of energy. Passive sitting just kills their potential. And why aren't there healthy kids after graduating from the school? They all have neck and back problems that lead to many other health troubles. They sit at school during 6-7 hours a day! Standing desks decide all these problems. But this does not mean that the child will stand at the desk all day - it is advisable to change dynamic postures every 15 minutes. He should not be on his feet for more than 25 minutes at a time. But this also gives a good result: - the density of motor activity is only 10-18% at a sitting desk, but a standing desk increases it to 85% - children begin to get sick less (2-4 times), and this primarily concerns diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. - saving vision [image.png](https://images.hive.blog/DQmTgEJWdRecopicyupJq7RU8pLPFJ2xa9YqcyVaB6MzrQn/image.png)


A student sees text located on a horizontal surface as a "trapezoid" - the upper part of the text and each letter is farther from the eyes than the lower one. This is called the optical perspective effect, which has a detrimental effect on the visual organs. To eliminate this effect, the child leans forward and slouches. The desk has an adjustable table top tilt angle. Working behind the desk, the student sees a uniform "rectangle". This position does not cause discomfort to the eye organs - the child does not spoil his eyesight and does not slouch. - Forming and maintain the correct posture While sitting, the load on the spine is 1.5 times higher. When practicing standing, the person is in the correct position - the back is straightened, the shoulders are laid back, the lungs are fully open. - To intensify brain activity A sitting position reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain. The production of substances for a stable mood, sharp thinking and good memory is slowed down. Now more and more families choose these very desks.




Moreover, adults for their offices choose them as well


Some kids organisations prefer standing desks too. I can't say there are many of them now, but even in Kerch (it's not a big city) there is a kids alternative school where they are used! Even here! SO the tendency is very effective.


I've found a lot of sites that sell and produce them, so it's really very popular now. Moreover, there're a lot of models and kids of standing desks, and we can choose anything we like. They cost about 80-100$, but it's a great + that you don't need to buy a new desk every time when you kid grows higher, it can grow with him and we can regulate the height. Now I am going to choose such a desk for my boy too. And you, guys? Have you ever practiced them? Seen them anywhere?
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-174578/@taliakerch/stand-up-sitting-kills-you-a-standing-desk-helps-to-save-health

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