Wednesday, January 27, 2021

TacoCat's TrEats #88: Healthy Japanese Roast Chicken That'll Get You Fired Up 🐔


Source: [Kemono]( Hey Hive! It's time to share yet another one of our food haunts we found way back during quarantine! Even though restaurants and eateries in Singapore have been given the okay to enable dining in (with social distancing measures of course), we've still been limiting our time spent eating out, or just being out in general, to be safe. Especially since there have been local community cases popping up here and there again. Anyway, we were craving some roast chicken way back during quarantine and we'd normally go to the supermarket to get one but our rental place had a special Japanese roast chicken place nearby called Kemono Chicken so we decided to try it out! The shop itself is pretty unassuming. It's not really a restaurant per se, but rather a small shophouse that probably only has space for the kitchen. There are no seating areas at all, so their sales are mostly through delivery or walk-ins. They do offer islandwide delivery and are probably on all the delivery apps available though.


Source: [Google Streetview](!1s0x31da19beaf084241%3A0xc31324bd5c79cd9a!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Fkemono%2Bchicken%2F%401.303529%2C103.8501053%2C3a%2C75y%2C282.14h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211svBhYV2kuYKafvlst_oymEg*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x31da19beaf084241%3A0xc31324bd5c79cd9a%3Fsa%3DX!5skemono%20chicken%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2svBhYV2kuYKafvlst_oymEg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS_r-U57vuAhWRX3wKHXyaDusQpx8wDXoECBsQCA) We've actually walked past the shop numerous times on the way to the supermarket but just never got around to trying it since it's pretty pricey compared to the roast chickens you can get at the supermarket (which are good enough for us). But there were a few times when we walked past that we managed to get a whiff of the delicious aroma of roast chicken. And since we couldn't leave the house during quarantine, it felt like a good time to finally try it.


Source: [Kemono]( Kemono Chicken is known for being healthy and delicious, priding itself on using the highest quality ingredients. All the meat is from halal-certified sources and their free-range chickens are reared without any anitibiotics or growth hormones. Kemono also has a strict no deep fried food policy; further cementing their image of being healthy and nutritious! Every order is also freshly prepared and delivered piping hot!


They actually have quite a [menu](; with not only their signature whole roast chickens, but chicken leg buckets, bento sets, pies, soups and salads!




They even have a collaboration with Rochor Original Beancurd in selling desserts on their website so you can have those delivered along with your chicken!


Source: [Kemono]( I think at the time when we tried it their menu wasn't this extensive, and I definitely don't remember them having pies but I think it's quite an interesting expansion. And I guess it does fit, because although it's called Japanese Roast Chicken, the roast chicken itself is considered Western cuisine I guess, so offering cream soups, salads, and chicken pies as a side is to be expected.


Source: [Kemono]( Anyway, we ended up ordering one of their signature whole roast chickens. But at the time they had a special spicy miso chicken or something like that. And we decided to go for it since we typically buy black pepper chicken and we weren't sure what spices were in their original recipe and whether it was gonna be plain or not. After about half an hour or so after ordering, we received our chicken at our doorstep, piping hot! The packaging it came in was really cool too; with art that resembled an anime of some kind.


On the side there were even some quirky instructions on how to eat Kemono Chicken that I thought was kinda funny and cute:


The bag itself was also pretty cool:


From a quick Google search it looks like they had quite a few different designs for their box. Perhaps they're seasonal?


Source: [umakemehungry]( I'm not really a fan of their newer, cutesy designs though.


Source: [Eat What Tonight]( But regardless, the chicken is the same and that's what's most important. Opening up the box, there was the whole chicken, and 3 different sauces which I believe are garlic chili, sweet chili and curry sauce. You can probably choose what sauce you want when you order.


The chicken was actually really very hot so we had to leave it out for a while before eating. But it didn't look that spicy other than a little redness here and there.


According to the website, Kemono uses a unique cooking method that produces a paper-thin skin with a truly sensational, unrivaled crisp. And that was definitely proven true when I cut into the chicken. We could definitely hear the crackling of the crispy chicken skin when I sliced the chicken breast right down the middle. The meat was so tender that I was met with little resistance when cutting! The inside was also cooked to perfection and smelled so goood!


Source: [Kemono]( *Also, I apologise but I don't have any more pictures of the chicken after cutting since it was a real mess after that.* But man, did we underestimate this chicken. After a couple bites, the spice hit us like a truck! It was definitely concentrated in the redder parts of the chicken skin, but since the initial sting didn't dissipate as much as we expected, the flesh also started tasting spicy. We're typically fans of spiciness, but this was too much even for us.


The sauces were alright, but I think we preferred the chicken on its own. And since it was spicy as hecc already, we passed on the chili sauces. After a while it was definitely a spicy challenge on its own. The chicken was really nice and tender though, so it motivated me to keep eating. But the more I ate the spicier it became! I really tried my best to clean out the chicken but I think we still did alright. Most of the meat was gone by the time we had to stop. Unfortunately, we didn't have milk on hand to curb the spice so we stuffed ourselves with cold water. It helped a little. I think we definitely would've been better off trying their original flavour. Oh well, live and learn. I guess maybe they got feedback on the spicy one and that's why it's not on the menu anymore.


Source: [Google Maps](!1s0x31da19beaf084241%3A0xc31324bd5c79cd9a!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Fkemono%2Bchicken%2F%401.303529%2C103.8501053%2C3a%2C75y%2C282.14h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211svBhYV2kuYKafvlst_oymEg*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x31da19beaf084241%3A0xc31324bd5c79cd9a%3Fsa%3DX!5skemono%20chicken%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipP5WEzjOR9DtQz7O7Pioaucw7PkpmQXrK3g7-iw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS_r-U57vuAhWRX3wKHXyaDusQpx8wDXoECBsQCA) I'd say Kemono Chicken is definitely worth it if you're health conscious and prefer organic food. If you're like us and are more price conscious though, maybe not. It's good for a special occasion if you wanna treat yourself, but since the supermarket roast chickens are good enough for us, we'll pass. Thanks for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

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Check out my previous post in this series!
TacoCat's TrEats #87: That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles! 🍪
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Originally posted here:

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