Friday, January 22, 2021

Tips on Buying healthy meat
# Hello Hiveians Buying fresh meat and foodstuff is as important as going for medical fitness or health checkups. Our health is dependent on what we eat and am sure you don't want to experience any case of food poisoning. Aside proper cooking of meat and other screening exercises at the abattoir for disease causing organisms, we might want to do some physical examination of meat to see if they are still fresh and healthy Here are some points to look out for


* Color Fresh meat carries a brick red color but begins to give a brown or green color when its getting bad. Its the habit of marketers around here to pour fresh blood on not too fresh meat in order to make them appear with this brick red color. Make sure the meat is properly washed and free of blood stain for you to observe this color. * Firmness Fresh and healthy meat carried moderate firmness and tenderness that it regains it shape when poked. You may want to poke meat for firmness, its becomes very soften and will not regain shape when meat is getting bad, and a hard meat isn't healthy as well. * Smell This is easily observable and you may need to compare the smell of a freshly cut beef to one that has spent a few days and this smell becomes familiar and well differentiated. * Juiciness Fresh meats are usually juicy and contain more veins and fat cells, these fats are very visible on the surface of fresh and healthy meat and fats are carriers of the flavors we taste in meat. Even during simple washing of meats, the fats can be seen in good amount inside the wash water. * Storage Meats stored in vapour proof materials inside refrigerator are more healthy than ones wrapped in newspapers. And its better to purchase meat from cold stores than random hawkers except they are day to day seller who only collect and sell freshly slaughtered animals.








Its a market Friday adventure and how i purchase healthy meat # Thanks for reading.
Originally posted here:

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