Rudolph Steiner and the spiritually destructive vaccine
I came across an interesting quote from the early 1900's author, philosopher and healer Rudolph Steiner which really made me stop and think about a few things. After further research some interesting new details have emerged which might help explain why psychopaths spanning the planet are trying so hard to push this experimental vaccine on basically everyone on earth. > “The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. People are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination towards spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field ” the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the spirits of light." - Rudolph Steiner > Now, on its base this seems like a very out there quote by a man that very few have even heard of. But Steiner was very vocal during a very interesting time in medicine in health...the early 1900's. This was the time of the [Flexner report of 1910]( which helped kick-start the Rockefeller Takeover of medicine during the same time period. Steiner was a huge proponent of what he called "anthroposophy" which essentially incorporates [different bodies such as the astral / etheric as well as the physical body]( If this seems like woo-woo I suggest the reader look into these things. The etheric body is really just like the electrical / frequency based body that overlaps the physical body...its essentially our auras, which have been measured.
Now concerning the above quote about vaccines. I immediately of course thought of the mRNA vaccines being pushed by known bad actors such as Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and more, all of which have been involved with huge amounts of corruption, lawsuits for bad products and overall chicanery. Johnson & Johnson of course just got busted for causing cancer because of its baby powder. This was an article I was linked to during a string of research into Steiner and the vaccination: Apparently, and this is not confirmed but anecdotal (as if Astra-Zeneca would ever admit such a thing occured) the man was overheard to start saying, over and over, that: > "They've killed God; I can't feel God anymore - my Soul is dead" > Now whether this is true or not is something we will never know. It certainly is creepy and purportedly the second victim said something very similar. Both were marked as "neurological disorders" of course, a vague term to throw people off any trail and as usual downplay vaccination injuries. There does seem to be a war on spirituality during this entire scam of a virus, I've been calling it a "soul test" since essentially the beginning when the PCR tests were proven to be unusable bunk, overclocked with cycles, creating massive false positives and the current fearmongering shit-show that we have before us. Here are several clues as to why the World Economic Forum, Gates et al., the pharmaceutical cartels, Rockefeller cronies and the rest of the scum of the earth, who I would not doubt are either possessed by some sort of entity or simply psychopathic power-mongers, may want to destroy any semblance of spirituality or "super-conscious thought" or any source. Why they would want us stuck in the physical plane indefinitely, never curious about higher things, the meaning of life, any sort of higher purpose or spiritual endeavor. 1) **The suspicious harassment of churches** Nothing new here, you can't gather for church. No Jesus for you. However, feel free to attend the many essential services they have left for us including strip clubs, liquor stores, and Walmart. All of these are forms of **passions** and what I mean by that is lower-frequency, material based endeavors. With one you get the idea of sex (although you won't get it, just pay for a tease), the next you get the liquor (addiction) and the next is the consumer driven conglomerate of Walmart...feel free to stand one foot apart next to the four hundred other lemmings lurching about. 2) **The hilariously insane ideas about "public health"** I would laugh if it wasn't so serious. We hear it everyday and its also called "common sense" (yes, if you are a psychotic fool). Social distancing, masks, and hand sanitizer. You couldn't give worse health advice. In fact, all three of those are extremely unhealthy. That is exactly what a psychopath looking to destroy your sense of humanity would would dictate. Never mind healthy food, exercise, meditation, clean water and sunlight. Just stay as far away from your fellow human, lather your hands in shit all day long and wear a ritualistic shame-muzzle wherever you go, until the end of time...or your imminent death. 3) **Everything is synthetic, robotic and un-natural** Bouncing off the last one, the entire panel of "solutions", laughable as they are, are all anti-nature. "We're looking to **treat** this virus with new therapeutics" Drugs. "We need more ventilators" Invasive, usually unneeded and harmful. "Cheers to all the frontline workers" This means doctors and nurses...and not naturopaths, or nutritionists, or trainers keeping people healthy, or osteopaths, or any energy healer of any sort. Only drugs, surgery and the robotic / alien-like environment of modern day hospitals. And let's not forget about the "tests", which still make me gag, not because of I've gotten one, never will be doing that, but just watching people in videos...ugh! Right into the blood brain barrier you go! ## One last important point... There is talk about what is called "chromosome 8" and there are a few bitchute videos explaining it and the link to the tests, covid and the vaccine... What has seemingly been uncovered is that the vaccine targets chromosome 8...which is part of all of our DNA. This chromosome also seems to be connected to consciousness in some way. There will have to be more research on it but I recommend checking the above video with David Icke out as well as the others on that site. So the mRNA that they are going to inject, which is essentially a virus, will then hypothetically go into cells and insert itself into the DNA, which will then replicate and then be in your body for the rest of your life and completely be unable to ever be removed as it will be part of your DNA. There is also this article talking about a "rare disease" involving [abnormalities of chromosome 8]( Granted this is in fetuses before they are born, the effects of this abnormality include things like...mental retardation predominately. What happens if chromosome 8 is impacted in adults, kids, or teens, and then is allowed to replicate? Will we after all be surrounded by a race of slobbering, half-retarded zombies? Is this what all the zombie movie preconditioning has been about? What the hell is going to happen from this vaccination? Only time will tell...but I sure as hell am going to avoid these experimental vaccines like the plague.
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