Tuesday, January 26, 2021

BASEMENT GYM TODAY (Had a Good Workout)

It's always nice to have some exercise equipment at home for when you don't feel like going out into the world and travel to the *Fitness Center*.
Today was a day like that for me. I was at home, feeling good about being there with my cat and didn't particularly care to interact with a human being😎 I'm becoming less and less- 'A people person'... for better or worse. It was *chest* day- mostly *bench presses*. Yet, since I have an adjustable bench, I'm not restricted to flat bench presses; I can also do incline presses, as well as *declines* if I choose to do so. Those three exercises *alone* make for a well rounded chest routine. Sometimes I might skip the flat bench presses and just do inclines and declines. Alternating how you train, keeps things interesting. It can also serve to stimulate a muscle group to become stronger after the recuperation period.
In the above photo, you can see me gripping the *EZ Curl* bar as I get ready to finish my workout off with some triceps work, which is a common thing to do on chest days, because the triceps are directly engaged with any pressing movements. The only movements I did for triceps today, were *close-grip* bench presses and *skull-crushers*😝 Skull crushers are a type of triceps extension, but you lay on a flat bench holding the bar over your chest (*as if you are about to do a bench press*) then you bend the arms at the elbows, lowering the weight to your forehead and back up again.
Here's a Photo Borrowed from Bodybuilding.com to Demonstrate the Movementhttps://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/angryman/chqQ8veT-image.png
Some people kick in some shoulder work as well on the days they train chest. I'm not a big fan of combining shoulders *and* triceps along with chest on the same day. I've always found that system to be more of a hindrance, if one is training for both *size* and *strength*. By the time I finish chest and a second pressing type body-part routine, I feel as if I don't have enough *umfftttt* left to hit a third muscle group intensely enough. So, I save either shoulders or triceps for another day.
Since the leg extension apparatus was right in front of me, I decided to do a few sets of *light* leg extensions, just because I felt like it...😎 My *pecs* and triceps might have been burnt out, but that doesn't mean my *energy* was completely deleted. Yeah... I did leg extensions on *squat* day two days ago. That means the ole quads were pretty well rested by today and a little *boost* of encouragement to grow, seemed like a fine idea. Well, that was about it for todays basement gym workout. I did some *sit-ups* as well with my knees bent over the end of the bench and feet tucked against the leg-extension pads. It was a good day... *and*... a good workout. If I keep training like this, I might go on to live for *another* 71 years...??? Of course I'll need to eat right too, or at least *half-way* right...😏 Here's hoping you had a good day too, my friends and a long, healthy life. ***Ciao***


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Image: My Own
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@angryman/basement-gym-today-had-a-good-workout

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