Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Health Benefits of Eating Potatoes
Who doesn’t like a potato (Solanum Tuberosum) whether baked, boiled or fried; you could probably put the potato right up there with fried chicken n and apple pie. There are 4 types of potatoes: Russet (most popular,) red potato, gold potato and the white potato. It’s more to the potato than the high carbohydrates and calories. On the other hand the potato is loaded with some amazing health benefits to include Antioxidants that act as "free radical scavengers" and may help your immune defense system by lowering your risk of cancer and infections. The potato is an ancient food. A perennial plant of the nightshade family and is closely related to the tomato, the eggplant, and the red pepper, the potato is native to the Andes where it was cultivated by the Inca people. [source]( There are 4 types of potatoes: Russet, red potato, gold potato and the white potato, Anyone of these potatoes will give you the health benefits needed for a healthy diet. #### Digestion: Thanks to the potatoes’ carbohydrates they are easy to digest and facilitate digestion as well as contain a considerable amount of fiber #### Skin Care: Potatoes contain Vitamin-C and B-complex and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc witch are good for your skin. Soothes and heals burns. Use the potato wash water to clean and soften your elbows. #### Scurvy: The potato has Vitamin C and can help prevent scurvy; frequent viral infections like colds, cracked lips and bleeding gums. #### Rheumatism: Vitamins, calcium and magnesium in potatoes aids in the relief of rheumatism. Water obtained from boiling potato gives relief in rheumatism Due to the high starch or carbohydrate content it tends to increase body weight which may have adverse effects on rheumatic people. #### Inflammation: The potato high in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and potassium and easily indigestible is very effective in relieving inflammation both internal and external. Raw mashed potatoes are also for mouth ulcers. #### High Blood Pressure: Potatoes can be used to relieve High Blood Pressure due to tension and indigestion but should be avoided if it’s due to your diabetes. #### Lower Cholesterol The fiber present in potatoes is helpful in lowering cholesterol and improves functioning of insulin in the body, which aids to lowering of blood pressure, since there is a direct relation between the blood pressure and the glucose level in the blood and insulin regulates this glucose level. #### Brain Function: The potato high in carbohydrates and maintain good level of glucose in the blood which aids in not letting your brain become fatigue and help to keeps the brain active and alert. #### Heart Diseases: Carotenoids are beneficial for heart and other internal organs. Remember it raises the glucose level in the blood and over consumption may cause obesity, which in turn can put a lot of pressure on your heart; so it is not recommended for the obese or those suffering with diabetes. **Sources** - - - Posted with [STEMGeeks](
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