Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The David's Actifit Adventures: Grandma coming to Us
*ENG Text*
Hello Friends!
I would like to share with you my daily report. These are my Yesterday Daily activities.
In the morning I went to the screen print and prepared the images for the print process. My grandma coming to us because the the owner of the house she rented pushed her away for a few days, someone said to me. We had lunch and I returned in the screen print for a few times. While I was going out, I saw the signage department following the habits of a healthy diet by having a nice afternoon snack. At home, I trained with some simple exercises, had a shower and dinner: prawns by the fisherman. Then, I published my presentation post on Voice and went to bed.
Goodnight and see you tomorrow friends!
*I have to admit that a few times the sources change the counts, due to diagnosis or notification errors. The last 3 November the Government presented new measures against the diffusion of the Sars-Cov2. They divided our country in some color zones based on the Gravity of the situation. Every zone has different measures and the situation is monitored constantly for the next months. As of December 18, and in the last week, the diffusion trend followed a line pointing down. The average amount of the daily cases is smaller than the last month; the same trend relates about the ratio between new daily cases and Daily number of swabs. But in the last days the curve established It self on a stable range. Since 24 December, the whole Italy will be consider a Red zone - except for a few days - at least until January 4th. On December 27th, the news said about many cities in Italy with the first administrations of the vaccine against sars-cov2. They nicknamed that day as the* ***V-Day***. *Below, the count of the last day, published by the Italian Ministry of Health.*
**January 13, 2020**
New Cases: 14242
Increasing in the Swabs carried out number: 175429
Total cases now: 2319036
The deaths: 80326 (507 more than the day before)

*ITA Text*
Ciao Amici!
Mi piacerebbe condividere con voi il mio report giornaliero. Queste sono le mie attività per la giornata di ieri.
In mattinata sono andato in serigrafia e ho preparato alcune immagini per il processo di stampa. Sono tornato a casa: mia nonna è venuta a trovarci, il padrone della casa in affitto l'ha allontanata per qualche giorno, mi hanno detto. Abbiamo pranzato e poi sono tornato nella zona industriale. Mentre me ne andavo ho visto che il reparto cartellonistica seguiva le buone abitudini per una dieta sana facendo una merenda nutriente. A casa ho fatto qualche esercizio a corpo libero, una doccia e ho cenato: gamberi del pescatore. Più tardi ho pubblicato il mio post di presentazione su Voice e sono andato a nanna.
Buonanotte e ci vediamo domani amici!
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_This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io_

Cycling, Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking, Yard Work

Originally posted here:

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