Sunday, January 3, 2021

Lotus Love Sunday Editorial Post - Promoting Natural Healing Into The New year!


Hello Beautiful Folk! Welcome to the first Lotus Love Post of 2021! I know that most people will be glad to see the end of 2020, a year that was very challenging, physically, mentally and spiritually. But with those challenges, came the opportunity to learn and to grow!
This week we saw a lot of people reflecting on their journey this last year and announcing their intentions for the new one. Our words hold power and once we speak them or announce them, we set the wheel in motion. So this week, we take a look, at some very inspiring posts that our community members shared and begin this new year full of appreciation for all that we have learnt and for all that we have yet to learn!


Humility is the top characteristic of real progress in life There are times where many of us wonder, if our writing's are being read and if the message that we are trying to convey has been heard. Where our ego steps in and we worry that perhaps we are not being appreciated. No matter what our intentions, and how much we wish to help enlighten people, we have to also accept that each person is on their own journey. This post by @julescape explores all of these issues and reminds us that >I need to continue my pursuit of consciousness and awakening, regardless of the rest of society. You can take a horse to water... You can cast your pearls... According to the Gita I need to remember to give up false ego, thinking my information will be seen as important. Let go of intellectual pride.



How To Navigate The Current World 'Crisis' I am not sure how many of you are aware, that our the wonderful @clareartista has created Living In The Gift Course, which she has made available to everyone on the platform. A wonderful gift to help us navigate our way during these challenging times, to help us understand what is happening and find ways in which to move forward. >So, there's a lot to unpack, and many of us are wound up tight into a state of not being able to digest more information. This course is designed for you, particularly this final chapter, which intends to cut some fog away from what's actually unfolding around us - and to bring our feet firmly down to the ground of what we can actually do about it all.



Goodbye 2020... Hello 2021 Those of us within the Natural Medicine Community, know the long healing journey that @raj808 has been on. He has really taken control of this journey and has really got to know his body and the things that impact it the most. When we choose to heal ourselves naturally, the journey can be very long, as we get to the root of our dis ease. So much admiration and respect to @raj808,for teaching us along the way. >The puzzle of the microbiome is infinitely more complex than you may think. It is not a case of good or bad bacteria, but rather everything in its right place and right amount. Think of it like a battlefield where the good guys (in a healthy person) have the upper hand. The good bacteria live in the places (usually large intestine and to a lesser extent the stomach) where they can do the most good (producing enzymes and eating toxic materials) and at the same time prevent bad bacteria from overgrowing.



Three Tricks to Aid With Sleeplessness That Really Work I think it is safe to say, that most people do experience sleeping difficulties at some stage in their life. I know I did the last couple of years and wish that I had this wonderful post by @riverflows to turn to. 3 tricks to help you sleep, 2 of which are very simple and that is a testament to life is it not, how simple things can be. How we can remedy so much for ourselves. >It enables the mind to slip into that is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. It's like a conscious sleep - your mind is meant to be awake. It's like meditation - and is indeed a form of it - except you lie down and listen to someone's voice, and you don't need to do anything else but shift your attention where you are asked. In this state, your unconcious mind opens up to new ways of healing and realising intentions.


Reflection 2021: Enough of surviving, we need to live! The title of this post by @aduragbemi, really says it all, about the way in which so many of us have spend this last year, surviving. It is easy to get caught up in the narrative and allow ourselves to become quite negative. But we control how we react and we need to prioritize self care. A wonderful message as we move into 2021. > No amount of damage caused by viruses or pandemics can amount to a quarter of what we do to ourselves when we dwell in so much negativity. When the mind is afflicted, other elements that make us human is deprived. And in that moment of weakness, you don’t get better unless you take the bold step and make a factory reset. Start by planting a seed of positivity and grow it into a tree of mindsets that goes deeper in its root.


Good Bye 2020 & Happy New Year! Insights & New Beginnings @jasonliberty started the new year out in nature, the perfect place to recharge and reflect. He shares his reflections about this past year, highlighting some of the many ways in which we have all been affected. But more than this, he shares his vision for 2021 So let’s make this new year a better year than the last, no matter what the authorities have planned for us, and let’s make it a year worth living. Let’s make it the year that future generations look back at as the pivotal year that changed the course of history, the year that humanity became empowered and the inorganic ones controlling society lost their hold on the minds and hearts of the people.



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*Each week our curators choose one or more beneficiaries for their curation, sending some HIVE out into the world as an abundance gesture. Beneficiary this week goes out to @clareartista*
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