Saturday, January 9, 2021

Losing Weight: Get Motivated and Get Moving!
Losing weight isn’t rocket science, yet so many of us have such a hard time losing weight. There is a formula of sorts to lose weight. The formula is: eat less and exercise more. You might say you don’t have time for any activity because you work 8 hours a day. Or you might say that you can’t exercise because you don’t have money to join a gym, or you don’t have any exercise clothes to wear to the gym. You don’t need all that. I’m finishing up my 3rd week of my new life as a healthy person. The weight is coming off quite easily. It’s coming off because I am increasing my activity. According to your weight you should have a certain amount of low impact aerobic activity. You could walk your dog during your activity time. The calculations are already done for us, so we don’t have to figure out how much time we should spend moving our bodies. If you weigh up to 149 pounds you should exercise for 70 minutes a day to lose weight effectively. If you weigh 150 to 199 pounds you should exercise 50 minutes per day. If you weigh 200 to 274 pounds you should have 35 minutes of activity. People weighing 275 to 374 pounds should have 25 minutes of activity. Last, but not least, if you weigh 375 pounds and over you should have at least 20 minutes of activity per day. Before getting started you should get your doctor’s okay to start any exercise program.
My top weight was 400 pounds. My weight now is 310 with my shoes and clothes on. My goal is to be less than 300 pounds within the next two weeks. You might think I should be ashamed to say how much I weigh; but I say I am proud of my accomplishment so far. I will not be ashamed to be who I am. I won’t lie and say I weigh 150 when I don’t. I believe the first thing one must do is accept him/herself for who they are and then move forward one day at a time to become healthy. I’m not going to say I want to be thin. I want to be healthy. I know are lots of thin people who are not healthy. I don’t want to be like them. My goal is to make changes I can live with, and stay with these changes for the rest of my life. My activity has gradually increased over the last several months. There was a time when I was short of breath any time I moved my body. Believe me when I say, I was short of breath when I weighed 400 pounds. I was on oxygen 24 hours a day. If I left the house I had to have an oxygen tank with me. I am now free. I walked 2 miles yesterday; not all at one time though. You don’t have to do your exercise routine all at one time if you don’t feel you can. You can break it up into 10 or 20 minute intervals if you need to. I usually walk 25 minutes 2 to 3 times a day. In 25 minutes I can walk a ¾ of a mile. When I do that 3 times I have walked a total of 2.1 miles. Because of my increased activity my weight is coming off and I am losing inches. You can do it too. You just have to start somewhere. ---
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