Saturday, January 9, 2021

How to manage your panic attacks
Managing panic attacks is an important part of your life. They can become a hindrance in your life. These simple steps will help you manage them. ### Managing Panic attacks can be incapacitating to many people. You feel your heart is beating out of your chest, your palms start to sweat, and it can feel as if you are dying. When you suffer from an attack, learning how to manage one is imperative. You do not want panic attacks to control your life. Each person suffers from a panic attack differently, each person will have a different remedy to help her manage.* [photo credit](*) ### Exercise Exercising is important to your everyday life. If you exercise on a regular basis, this helps keep your panic attacks in check. When you exercise endorphins are released helping you feel better and helps relieve stress. Yoga is the perfect addition to your routine. Yoga will strengthen, stretch, and teach you how to breathe. Include breathing exercises in your regime. Learning how to control your breath can help you control an attack. ### Eating well Eating too much sugar, alcohol and caffeine this can trigger a panic attack. Consume these in moderation. Focus on eating foods that are natural: vegetables, whole grains and fruits. According to WebMD foods high in B12 will help boost your mood: kidney beans, chicken breast and grilled salmon are great examples. You also want foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish. ### Sleep Getting a good night’s sleep is important. Feeling rested helps you control your emotions. This will also assist you from letting your thoughts stay more focused. If you have trouble sleeping there are many ways to improve your sleep habits: do not watch T.V. in bed, go to bed at the same time every night and keep the bedroom dark. ### Change the way you think Negative thoughts can invade your mind, causing panic attacks. You need to change your inner voice to be more positive. Take post-it notes and write a positive comment about yourself. Post these all over your house, in your car, and at the office. Journal positive thoughts, write ten things that happened in your day that made you happy. ### Moving around Staying in one spot for too long can cause you to become anxious. Do your best to get up at least once an hour and walk around. Get a change of scenery. If you are able to do easy stretches and practice your breathing techniques. Practicing these routines each day will help you better manage your panic disorder. With all conditions you should always check with a doctor. These remedies are suggestions that can help many people naturally deal with a panic disorder. **References** - - - - Posted with [STEMGeeks](
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