Thursday, January 7, 2021

Keeping that excessive and disproportionate fear alive...

Premature and seemingly unnecessary death is tragic especially among the young. The hoax attached to Cv19 was and still is in the hype used to impose the lockdowns using a faulty equation, then maintaining the excessive fear and lockdowns using corrupted data combined with censorship of facts and qualified opinions as well as distortions and outright lies - incessantly drummed into our heads through the establishment’s Western media and propaganda “news” industries. Where Covid is concerned, Western policies have destroyed over ONE BILLION jobs and businesses in 2020 alone - untold millions of whom and some of their dependents will meet early deaths due to various reasons including poverty related issues - what a miserable way to die... How did people get it in their minds that healthy people must be sacrificed to slow the spread of Cv19 when the fatality rate of those infected is so low? It is an indisputable fact that Cv19 is being used as the false reason and excuse to impose a preplanned NWO globalist fascist police state. What will it be like having tyrants decide who is essential in this world and who can be denied the right to provide for themselves among equals on our one and only mutual planet earth? Some people already know and have died as a result of what has served as the equivalent of a death sentence when the truth is told. Who decided they would be denied the right to live and provide for themselves through their routine and traditional daily activities? Who owns the earth? Who owns you, your body and your mind?
Originally posted here:

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