Thursday, January 7, 2021

Food Is Important Exercising Is More Important
Our life has two or three important things we cannot do without anyway. Food, sleep and water figure prominently in this list. What is role of food? Does exercising help us to remain thin? ### People who abhor exercises One great five-letter word is sleep. One bad four-letter word is food. Great food sticks to belly sides – like anything. Can exercise do anything to improve our health? ### Food and exercise Among exercises, you cannot choose one exercise alone to help you. However, each exercise targets a different muscle group so you can use it to improve muscle tone when needed.
### Muscles and fat For example, abs is a set of muscles that you see in your stomach region. These turn to flab very quickly, if one does not exercise. Two reasons are food and lack of exercise. ### Balance your food intake Food, especially carbohydrates, present in your cereals, breads and most other things you eat, does not undergo complete utilization after your metabolism turns them to energy through digestion. Instead, being excess, your body tries to store them away for a rainy day and converts them to fats. This is not a bad idea, for you need fats for many metabolic activities including synthesizing enzymes. Bad aspect is that if you do not utilize excess energy, all stored fats accumulate and “stick to your sides”. ### Energy requirements of our body Our body needs 2530 calories of energy (for women it is 2120 calories) for conducting various metabolic activities like breathing and blood circulation. If you consume food that has calorie count more than this, they are stored as fats. If you wish to shed weight, you have to consume food lesser than this minimum. ### Constituents of food Food consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water. If you like fatty foods such as meats with lots of fats, or oily fried substances, your daily food intake will contain lot of fat. You cannot metabolize this easily. You need to have high rate of metabolism, higher than normal. One can achieve this using spice like capsaicin and chili peppers, ginger, garlic and cardamom. Normal meat preparation will have one or many of these. ### People do not like exercising Exercise sounds dangerous to many people – they run away at the thought of sweating it out on the treadmill or elliptical trainer. Yet the simplest thing is walking. Walking is so effective at removing excess body fat that we hardly notice it at all. If you walk regularly to work or at work, chances are that, you have a slim body that hardly has any fat. ### Check out your exercise regimen Always begin your exercises with a warm up regimen. This means you have to move your body to get blood flowing fast. You can either run in place or use the elliptical trainer and get your body warm. If you are now in the mood for some exercise, you can begin with these simple ones. ### I) Alternating knee kicks a) Lie face down on floor with your palms pushing floor by your side. b) Keep your knees stiff and raise yourself off the ground. c) Now bring up one knee until it can go no further. d) Drop this knee and bring up other knee. e) Repeat this cycle for 2 –3 minutes. f) Push yourself back on to floor. ### II) Jump kicks [credit]( a. First, get the body warm by doing some warm up exercise. b. At least do some stretching exercise, so that you do not get your muscles all knotted up. c. Clear some space around you so that your hands and legs do not touch any table or television. d. Jump up in the air as high as you can. e. When you drop down, crouch down and then leap up again. f. Do these four or five times, until you are sufficiently high in the air. g. Now pull your knees up and kick out when you are on top of your jump. h. Drop back into a crouch on to floor. i. Repeat jumps without kick one or two times. j. Repeat the entire cycle until you are tired. ### Rest is very essential Get good rest – your body will work at night to build cells repair worn out tissues (remember that pain when you were exercising?) and revive your metabolism – if you have sound sleep, you get new cells and lose all your dead cells, and that definitely sounds good.
Originally posted here:

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