Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Healthy treats of my childhood
Parents shouldn't let their children eat industrialized sweets when they are easy enough to make at home and a lot healthier. ## Healthy treats of my childhood In the area where I live there is one of these shops that sell all sort of sweet things for children, young ones and even adults. The front of this shop means to be a traditional one from Belgium, but it quite clear it's a fake one. In the shop window, they have a varied display of coloured stripes. They're very long and they have a flavour according to the colour. If green, it's supposed to be mint. If deep pink, it's strawberry and so on and so forth. Inside, there's a whole world of sweets of all shapes and colours. However, and no matter how attractive they are to the eye, all of them are industrialized sweets and these that mean to be of strawberry haven't seen one of these fruits in their lives. It's all chemical stuff with loads of sugar to please dentists. How different from the ones I and my friends had when we were school girls. In many squares, there were ladies at their stalls, selling “chufas” (earth almonds) roasted chickpeas, salty sunflower seeds that we enjoyed opening with our teeth and spitting their shells onto the ground, licorice that tinted our lips in yellow or roasted almonds. These were the treats that we bought for few cents and that the lady put in small paper cones. They also were the ones that we took to the cinema or the ones we ate as we strolled in the streets. I know that dropping the sunflower seed shells onto the ground was not a good thing to do, but it was part of the fun of eating sunflower seeds. Some cinemas had continuous sessions, meaning that one film followed to another and on the second one showing the floor was already fully carpeted with sunflower seed shells. Those snacks or treats were cheap enough for a child, but the most important thing was that they were natural ones to eat. I don't understand why parents let their children eat these industrialized and excessively sugared sweets, when, if not those that we had when I was a child, treats are so easy to make at home and a lot healthier for them. One only needs sugar, fruits and a dose of imagination. With an amount of sugar caramelized in a saucepan, one can bathe a small apple with a stick in its core to be held. We can add natural flavoured essence and equally natural colouring. With sugar and egg whites one can make these white clouds that all of us love so much once in a while. [credit]( Whatever except letting our children eat what has been made in a laboratory.
Originally posted here:

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