Monday, January 4, 2021

Getting Fit in 2021 - Some Health and Fitness Goals.
I'm pretty disappointed with myself right now. 2020 really killed me in the health and fitness department. With the pandemic lockdowns and not a lot to do it was pretty easy to pack on the pounds. Over the last couple years I started keeping track of my weight and fitness goals on hive. I scrolled my timeline looking for my last fitness post and it was August 3rd of 2020. On that date, 5 months ago I weighed 275 lbs. I weighed myself this morning and 5 months later I'm 308 lbs. :( Ohhhhh the shame and horror. I knew I was getting fat again, none of my pants were fitting and I bought a 44 waist for my pants when I went clothes shopping for my cousins wedding last month. SMH ... I honestly didn't think I was up over 300 lbs again.


I'm so commited to losing this weight, I'm posting a picture this time. This is The Dood at 308 lbs. Don't mind the messy room. Cleaning house is the next order of business for 2021 🤣 Look at that nasty gut hanging over my waistline. I've got a hanger 😳 That's got to get straightened out. I'm not really sure how I want to diet yet. My last major weight loss was on Keto and I enjoyed the diet and it worked, but the weight also seemed to come back quickly too. On top of that, you really can't cheat at all on Keto. There's no such thing as a cheat day, and with my favorite sports team in the playoffs, and the super bowl a month away I'll be needing a couple cheat days. I'm holding off on Keto for sure till after the Super Bowl. I'm committing myself to a juice fast till Friday to kick things off. I think that's a healthy way to get started and I could use a little clarity of mind that seems to come with each fast. I'll weigh myself Friday morning and break fast with some solid food, fruits and vegetables. Over the course of this week I'll focus on how I want to diet. I'm thinking maybe juice and raw foods until Super Bowl Sunday. I'll see how much I lose between now and then, do some diet research, then decide after Super Bowl Sunday how I want to proceed. # What 308 lbs Feels Like I wanted to document what 308 lbs feels like. I'm currently sluggish and find myself tired in the middle of the day and in need of a nap. Although I have lower back problems from before my weight gain, I know the added weighted isn't helping at all. My lower back is in a constant state of pain. The back pain is a huge motivating factor in getting rid of this weight again. I'm also constantly out of breath. This is the second deciding factor in my need to lose this weight. I can tell I'm a prime candidate for heart attack at my age simply by how easily I get out of breath doing pretty minimal tasks. During the snow storm last week, I realized just how bad this had gotten when I ran the snowblower over the driveway. By the time I finished I was a puddle of sweat and gasping for air. Clothes shopping also sucks when you have to find clothing in super fat ass size! Pants and shirts can be difficult to find after size 40 and 2XL. On top of that, I don't like the way I look in almost anything at this weight. On top of that I have a lot of clothes that I'm not comfortable wearing right now because I gained so much weight over the last year. This Chris Farley skit immediately comes to mind. These are the main conditions I want to overcome. Get fit, get my lower back in order, get my energy back, and get my breathing in order. End goal, get this weigh off and KEEP it off this time! Yearly goal, get into the 250s by June and into the every elusive under 200 by 2022. I'll update on Friday after my morning weigh-in.
Originally posted here:

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