Wednesday, January 6, 2021

We are now close to a year of having this Covid-19 pandemic, well not in my country we started somewhere around April. How has it been for me? Well I certainly didn't like being closed in in my house even though here we did not have a total lockdown, but the bad part was only being ably to do shopping one day every ten days, this was later reduced to 5 days. Then we had ETA and IOTA hurricanes, well tropical storms here hit us, and the lockdowns were just a thing of the past, who worries about lockdowns if you have to get food. But that apart let's see how it has affected me, Masks: They are a little uncomfortable, but you have people who do spit on you when they talk to you, I myself am somewhat guilty of this, also people cough right at your face so hurray for masks, do they prevent COVID-19? What the hell do I know, I do follow the rule though I find it Hygienic. Social distancing, like hand shakings, hugging, kissing cheeks, I find those kind of gross you know I have know idea where that hand has been so I am OK with social distancing. Not gathering in large crowds, why do I want to be in large crowds, crowds stink, and you get pushed probably shouted at, I can do without that. Is COVID as deadly as they say it is? I have no idea, but I do know several friends of mine who have died of it, yes they say they had some underlying condition, and after all I am 59 so most of my acquaintances are close to my age so they are in a more critical group, but the friends who have died were completely healthy if Covid did not kill them I am sure it helped. SO I do keep the mandates made by health officials, it could be a hoax but I don't want to hurt someone because I am a conspiracy theorist. As for the vaccine, by the time it gets to Honduras we probably will know if it works, if it does I will certainly take it, I will not put other people at risk because of some dumb idea of mine. Will I get a chip made by Bill Gates to spy on me? Maybe, it would make me feel important just think about it, I am so great they need to spy on me. Actually this is ridiculous, intelligence agencies have people of interest they do follow and they don't need a vaccine for this. In summary, I cannot say Covid is the threat it is made out to be but if it is, I find it would be rude of me dangerous in fact, if it really is a threat, to not try to pass it around if I can help it
Originally posted here:

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