> Although we do not relate it, there are many activities and habits of daily life that can generate anxiety. It is convenient to learn to identify them to find a solution to the problem.
**Anxiety is fear, it is uncertainty and it is anguish.** This psychological condition is characterized by a mental and physical state of great wear and tear, which we do not always know how to manage. One of the most common characteristics of anxiety is thinking that future misfortunes will happen. Thus, and although it is a normal response of the body in times of emergency, **this emotion often escapes our hands**. Suspecting that you are traveling through this complex personal universe, it is best to ask for expert help. **There are practices that can be used to treat this disorder**; therapies such as cognitive-behavioral, for example, can be helpful in these cases. Likewise, it **is important to change lifestyle habits, improve mental focus** and be clear about those triggers or states that, at any given moment, can generate anxiety. Next, we will talk about some of the most frequent. ## **1. Passive attitude and anxiety**

Sometimes **when life becomes complex, demanding, and chaotic, we go for the easiest answer: passivity.** Now, we must be clear that these passive attitudes end up forming what is known as learned helplessness. Sooner or later, we end up thinking that no matter how hard we try, nothing is going to change. **Sedentary** **behaviors** **increase the risk of developing anxiety**. We must be clear: non-action, surrender and passivity intensify the discomfort and could end up making us sick. We must act. **It is necessary to face the problems, apply a more active mental approach**. A key aspect that cannot be overlooked is that physical exercise is very suitable for reducing the symptoms of anxiety. For example, a study published by _[Clinical Psychology Review]( confirms the anxiolytic effect of aerobic exercise. You already know: yes to the sofa bed routine, there is a world to go through and many things to do! ## **2. The rumor of anxiety and its pressures**

Urbanity, crowds and the hustle and bustle of big cities are triggers for stress and anxiety. **If noise and people do not affect you, you should take care of the city air**, since environmental pollution also induces physical and emotional exhaustion. According to studies such as the one published in [_Nature_]( in 2011, **those who live in the city are more likely to suffer from this problem** than people who live in rural areas. Cities, whether we want it or not, are usually settings that affect health. Researchers consider that environmental factors can influence brain activity, mainly in the amygdala, and thus intensify anxiety. A good option could be to establish regular getaways to natural environments, where you can disconnect from the city and its environment. ## **3. Economic problems, gender and environment** As an investigation carried out by the [European College of Neuropsychopharmacology]( reveals, **women who live in cities with affected economies are more likely** to suffer from anxiety disorders.
Disadvantaged environments and economic problems are those triggers that tend to affect women the most. This does not mean, however, that men do not feel the impact of these factors. The conclusion of the cited study implies only that, in general, a **woman's mind tends to experience greater concern**. In turn, and beyond being unfair in many cases, it is normal for her to have more tasks and responsibilities on herself: taking care of children, dependent family members, work, etc. ## **4. Too much fast food** It's ironic to think that fast food can lead to anxiety and, even weirder, depression. However, a study published in the [_Journals of Fundamentals of Mental Health_]( found that a group of students who ate fast food regularly were seven times more likely to suffer from anxiety than those of young people who ate better. **If you usually resort to these foods, reduce their consumption and follow a healthy diet**. It is highly recommended to consult a nutritionist to plan a balanced diet. You will see how the nerves diminish as you eat better. ## **5. Living in noisy areas** **Anxiety is also generated by everyday noises, such** as those in a factory, the screams of children in a school, the sound of construction sites in the streets ... Believe it or not, this can cause stress and headaches. If you work in places like this, find **a space to be in peace and without noise**. Meanwhile, if you have just moved to a new house very close to a busy road, the airport or the subway and have started to have problems, perhaps this is the cause, as indicated by a study published by [_Environmental Health Perspectives_]( . You may not be able to move, but it is recommended that you look for an option. How about practicing yoga in a park without so much noise? According to research published by [_Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice_]( , **regular yoga practice can “significantly” lower your anxiety level**. ## **Find a way to lead a calmer life**

Job collapse, caring for children or fulfilling the various obligations of daily life are enough so that, above all, all this is accompanied by an environment with noise or environmental pollution. It is not always easy to deal with all these daily enemies, we know, but many times we are forced to integrate and accept them. **We must be creative to find escape routes and take care of the body and mind.** In short, whether we like it or not, anxiety is a dimension that forms and will be part of life. We must accept it, deal with it, handle it and always use it to our advantage. In this sense, consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist is more than recommended. **Take care of your health, live calmly and keep a balanced diet;** for the latter, visiting a nutritionist can be an excellent measure. Remember that the body's reactions are the product of what happens inside the body. Finally, if the nerves appear frequently, the problem may be greater: take the necessary measures and do not forget to consult your doctor. **Article Referenced:** - **** - Peter Salmon. 2001. Effects of physical exercise on anxiety, depression, and sensitivity to stress: A unifying theory. Clinical Psychology Review. ( - Lederbogen F, Kirsch P, Haddad L, et al. City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans. Nature. 2011;474(7352):498‐501. Published 2011 Jun 22. doi:10.1038/nature10190 - Women in poor areas twice as likely to develop clinical anxiety as men. 2015. The European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Recovered from: - Bakhtiyari, Mahmoud & Ehrampoush, Elham & Enayati, Noora & Rastmanesh, Reza & Delpisheh, Ali & Zayeri, Farid & Homayounfar, Reza. (2011). Correlation between fast food consumption and levels of anxiety in students of medical science universities in Tehran. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health. 13. 212-221. - Westman, J. C., & Walters, J. R. (1981). Noise and stress: a comprehensive approach. Environmental health perspectives, 41, 291–309. - M. Javnbakht, R. Hejazi Kenari, M. Ghasemi. 2009. Effects of yoga on depression and anxiety of women. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. ( - - -

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