Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Please stay healthy!


[For the English speaking readers: I am sorry: Here I have listed German sources. For translating into other languages has proven to be very useful. I hope it helps you to understand the contents.] They are everywhere - in the air, in the water, on all surfaces, even on the skin and body, even in space. We are talking about germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.). We get along with many of them, because "we live with them in a symbiosis that also protects us from infectious diseases. Only if the composition is disturbed," this leads to problems and emerging diseases. Some of you may have noticed that I was ailing the last few days and then I got a cold attack. After a few days of bed rest and carefully selected home remedies and remedies I am back on the road. Nevertheless, in such a case one should be careful not to carry off an illness. Because even if you feel better, the body needs some time and rest to regenerate... and nobody wants to develop a chronic disease. These days I have been thinking a lot. Nobody can avoid the topic "Corona". Many people are afraid of this virus or explicitly "Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2", because there are many corona viruses: from harmless to dangerous. The simple cold is sometimes also caused by corona viruses. One more reason to pay attention to the exact choice of words and not to panic when there is talk of >>corona(virus(infestation))<< somewhere. What I am getting at is this: No matter how you feel about the matter, you want normality to return at last. This is only possible as a community, because even if you do everything right or think you have to do it, you will be affected if the environment does not get it right and measures are taken. As protective measures a mask obligation and/or obligation to carry a mouth nose protection was introduced. How one stands to it, is left to everyone. It struck me: Although it was assigned a high priority, it was not found necessary to inform more exactly over it - one looks for a package insert with the masks likewise in vain. There are big differences in the quality of masks and visors - how to handle masks, what needs to be considered and also what risks can be involved. Now some people think I am here to teach how to wear a mask properly. But this is not what this is all about - on the contrary: when not to wear it, why and what else should be considered (everything outside the wearing topic)? Keeping healthy is the keyword and at best you should think more about this, because we all have an immune system - one stronger, the other weaker. And shouldn't we focus on this? After all, the goal is one day to achieve a controlled infestation. This should benefit many people, since such a search for a vaccine would be obsolete, which could not achieve an adequate effect anyway due to the rapid mutation of the covid virus - comparable to the mutation rate of the influenza virus. This approach makes even less sense if safety is a priority and the usual test phases are to be adhered to. Health issues in general are one of my core competences and therefore it is important to me to educate you on how to protect yourself. Because if as many people as possible are healthy, hopefully the "Corona nightmare" will soon be over =) … In this sense, this will be an attempt on my part to present these rather complex topics in an easy to understand format with several episodes. A particularly interesting source is the doctoral thesis by Ulrike Butz from 2004 "Respiration of carbon dioxide when using surgical masks as hygienic mouthguards for medical personnel": Tomorrow I would like to go into this topic in more detail - I think it will interest many people and hopefully be just as helpful. My report makes no claim to completeness. Please comment diligently on what you value, what you are interested in and your personal opinion about it. I thank you all and wish you only the best. Stay healthy! =)
Originally posted here:

Lotus Garden Newsletter for Homesteaders. 30th September 2020
This year has probably been the strangest and seems to be coming to a close quicker than usual. Another month is over and we're heading towards the end of the year, while a new season well and truly sets in. Have your views changed in all that has been happening? Do you think that your priorities will be different moving forward?


Things happening in the community.

**The @ecotrain question of the week asks us to [share a spiritual experience.](**


**The @needleworkmonday community is currently running a [four week comment challenge.](**



Welcoming Newcomers

A recent arrival to Hive this month is @tempy43, who has been sharing lots of [tasty recipes]( as well as bits about the garden.



Some highlights of the week

If the power goes out, [how many old skills do you have to manage long term?]( @jacobtothe is wondering if it's important to relearn some old skills and what kind of skills would be important.


Cooking from scratch can be a long winded, especially if you want a healthy meal. So sometimes a shortcut can make things a little easier. @homesteadhippy shares a [tasty ravioli recipe]( replacing the pasta layer with won ton wrappers.


However, if you're someone who very much enjoys the process of cooking and decorating food, then @sreypov's fun [pumpkin dessert should delight you.](


*** **Each week one of our featured authors will be selected to be a 5% beneficiary of The Lotus Garden newsletter. This week @sreypov will receive this award.** ***
Thank you for stopping by. This week's newsletter was brought to you by @minismallholding. **Would you like a astral reading on HIVE? Check [this post]( for details**


Earn Instantly For Writing Homesteading Content

**If you would like to earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on, you can sign up for a free `FREE` account by emailing Read more about us on our [Welcome Page]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.** #### Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord [here]( !


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Obesity, premature death
Given the rate at which obesity is spreading around the world, it would probably not be wrong to say that obesity has become an epidemic in the 21st century. They are overweight in terms of their size.


This unnecessary weight is causing various diseases including diabetes, blood pressure, stroke, various heart diseases, joint, back and neck pain. It also looks bad, obesity is often a lack of physical activity,and Morbid Obesity has become the second biggest problem in the world after cigarettes. Obesity also adversely affects a person's quality of life. An obese person is five to twenty years younger than his or her peers. Due to obesity, they cannot continue their employment and therefore these people become a burden on their family, loved ones and country. Obesity often affects many members of the same family.


Sometimes the causes are also hormonal genetic, it is not unreasonable to say here that it also involves a lot of our lifestyle, nowadays people do not eat a simple diet, most people eat this kind of thing. , Which makes them fat very quickly, and also facilitates the process of facilitation in daily routines, including the use of vehicles, not walking, etc. It has been observed that people between the ages of 17 to 25 years. I start to get fat myself, once a person becomes obese then it becomes difficult to come back, until then there is no effective medicine that can control obesity as desired, in addition Their side effects are even greater, dieting, exercise, lifestyle changes, all of these things can reduce weight by 6 to 8% but it is also not limited to one. For three years, after that the weight stops there and often becomes more than before. Over the past few decades, various operations have been invented to reduce obesity. The case is progressing slowly, including small intestine bypass, intestinal bypass, and inserting a balloo into the stomach. If you eat less or stop until the food is absorbed, in modern times all over the world nowadays the stomach is shrunk for this purpose, this operation is called SleeveGasrectomy in medical terms.


Many times obese patients have shortness of breath during sleep. This is called sleep apnoea. In this case, the operation is necessary to save the patient's life. Sometimes the patient suffers from depression due to obesity and many mental illnesses. Therefore, such patients should definitely consider the option of surgery. In the beginning, this type of operation was performed with Open Surgery, but now these operations are performed through the camera, ie Laparoscope.There are no side effects of this operation. There is a formula for who should have this operation. It is called Body Mass Index (BMI). It is a calculation of a person's weight and height. A normal person's index is 18 to 25, 25 to 30 is called overweight, 30 to 40 is called obese, while an index above 40 is called Morbid Obesity, if a person has diabetes. Or the blood pressure index above 35 falls into the category of Morbid obesity, which if ignored can lead to various diseases and even cancer in the future. We need to keep our diet balanced, make exercise our routine. , Walk normal distances and if all methods do not work, consider surgical treatment. Thanks for reading Stay safe and healthy Image source...istock
Originally posted here:

How To Reach 10,000 AFIT! + Hive

I have spoken before about Actifit. The Dapp that rewards you for your daily activity. For those of you who wants to know wants to know more about Actifit. You can find all the information in my previous post Earn For Your Daily Activity.

Anyway, I have used this Dapp for a month now. So, I know almost everything around it. I will just share with you the steps that you need to do in order to get those 10K faster.

1. Reach 10K steps on daily basis. Of course, there is a minimum of 5,000 steps per day to get paid. But, reaching 10K a day would help you in getting the maximum reward for your movement.

2. Post quality content with pictures. So, Actifit is rewarding you not only on your activity. But, it is giving you little bit more for the content you're sharing and the amount of interaction your post had. So, in order to get more interaction from other users. You need to have a nice post.

3. Buying products from Actifit Market. There are some products in the market that are like investment in terms of AFIT Tokens. All you need is to buy the product and it is going to reward you based on what you've bought. For instance, you would buy the Water Bottle product for 15 AFITs and it is going to reward you 5 AFITs for the next 5 activity reports. Basically, you are receiving extra 10 AFITs for just using the features in the Dapp.

4. Delegating HP to Actifit. I have just tried this method and I can see that it works. I do not have many HP and if I did. I would be earning much more than what I am earning. But, the thing is that Actifit is promising to pay you back for your delegation but, there is no exact figure of how much you're getting paid. So, you can try it and see how much you'd earn with it or just DYOR before delegating your HPs.


DisclaimerThis is a personal opinion and I am not responsible for the outcomes of your decisions nor the comments posted below or any link in this post. This post should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. I am not working for the above mentioned companies. Do your own research before you make your decision.

Originally posted here:

How To Reach 10,000 AFIT! + Hive

I have spoken before about Actifit. The Dapp that rewards you for your daily activity. For those of you who wants to know wants to know more about Actifit. You can find all the information in my previous post Earn For Your Daily Activity.

Anyway, I have used this Dapp for a month now. So, I know almost everything around it. I will just share with you the steps that you need to do in order to get those 10K faster.

1. Reach 10K steps on daily basis. Of course, there is a minimum of 5,000 steps per day to get paid. But, reaching 10K a day would help you in getting the maximum reward for your movement.

2. Post quality content with pictures. So, Actifit is rewarding you not only on your activity. But, it is giving you little bit more for the content you're sharing and the amount of interaction your post had. So, in order to get more interaction from other users. You need to have a nice post.

3. Buying products from Actifit Market. There are some products in the market that are like investment in terms of AFIT Tokens. All you need is to buy the product and it is going to reward you based on what you've bought. For instance, you would buy the Water Bottle product for 15 AFITs and it is going to reward you 5 AFITs for the next 5 activity reports. Basically, you are receiving extra 10 AFITs for just using the features in the Dapp.

4. Delegating HP to Actifit. I have just tried this method and I can see that it works. I do not have many HP and if I did. I would be earning much more than what I am earning. But, the thing is that Actifit is promising to pay you back for your delegation but, there is no exact figure of how much you're getting paid. So, you can try it and see how much you'd earn with it or just DYOR before delegating your HPs.


DisclaimerThis is a personal opinion and I am not responsible for the outcomes of your decisions nor the comments posted below or any link in this post. This post should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. I am not working for the above mentioned companies. Do your own research before you make your decision.

Originally posted here:

How To Reach 10,000 AFIT! + Hive

I have spoken before about Actifit. The Dapp that rewards you for your daily activity. For those of you who wants to know wants to know more about Actifit. You can find all the information in my previous post Earn For Your Daily Activity.

Anyway, I have used this Dapp for a month now. So, I know almost everything around it. I will just share with you the steps that you need to do in order to get those 10K faster.

1. Reach 10K steps on daily basis. Of course, there is a minimum of 5,000 steps per day to get paid. But, reaching 10K a day would help you in getting the maximum reward for your movement.

2. Post quality content with pictures. So, Actifit is rewarding you not only on your activity. But, it is giving you little bit more for the content you're sharing and the amount of interaction your post had. So, in order to get more interaction from other users. You need to have a nice post.

3. Buying products from Actifit Market. There are some products in the market that are like investment in terms of AFIT Tokens. All you need is to buy the product and it is going to reward you based on what you've bought. For instance, you would buy the Water Bottle product for 15 AFITs and it is going to reward you 5 AFITs for the next 5 activity reports. Basically, you are receiving extra 10 AFITs for just using the features in the Dapp.

4. Delegating HP to Actifit. I have just tried this method and I can see that it works. I do not have many HP and if I did. I would be earning much more than what I am earning. But, the thing is that Actifit is promising to pay you back for your delegation but, there is no exact figure of how much you're getting paid. So, you can try it and see how much you'd earn with it or just DYOR before delegating your HPs.


DisclaimerThis is a personal opinion and I am not responsible for the outcomes of your decisions nor the comments posted below or any link in this post. This post should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. I am not working for the above mentioned companies. Do your own research before you make your decision.

Originally posted here:

Earn ~$1 On Daily Basis For Just Walking

Good day everyone,

If you have not heard about Actifit and you're interested to earn crypto for you walking activity. Then, the below post is for you.

What is Actifit?

Actifit is a project that is part of the Hive blockchain. You might have already heard of Proof of Stake and Proof of Work concepts. Actifit is using Proof of Activity concept. Which simply rewards you for your daily activity.

What Are Actifit Tokens?

To start with, there are two tokens in this project, AFIT and AFITX. The former is what you are being rewarded for your daily activity. The latter is like the loyality token. You can buy it in the market if you want. It's only purpose to increase your reward of AFIT.

How Do You Earn AFIT?

There are three ways to earn AFIT. You can delegate some of your Hive Power to Actifit and you'll receive a daily reward for that. The second method is when you post a daily activity of at least 5K steps. Keep in mind that your post is going to be posted on Hive which means that you're going to earn Hive token as well as AFIT token. Plus, you can earn more AFITs if your daily activity reached 10K or above. The last method is when you edit your post. If you're going to edit any post using website. They'll reward you 3 AFITs for editing your post through their website.


How Much Can I Make On Daily Basis?

Once you reach 10K AFITs, you can earn a minimum of $0.7 worth of upvotes on each post. So, that is going to be rewarded to you on a daily basis. So, we're not counting that you have potential of earning more through upvotes from other users.

What Can I Use Those Tokens For?

For the moment, you can use AFITs for buying products that are available on Actifit website. The products that are available are mainly for maximizing your income on Hive & Actifit for the time being. But, they have mentioned on their website that they are aiming to put some physical products in the future.


To conclude, this project is their to help people staying healthy. I enjoy being part of this and I have been doing more activity since I joined. It is not only about earning money. But, being part of community that is posting on daily basis and you get to see what other people are doing, what activities they are doing. I think it is fun.


Click Here To Join Actifit


Note: I almost forgot to mention that you have to download their app from the store on your phone to track the steps. Plus, you can link it to Fitbit if you'd like to.

Note: It costs $2 currently to join Actifit. But, you get this back. My account is worth almost $10 right now.

Note: All your Hive earnings can be converted easily to BTC or Ethereum.


Disclaimer: This is a personal opinion and I am not responsible for the outcomes of your decisions nor the comments posted below or any link in this post. This post should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. I am not working for the above mentioned companies. Do your own research before you make your decision.

Originally posted here:

New Study Says IMF Might Not Be As Effective As Some Think It Is
In a recent clinical trial studying the effects of intermittent fasting on the body and its connection with weight loss, researchers investigated the impacts of time restricted eating, or intermittent fasting, with a number of participants. ## What they found was that there wasn't much evidence suggesting IMF was all that effective for losing weight. They did see one type of IMF help with losing a few pounds in the first few weeks, but there wasn't much difference between the fasting group and the group that had been allowed to eat whatever they wanted. It might have shown some initial help with getting started, but not much changed overall by the end of it. Those who are trying to engage in intermittent fasting or IMF, will limit themselves to eating only during certain times of the day. ## That doesn't mean they will eat only healthy food items during their time eating window however.
Even though they are fasting they could still be consuming unhealthy items that are contributing to their excess weight. ## Doing IMF without being concerned about what you're eating during the 'eating window', or engaging in exercise along with it etc, could greatly impact the weight loss results. Many people might have gotten the wrong idea about IMF and how effective it might be, as it's a topic which has become incredibly popular in the last few years. It has been talked about in numerous magazines and health media shows, on thousands of blogs online. Intermittent fasting, which is also known as 'interval eating' , is a subject that offers many books and videos to find on the topic. There is also ADF which is known as alternate-day fasting, where people will fast for more than one day (36 hours) and then engage in unlimited eating for a 12 hour period after that. In one study that looked at people following ADF they found that on average they lost about [7 lbs in four weeks]( But while it might work well for some, it certainly isn't for everyone. The results from this recent study have been published in the journal Internal Medicine and researchers say that [this isn't the final word]( on any supposed benefits that might come from intermittent fasting. While this isn't the first time that it has been suggested [IMF might not be ideal for weight loss](, there is a great deal of research that has been conducted that has suggested there are benefits to be reaped here. # A Closer Look At IMF From using intermittent fasting to [help prevent disease](, to improving [personal health](, and [boosting metabolism](, various studies indicate that there is benefit to come with intermittent fasting for some. Researchers are increasingly coming around to the notion that IMF and similar approaches might be a healthy alternative to consider, aside from relying on [the traditional calorie restriction]( approach that millions take when trying to get healthier or shed some excess weight. Pics: pixabay
Originally posted here:

My Actifit Report Card: September 30 2020

Hi everyone! Hope life has been going good for you.. This is my today's actifit report card.. Today I managed to reach 8k steps by walking and moving around the office.. In August, I went inside to see a temple where I saw this monkey sitting. It was eating some fruits and did not noticed me when I capture it's photo otherwise it surely reacts. There is plenty of monkey in whole city of Ayodhya.. everywhere, every shop, every roof all around monkey only monkey. Today I am little bit late rather than other days to finish my actifit post.. yesterday I forgot to publish it.. Hope you are also doing your best to keep yourself safe and healthy.. Regards.. Thank you.. Have a nice time..
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking

Originally posted here:

Epic cliff top views from the edge of the African continent – next stop Antarctica


▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](
--- Greetings and welcome to another edition of the Shape of the Cape, with your host Jules. In today’s video clip I’m at the very edge of the continent of Africa once more. This is at a place I call The Arch because there is a magnificent geological feature down below at the water’s edge, which comprises of a giant archway eroded out of the rock. I have shown this arch in the past from other hikes, though at another angle, from down below at the shore. It looks great from certain angles, where one can see clearly through the arch to the sky behind it. However, I have never been able to actually reach the arch feature itself. It still eludes me. By the looks of it, the access is very difficult or impossible, except by jumping into the water and swimming there. That would be a bit dangerous for me, so I admire the arch from a distance. Curiously though, I have seen on one occasion, two local fishermen actually walking about right at the arch itself. Obviously the locals know a path that I have been unable to find yet. What a challenge. The risk is however, too dangerous for me at present. I simply observe from a distance, and admire the beautiful rock features. Unable to attain this last point in the hiking exploration, I still have something left to attain. I will return to the extremely steep cliffs in time, perhaps when the weather conditions are just right. And then I will maybe see if I can climb down to the arch itself, right to the shoreline. Many of the other routes and explorations I have done, required me to carve my own paths through the bush. I had to find my own way down the cliff to the sea below. I have found three actual pathways down the sheer rock face, but no path has shown itself to me all the way to the crowning feature of the cliffs along this African shoreline here. I’m not a high risk person, I will weigh up my risk carefully, since I can’t afford to fall. It could mean by death. So I climb about the rock, up and down, at my leisure. Some may find it more risky but so far I have played it safe. Living on the edge can be exciting and full of adventure, but we don’t need to risk our lives trying to attain the great heights of depths of the natural surroundings. Extreme sports are for some, but my hiking is more like a walk. There may be some rock climbing, but there is little risk of falling, if you are not afraid of heights. If you want extreme sports, then you can also go bungi jumping here a few miles from where I am roaming around along the south Cape coast of Africa. It occurs from one of the highest bridges across a deep ravine. You put on the harness and rope, and just jump. The rope holds you aloft and you fall for a few seconds in free fall, but you miss the ground, thanks to the rope and harness. Also not far away is a local small airport, where you can do tandem skydiving. The plane takes you up and you jump out of the pane attached to the professional skydiver. Both of you fall for a few seconds and a nice parachute opens up and both of you are carried down to the ground at the airport just below. The entire tandem parachute jump takes no more than a few minutes. So this region of the south Cape coast of Africa is a very popular tourist resort both locally and internationally. The natural animal, plant and geographic features are prolific in this region so I live in a tourist paradise. What a beautiful life, regardless of minimal cash to spend. I hope you can also access the beauty of nature wherever you live. This is how we stay healthy and happy. The beauty of nature can really inspire and invigorate us on all levels, which is why I have to get out and into nature regularly, even though I live completely surrounded by it already. For a balanced life, we need to take ourselves away from the computer screen and get some active outdoor experience if possible. And the balance is important. (image pixabay) --- ▶️ [3Speak](
Originally posted here:

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Early Morning Walk With The Kids


Early Morning Walk

It's been a while since my last #WednesdayWalk post, although I really wanted to participate every week my being too busy with a lot of things hinders me to do so. We actually had a number of walks which I intend not only for the purpose of exercising but also to keep records or photos for the #WednesdayWalk. Anyhow, we have this newly built bridge just adjacent to our home, and the area being not yet open to the public is very accessible, and perfect for walking or jogging.



In fact, a lot of people are really using the place for different activities other than walking and jogging. Some had their dance practice there and you can see bikers too! I will be sharing about our biking activity in the area perhaps next Wednesday. So this place is about 5 to 10 minutes' walk and less than 5 minutes ride from our residence. We used to go there in the morning around 6 am and stayed there for a little more than an hour.



During the first few walks, it's only me and my wife but lately, we encouraged our two little boys to come with us, although we just make sure that they are also wearing face masks. Although as you can see in the pictures the place is not crowded so social distancing is not really a problem.



So I'm glad my two kids were so excited also even if it means waking up early. They used to wake up around 9 am since the online class started. Its really a great feeling being able to wake up early and spend time for a walk. I really wish I could do it more often but most of the time I'm too lazy to wake up maybe because I am also tired in the evening.



This time we maintained at least once a week and sometimes twice. I hope we could make it at least every day, this way I could expect a tremendous change or progress or good results in so far as my health condition having high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, and more.


Talking about health, since the pandemic started I never had the chance to go to the hospital for a general check-up, I used to submit myself for a check-up and for blood chem at least every quarter but this time I think it's been 8 months since my last check-up. I just hope everything is okay. I should have visited my doctor but I'm afraid of going to the hospital because of Covid19.



Anyhow, let us all do our best to keep ourselves fit and healthy. Perhaps continue to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and take food supplements or vitamins and of course, pray always for guidance and protection.


Take care everyone and God bless!

***All photos are mine.***
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The Inconvenient Truth About Umbilical Cords We are almost sure that you didn't watch that 5-year-old video clip (below) prior to landing on this blog. Or another any clip conveying the same kind of information. After all, it only got 20K views since its release while it should have gotten millions of views so far, though if following the money-trail this fact is easily explainable as it would not be good for business. Well, you know, business as usual. That kind of business. Of course, speaking of "umbilical cords" is not a daily concern among people, and unless one is expecting a newborn, it is pretty understandable, though this piece of data is vital knowledge and should be absolutely known by the time any adolescent reaches high school. The tide is changing or will change soon because many people are seeing through the "fake news" regurgitated by the mainstream media and doctors so afraid to lose their jobs.  Even though the expert in that video contends that it is better to delay clamping the umbilical cord by a few minutes when the birth is premature, she recognizes that full-term babies could also benefit and that more parents request that the cord to not be cut.   Though there is a major concern and which is to give the baby too much blood, the same pediatrician interjects...  Can you believe this, knowing that millions of animals are born in the wilderness every day? Well actually, in the wild, the female eats the placenta because it contains essential nutrients supporting a steady milk production. But she does not do that right away. In the meantime, the newly born will receive all the blood rich in stem cells it needs. The human umbilical cord seals off after 1 hour and there is a reason why Nature made it this way, to signal when the cord can be clamped, to make sure that all the stem cells have been transferred. The latter are necessary for the baby to grow up healthy and develop a "strong" immune system.   But isn't what is happening as the umbilical cord is cut right after birth, to help the baby breathe we are told and of course this is a lie. And here is why: umbilical cords are collected for the Stem Cell Industry, which is a growing and multi-billion industry! And then when you investigate further, Stem Cell Research claims to alleviate risks associated with transplants, among other things. Transplants that are too often needed for patients with diabetes and heart diseases, and other ailments too often linked to our senseless lifestyles. Every newborn deserves to get his own stem cells. It should be made a birthright!  So where do we go from here? Right, it does mean that medical research sees no wrong-doing compromising newborns' long-term health but tries to rescue the people who have poor diets, consuming junk and processed food, and drink lots of sodas. How does that make sense? That's how a for-profit system operates, it needs to make sure that clients will keep coming in. Where is the point in getting a college degree... what for? Our life is stolen from the first minute we breathe! We seriously doubt that a trend of parents bypassing mainstream advice is growing because the medical industry is making sure that Stem Cell Research gets enough umbilical cords to continue raking in billions of dollars.  For the system to change, a new mindset is necessary. That's the only way to make the money-free society work. New Birthing Trend, Don't Cut the Cord (2013) When the umbilical cord is not cut, it naturally seals off after about an hour after birth. The umbilical cord and attached placenta will fully detach from the baby anywhere from two to 10 days after the birth. Dr. James Van Hook, director of Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, says if doctors momentarily delay clamping the umbilical cord there is a chance that newborns can get a final transfusion of blood cells rich in stem cells and immunoglobulin that theoretically can help the infant fight off infections. However, Van Hook cautions in those cases the umbilical cord is clamped within a few minutes of birth, not left to close off naturally. Aug. 26, 2020 Stem Cell Umbilical Cord Blood Market to Reach $10.13 Bn, Globally, by 2027 at 16.9% CAGR: Allied Market Research | Rise in genetic testing, development in treatment for chronic diseases, and the emergence of suitable payment plans drive the growth of the global stem cell umbilical cord blood market. This is because regenerative medicines in organ transplant eliminate the use of immune-suppressing drugs and anti-inflammatory treatments that are required to treat artificial organ, bone and tissues. Simultaneously, the transplant medicine segment would portray the fastest CAGR of 16.6% throughout the forecast period. How many chronic diseases drive organ transplants, hence the need for a stem cell market
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