Monday, January 6, 2020

Various benefits of making vegetables

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Vegetable herbs are very useful for providing important protective food, maintaining good health and preventing disease. Vegetable herbs contain ingredients that are resistant to various diseases and can be kept healthy by consuming them on a regular basis. One such very well-known vegetable is korla. Corolla is one of the factors that plays a major role in preventing high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, digestive power, eye problems and skin diseases.

Introduction: Corolla is a fruit of the endangered birch plant. The raw fruit is long shaped with a dark green bitter taste. Corolla grows all year round, but is abundant and available in winter and monsoon. Karla bitter is not like that to many. However, it is very effective for nutritional quality and cure disease.

Chemical Ingredients: Corolla leaf contains acidic resin bitter substance butyric acid triterpenoid, gamma amino butyric acid. It also contains amino acids, carotene, thiamine, niacin, ascorbic acid, minerals etc. The result is steroidal compounds, saponin bitter butyricitasin, glycosides, phenolic compounds, mammor dioxides K&L. The seeds are a type of dilute permanent oil linoleic, alkaline alpha, ester of ilio stearic acid, beta-sitosterol glucoside, albumin, globulin, glutolin and so on. Vitamins A, B, C are found in leaves, fruits and seeds.

Nutrition Ingredients: According to nutritionists, the nutritional content per 100 grams of food is: dietary strength 28 kilocalories, aqueous portion 92.4 grams, sugars 4.3 grams, sugar 2.5 grams, 0.2 grams of fat, 0.8 grams of minerals, iron 1.8 grams, iron 0.6 grams , Vitamin C 96 mg, Vitamin A 210 I, U, Vitamin B -1 .07 mg, B-20.02 mg, nicotinic acid 0.5 g, calcium 31 mg, potassium 152 mg, phosphorus 70 ml. Rama. It has many other minerals. However, the nutrient content may be less depending on the quality of the varieties and soil.

Benefits: Corla is a very beneficial and pathogenic vegetable. It is also called natural medicine. Regularly playing korla does not affect the age of the body. Holds youth. The skin does not fall off. It also destroys the virus by removing toxins from the body. Mixing curd juice and honey with water helps to cure bronchitis and inflammation of the throat. Corolla contains lutein and lycopene. They increase the body's immunity. Prevents aging and increases cancer resistance. Digestion works. Corolla reduces blood fat as well as triglyceride, and again raises good cholesterol HDL. Corolla germs work especially against e-coli germs.

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Some of the most important benefits of doing this are highlighted:

* A diabetic patient will get a great deal of benefits by eating two tablespoons of scissors dried in shade, dried in the shade every morning. Corolla contains adenosine monophosphate. Activated protein enhances the ability of sugar or sugar to take from the blood to the body's cells by increasing the levels of an enzyme called finesse. It increases the metabolism of glucose in the body's cells, thus reducing the amount of blood sugar. So those who suffer from diabetes, eat regular korla. Keep diabetes under control.

* Those who suffer from high blood pressure or sudden rise in blood pressure will benefit from korla khan daily. Corolla contains a lot of potassium which works very well to reduce blood pressure. Moreover, the corolla refreshes the heart, the brain's lungs.

* Morning lemon juice mixed with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach, removes contaminated blood. Allergic problems are reduced.

* Those who are in the closet or have a tight closet will benefit from karla khan daily. Korla's laxative material softens the stool. As a result, constipation is eliminated.

* Those who are infected with worms will reduce the bitter juice of karm worms every morning.

* Corolla Vitamin C enhances the beauty of the skin and prevents various skin diseases and keeps the hair beautiful and bright.

* Corolla contains a lot of vitamin A which keeps our eyesight strong and prevents nighttime diseases. Maintains the normal state of blood. Helps to grow the body.

* Those suffering from blood clots will increase hemoglobin in the blood of Corla Khan.

* Korla's vitamin is very useful for a proud woman. In the absence of various vitamins are depleted and weak. Corla fills the vitamin deficiency. Helps to breastfeed and breastfeed the mother.

* People who suffer from arthritis, eat 2/3 spoonful of coriander juice daily and eat as corla vegetable.

* If someone suddenly has diarrhea, refreshing leaf juice with 2 tablespoons lemon juice will stop diarrhea.

* According to the Unani, karla is an air and acid destroyer, light energy enhancer and semen enhancer. The kidney stones do not accumulate and keep the brain healthy.

* Those who suffer from harassment will regularly benefit from karola khan.

WARNING: To reduce karla tita, do not drain this water when cooking with its juice or water. It reduces the nutritional quality of kola. Do not slice it and keep it in the refrigerator. To reduce the bitterness of the karla, mix the potatoes with the koala and cook it with other vegetables, it will reduce its bitterness. Any vegetable must be eaten fresh to fully get its nutritional value. Eat regular vegetables regularly.

Originally posted here:

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