Sunday, January 5, 2020

Orange Juice - natural health benefits


In this post, I will discuss the myriad health benefits that the juice of the mighty orange presents us (or lack thereof). This might be a helpful post for you to read, especially at this time of year. My testimony: About 2 years ago, I was feeling very sick with a cold, so I bought a gallon of orange juice, with the common knowledge that Vitamin C helps either prevent or cure illnesses. It seemed to help, and I felt a lot better afterwards, so I just continued drinking it. **Thus, I have drank at least 1 glass of orange juice every single day for the past 2 years.** Results? I haven't come down with the "common cold", the flu, or any other serious illness since. Yes, I still occasionally sneeze, cough, fart, and hiccup, but other than that I am healthy. Is it because of the OJ? Is it just a placebo effect? I don't know, I'm neither a scientist or a doctor, all I know is that **since I've been drinking orange juice every single day I have not fallen ill or gotten sick since.** I also seem to have a pretty decent immune system, but prior to this "OJ every day" adherence, I would get a cold at least once, sometimes twice a year. The past 2 years, I've probably sneezed at few times, at the most. For the record, drinking orange juice every day is an expensive habit, but I know a lot of people who spend just as much, if not more, drinking bottled water (topic for another post). I spend on average of $20/ week on orange juice, which is probably enough to feed a family of five in Bangladesh for a month, yet I digress.... If I stop at a gas station, I'm one of the few people in line with a bottle of Tropicana while everyone else is getting their Coca-Cola's, fountain drinks, and beer. Would I recommend it? Absolutely, it's worked for me, and it tastes great. You also feel good after drinking it, and it provides a natural energy boost. Yours truly, @cryptoastronaut spacerasta505050.png
Originally posted here:

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