Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Internet Fasting - Reclaiming Time, Focus, Productivity, Health and Happiness


##### A few days of introspection, as well of past experiences and plenty of signs of my body and mind to make a change, have made me realize that it's about time to do some Internet fasting ( or intermittent Internet fasting ), starting tomorrow.
I am getting tired of these waves of activeness and inactiveness, this constant lack of balance. My intuition is telling me to take more drastic changes, that hopefully lead to a habit of healthier Internet consumption, among other things. This blog post by @fenngen was just the little boost that I needed: [Killed my Phone - Got Back My Soul]( Feeling physically sick, yesterday afternoon, after checking the crypto markets for too much time, also helped. It might have been a green day, an upward surge in the crypt world, but it stressed me out anyway. And, more importantly, I don't like the addictive pull of this stuff. The fact that it's about money - a subject / energy form that I'm still trying to change my stance on / relationship with - probably made me feel worse. I guess I felt greedy and that isn't a good feeling. These days, I'm going through my second *21 day Abundance ( meditation ) challenge* in a couple of months time. I can't get enough of abundance, at least abundance of healthy things. Spending loads of time online, checking the markets does not make me feel abundant, it does not make me feel healthy. It does not make me feel happy. Anyhow, I guess the picture that I composed and took for this blog post, speaks for itself. **To Summarize Its Message:** You will probably see less of me on here. I promise though, that it will lead to an increased quality of posting and hopefully an increased energy for commenting and curating other people's output. Although I'm not sure whether you will notice the difference, I'm sure I will feel it. **HEALTH - HAPPINESS - HEALTH - HAPPINESS...** There's a strong correlation between health and happiness and I can't help but feeling that constant online time isn't increasing mine. I also feel that spending more offline time ( even if it's just a day per week ) will lead to increased focus and productivity concerning the areas that really matter to me. I expect to become more social ( instead of faking it ), more energized and more creative. Creative in a way that will actually lead to results instead of an unending series of unfinished products. Let's see. Time will tell. For now, I will take things step by step. Tomorrow, Thursday January the 16th, I will be offline, only reachable by phone ( text messaging and calls ) and face to face, by those who actually have my phone number. Others can reach out to me in the online world and will have to wait a little longer for a reply. I must say I'm really looking forward to it and that's a good sign :>) ###### So what about you? Have you ever considered taking similar measures? Are you already doing this? If not, how does this idea make you feel?
The turtle with the bath robe and a towel on its head - prettying up my laptop - is a sticker designed by fellow Steemian @hglucky13 You can find more on the story behind that in her post [Spa Day - Illustration Timelapse by L. Fox]( and [support her on Patreon HERE](
Originally posted here:

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