Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Have You Ever Thought About What You Are Drinking? Showcase
Two months ago I had a post about [making my own tea mix](, sharing a recipe I got from an old man who used to collect all kinds of herbs and flowers and make his own tea mix.


I had the chance to taste the tea at his house and decided to give it a try.


## Waking Up Initially I wanted to collect the ingredients myself. Health always comes first and polluted areas are out of the question, so I had to realize I can only get half of the herbs and the rest I have to buy it, which I did. Also had some teabags at home and wanted to use those as well as there were either too much or I knew I don't use them anymore. Look at the photo above and see what mix did I get. It looks good in my opinion, you can see different leaves and flowers but that's the top. There's a layer at the bottom that is not visible, for a good reason.


## The Ugly Reality I've read an article about how dangerous and unhealthy tea bags are due to leaking billions of microplastic particles. This is cause for concern and we have a choice to avoid it. The other day I made an experiment and today I'm going to show you what's the difference between certain types of tea.


These are random products from my tea collection.


My sage tea, as you can see, the whole plant is there, leaves, flowers, even the stems as the whole plant is good for consumption.


This is black tea or it suppose to be as it's in the bag and at the moment you can't see what's in the bag.


This is black tea from London, a gift from my cousin.


It says English breakfast tea but we all know you can't find tea grown in England as the climate is not suitable for that but this is not the issue here.


This is a close-up photo of the content, as you can see, these are dried tea particles.


And this is the content of the tea bag, also black tea. Or better yet, black powder, dust.


After emptying the teabag I thought I would put the content in a stainless steal filter and make a tea. I was able to transfer 90% of the content but as soon as I lifted the filter all the powder started to fall back on the plate. Look at the result, and this is only the plate. After taking out the filter from my tea cup I saw a good part of the dust was in the bottom of the cup.


## Package Sells The Product After reading about the study that said teabags leak microplastic particles I decided to eliminate teabags from my kitchen and only use tea that is not in bag. Now that I know what's in the teabag, I have another reason not to use teabags.


I know it's easier and comfortable to use teabags plus who can resist these attractive packages, right? Well, think again and think about your health as it comes a time when no matter how much money you have, some things can't be bought and one of these is health.


## Buying Healthy Tea Well, good luck with that. I've been trying to find black tea that is not bagged and had to realize that is not an easy job at all. Wherever I go, every shopkeeper wants to sell me fancy, expensive teabags. When I say no teabags they are shaking their head. Have been searching for black loose leaf tea online and had to realize I'm going to pay a fortune for my healthy choice. Ordering from abroad is out of the question as you're not allowed to do that due to safety regulation. I found some sellers online that have a variety of tea available in different sized packages but the prices are ... competing with the price of 1g of gold and I'm not joking. 1kg of tea is equal to 1g of gold. This is not going to make me quit, I'm going to buy some good quality tea but first I need to learn as much as I can about different types of tea and find the most suitable product and am not going to use teabags anymore. I have a choice to live a healthy life and have to make everything possible to avoid poisoning myself knowingly. It's not difficult, just need a filter, that's all.



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