Sunday, January 12, 2020

How to make water kefir - a delicious and healthy drink
I have been making my own water kefir for some time now and I must say, I'm hooked ๐Ÿ˜‡ In this post, I will explain how you also can make your own.


What is water kefir?

Water kefir is a fermented, carbonated beverage that is produced using water kefir grains. (It's similar to kombucha in a way, kombucha you might have heard more about). There is also a milk version of it but I prefer water kefir since it's vegan. The kefir crystals are actually not grains, they are just called that way because they somehow resemble grains. The drink is gluten-free.

How it started for me

*** I got the kefir grains from a friend who encouraged me to start with this since he had experienced some health benefits from drinking it. I was a bit reluctant since I usually don’t really bother with preparing food etc if it gets too complicated. But he assured me this was very easy. My friend quickly showed me how to prepare a batch of kefir at his place and told me it’s not so important to get the proportions exactly right. This also sort of puzzled me since I'm a person who doesn't really cook without a recipe...๐Ÿ˜ฑ But I didn't let that put me off and bought a big glass jar and prepared my first batch. I was very happy with the tasty result right from the beginning and was very pleased with how easy this was!

A bit about the health benefits

*** My friend told me kefir is a very healthy drink that can aid digestion. It was the health benefits that got me interested in the first place. The research on water kefir is limited but it contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast. [Source]( There is much more to say about this but that might be a topic for another post. For now, let's just say there is some evidence water kefir is good for you!


How to prepare it

*** Since my friend's introduction, I have read more about how to properly prepare water kefir but I must say the information I have come across is a bit contradictory. I’ll simply share what has worked for me.

You will need:

- A jar (the size really depends on the amount of kefir grains). - A strainer for removing the grains from the finished water kefir drink (preferable plastic since metal can damage the grains. [Source]( I have used a metal one though and that has worked just fine for me.



- Water kefir grains (you can buy them or if you happen to know someone who makes water kefir I'm sure they are happy to give you some). - Sugar (you can experiment with different kinds of sugar, I have used white sugar). - Water (filtered water is recommended but I have used tap water and it has worked fine). - Some dried fruits/juice for flavor (optional). This you can also add after the fermentation when the grains have been removed.

How to make it

- Pour water into the jar (the water should be room temperature). My jar is a 2-liter jar and I started off with about 1 1/2 liter of water, maybe a bit less. - Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Add a bit more sugar than grains (see below), that has worked for me. - Add the water kefir grains. I started off with about 1 deciliter. - Add preferred flavoring. I have been using a dried fig and some raisins. And juice from half a lemon. - Cover the jar but allow it to breathe. - The fermentation takes about 48 hours and the temperature should be between 20 and 26 °C. If it's colder it will take a bit longer. The longer you wait the less sugar is left but you also risk to starve the grains since they feed on sugar. [Source]( - Remove the dried fruit (should now be floating, that's a sign the fermentation is working) and then use the strainer to separate the grains. - Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜‹


The grains can be used nearly endlessly if cared for properly. Simply make a new batch right away so they get some new sugar to feed on! If you don't feed them they will sadly die...๐Ÿ˜ฅ They will also multiply if cared for properly, so you'll have more and more grains, that's why it's so perfect to give to someone who wants to try it out. If you need to take a break from making water kefir you can store the grains in the fridge with some sugar water. Water kefir can be stored at room temperature but should be consumed within a couple of days (it'll start to taste like vinegar after some time). Just in time for when the new batch is ready ๐Ÿ˜Š This way you are constantly drinking some kefir! Just be a bit careful how you store the drink since it's creating gas and building pressure (this is a good thing, makes the drink fizzy), you just need to let out some pressure from time to time.

Be creative

*** I find a lot of joy preparing this drink and I'm looking forward to experimenting more with different flavors. I read one suggestion to use fresh ginger and turmeric, [Source](, I'll try this for sure. Since too much experimentation can damage the grains my suggestion is to divide the grains and use them in different jars. That way you can always keep one batch "safe and sound" and you don't lose all of your grains if something goes wrong. I would love to hear from you if you also are making your own water kefir, what is your experience? Or if you want to try it out and have some questions I'm happy to answer them. I'm more of an enthusiast than an expert though, winging it like I usually don't do, but it's a nice feeling ๐Ÿ˜‰

Originally posted here:

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