Friday, January 10, 2020

Getting rid of extra pounds ? - Stay Slim and Fit !


This new year, if you are looking to make some healthy changes to your diet you can lose extra pounds and can become slim and fit to thrive. Here are few tips... **1 TAKE GOOD REST** Sleep deprivation has adverse impact on our body and can play havoc with your diet & fitness routine as it affects your hormones & that can lead to weight gain. Ensure you are well rested and not exhausted all the time. **2 MINDFUL EATING** Well mindful eating is nothing but watching what goes inside your body and monitoring the portion/size. The smart way is to use smaller plate to feed yourself and only take as much as you can satiate the hunger pangs. Fill up on salads, vegetables and soups in healthy portions. **3 INCLUDE FIBRE & PROTEIN RICH FOODS** If you want to lose weight , avoid consuming extra carbs and switch to fibre and protein rich foods such as beans, fruits, grains & vegetables that will not only fill you up but also act as appetite suppressants as you end up feeling fuller for a longer time. You can also include lean meats or eggs in your diet. **4 CUT DOWN ON SUGAR** Cut down on sugar, processed food and all-purpose flour. If you can not completely cut out all of these from your diet, at least you can reduce their intake . It will go long way in helping you reach your weight loss goals. **5 DONT DRINK YOUR CALAORIES** Stay away from sugary sodas, colas and calorie-rich smoothies & juices. Instead opt for fresh vegetables juices. Stay healthy, stay fit ! Enjoy your weekend. Love....Miliend
Originally posted here:

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