Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Want health and strength? Eat like a Gorilla.
Often times it helps to look at how other animals eat to determine what is healthiest for humans. Most species have an instinctual inclination towards foods that contain the nutrients they need. Unlike humans, animals generally don’t complain about a meal, they eat mainly just to survive. Some research has shown that gorillas naturally choose their food based off the color. They strive for an extremely dense diet of vibrant fruits and vegetables, very rarely eating meat, if at all. It seems that these powerful creatures have an intrinsic knowledge that by eating colorful foods they are maximizing their nutrition. The result is a massive muscular frame and robust health. Humans, on the other hand, tend to consume what is known as the “beige diet” meaning that the overall color of average meals is a brownish yellow color similar to French fries or a cheeseburger. Instead of colorful selections there is a lack of diversity and of course an overflow of toxins and other things that the body doesn’t need or want. ## What does the color mean? A basic principle that tends to lead people on the right track with food choices is that foods that are rich in color and taste, especially bitterness, promote health in a number of ways. Many of these contain **flavonoids** which are phytonutrients (plant chemicals) that help strengthen the body’s systems. They tend to heal the tissues, enhance the immune system, and protect from oxidative damage. In short, they are critical to keeping a healthy body! Much of the average American diet is represented by artificial colorings, which not only do not contain the health benefits of colorful foods, but also damage the body. The idea of a colorful diet does not include colored sodas, candies, fake blueberries and fruits. Naturally colorful foods would be the bright yellow banana, deep tinted organic tomato, exotically purple beets, blueberries, raspberries, dark green vegetables, lemons, limes, etc. There is quite a bit out there about the cancer preventative properties of a healthy diet. A lot of this has to do with the rich colors contained in the skins of these fruits and vegetables. Think of the way an apple looks when you bite into it, the inside is obviously much different in color and texture than the outer skin. The skin contains the colorful, flavonoid rich fibers that are beneficial. It makes pretty good sense too — the skin is filled with antioxidants to keep the inner fruit from oxidation away. Look at the way that apple turns brown just minutes after you bite it. That’s oxidative damage. Another reason to look for color and variety is because it helps keep the digestive tract functioning properly. Many fruits and vegetables and the flavonoids included help keep the digestive wall strong, which is vital for maximum health. For instance the resveratrol in grapes is known for helping keep the urinary tract healthy and preventing infections. Some of this has to do with feeding the bacteria lining the whole gut. It appears that the human body is wired naturally to be attracted to shiny objects (what a surprise) and part of this could be that it helps us identify healthy foods in the wild. The exotic color of berries is an example. Also, the plant itself knows that a colorful fruit is more likely to be eaten, so its a symbiotic relationship. If you do a mental recap of the food you’ve eaten throughout the day, is it colorful or beige? Is it comprised of mainly grains, pastas, meat and mostly fried foods that all look generally the same? If it is this way, then don’t be surprised when your body breaks down. Its as simple as that. A diet composed of nutrient devoid, colorless and antioxidant drained foods is a recipe for sickness.


Originally posted here:

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