Monday, November 25, 2019

FaceBook removes all doubt: Vaccines are dangerous!

FaceBook will now ban anything which goes against the official narrative. Any content or discussion that isn't specifically endorsed by the mainstream (government, media, and tech corporations) will now result in deletion and banning.

Specifically, any criticism, questioning, or skepticism about the safety and efficacy of vaccines is prohibited. (Promotion, advertising, and favourable discussion of vaccines is still encouraged.)
This adds to the long list of bannable topics, like: - the official 9/11 story is wrong - cannabis safely treats epilepsy, MS, cancer, and most other major illnesses - israel is a terrorist state - men are male, women are female - fukushima isn't under control - conspiracy (other than official conspiracies, like Trump colluding with the Russians) - anything deemed "nationalist", "right of center", "conservative", "libertarian", etc - gold price manipulation - freedom of speech (that's the one they banned me for) Considering all those topics are perfectly legitimate, and the policies are clearly an attempt to stifle the truth, I'm now convinced that vaccines are dangerous. No further investigation required. Let's not even get into the piles of independent studies, all ignored by big pharma, that show the harm vaccines do. Let's forget that they changed the laws so we can't fault them when we're harmed by their vaccines. Let's forget that they're stifling discussion of the issue. If a social media website insists vaccines are safe for my baby, who am I to argue? I've done the research, and I know vaccines nowadays aren't safe. I'm a health care professional who has studied this topic from various angles. Before I quit nursing, I was forced to take vaccines "to stay healthy and protect the patients" every year. They made me sick. I was also forced to force patients to take vaccines. They hated it, and I hate doing that to them. When I got out of that profession, I started learning and teaching about vaccine truth - and the truth about other big pharma scams like SSRIs. What more evidence do I need? FaceBook says the 9/11 official story is true, that cannabis isn't medicine, that conspiracies never happen except when alphabet agencies investigate them, and censorship doesn't exist. Now, they also say vaccines are safe.

Therefore: Vaccines are dangerous.

Thank you FaceBook (and other deep state technocrats) for revealing the truth today about vaccines, after years of raging public discourse and misinformation on the topic. They just helped me decide, in order to keep my newborn safe and healthy, to NOT vaccinate him. DRutter

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Originally posted here:

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