Thursday, November 28, 2019

7 Main Rules to Reduce Cancer Risks

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The best protection against cancer is common sense. In almost 40% of cases, people get cancer due to the usual bad habits like smoking, overeating, and sedentary lifestyle. Lung cancer is most often caused by smoking, skin cancer is commonly caused by constant exposure to the sun, and cervical cancer can be provoked by papillomavirus. It turns out that the best way to protect against cancer is to monitor your lifestyle. Find out what things you should do to reduce cancer risks and stay healthy for a long time. 1. Give up Smoking Most smokers are probably tired of hearing this but quitting smoking reduces the risk of most types of cancer. 30% of cancer deaths are associated with smoking. According to the American Medical Association, even if you don’t smoke a pack of cigarettes a day but only half of the pack, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%. The less you smoke, the better it is for your health. 2. Manage Your Weight The American Institute for Cancer Research found that obesity triggers esophageal, kidney, and gall bladder tumors. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to preserve energy, it also has a secretory function. Fat produces proteins that lead to chronic inflammation and most often appears due to chronic inflammation. The more fat in your body, the more risks of chronic inflammation which may result in tumors. 3. Drink Less Alcohol Alcohol is often associated with oral, laryngeal, liver, rectal, and breast cancer. Ethyl alcohol decomposes into acetic aldehyde in the body which then under the action of enzymes passes into acetic acid. By the way, acetic acid is the strongest carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful to women since it stimulates estrogen production. This hormone affects breast tissue growth. Excess estrogen leads to breast tumors which means that every extra glass of alcohol increases the risk of cancer. 4. Eat Broccoli Vegetables help fight cancer. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating large portions of vegetables daily. Brussels sprouts and broccoli contain a lot of glucosinolates. These are the substances that acquire anti-cancer properties during processing. A study by Gynecologic Oncology magazine in the year 2000 found that glucosinolates reduced the growth of atypical cells in the cervical mucosa. There are other vegetables that help fight cancer: - Tomatoes. They contain lycopene. This is an antioxidant that blocks the action of free radicals. - Eggplant. It contains nasunin which also has antioxidant properties. Eat less red meat and more vegetables. Studies have confirmed that people who eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week are at higher risk for colorectal cancer. 5. Use Sunscreen Women aged 18–36 are particularly prone to melanoma. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. In the last ten years, people have been suffering from melanoma four times more often. But the danger can be minimized with the regular use of sunscreen. A 2010 study by the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed that people who regularly apply sunscreen reduce their risk for melanoma by 50% compared to those who don’t use sunscreen. 6. Relax Stress itself doesn’t cause cancer but it weakens the immune system and thus may lead to cancer. Researches suggest that constant anxiety reduces immune cell activity. As a result, the body produces a lot of cortisol, monocytes, and neutrophils which increase inflammation in the body. Keep this in mind and stop being anxious right now. Yoga, sugar-free foods, funny videos, and relaxing songs will help you stay calm and cool. 7. Don’t Forget About Screenings Screenings don’t help protect against cancer but they can examine dangerous symptoms (such as intestinal polyps or suspicious moles). The American Cancer Society recommends that people regularly perform screening after the age of 20. Women need to perform cytological smears for cervical cancer every three years, and after forty years of age, they should get a mammogram every year. Research on colorectal cancer is required after the age of 50. The sooner you discover a disease, the more chances you have to fight it.
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